What Are the Best Physics Resources for Transfer Students?

In summary, the conversation discussed a transfer student's concerns about being at a disadvantage in their physics degree at a university compared to other students. They were looking for resources to prepare for the transition, specifically in the areas of classical mechanics, E&M field theory, and quantum mechanics. Recommendations were made to review the textbooks and course materials used by the university and to work through problems in their current textbooks. It was also suggested to focus on mastering the basics before delving into more advanced topics.
  • #1
Ian Baughman
So I am transferring from a community college to the university after this coming semester for a physics degree. Being a transfer student I am expecting to be at a disadvantage when compared to the other students at the school. I have had Calculus based physics 1 and 2 which mainly is focused on Classical Mechanics and E&M field theory. I was hoping to find some resources that would cover these topics more in depth as well as covering other topics that may be beneficial once I transfer. I was thinking introduction to Quantum Mechanics? Do you guys have any recommendations on any books, authors, or online resources?
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  • #2
Try griffith's intro to quantum mechanics. Have you taken differential equations?
  • #3
Thank you! And I have not. I am taking it in the fall although I have started to look at few of the ideas taught in the class. I am not opposed to jumping further into though
  • #4
Ian Baughman said:
Do you guys have any recommendations on any books, authors, or online resources?
Consider asking this question of some of the faculty at the university you're transferring to?
  • #5
Without more specifics of 1) what level your learning has been at and 2) at what point your undergraduate career at university will pick up, it is, imho, impossible to give any firm recommendations. Nug's answer is most appropriate (as well as pretty obvious): you should evaluate both the physics and the mathematics courses which a student majoring in Physics at your selected University will have taken (computer science, possibly, also), find out which books were most recently required texts for that course, and work through them. Now, that's a heck of a lot of work! As an alternative, consider a hybrid approach. It should be noted that CC courses are (just like Uni courses) highly variable in quality and thoroughness. One typical, even stereotypical, fault in CCs is the lack of drill with most topics. That is, the student is "exposed to" a subject but isn't given enough problems and time to master it. So, if you haven't done all the problems in the textbooks you already have, that would be my 1st recommendation. Possibly you could merge both approaches. I don't understand why, if you haven't had a course on QM, and hence will be required to take it at Uni, why you feel the need to 'get ahead'. Chances are, getting the basics (the math and classical physics) solid is your best way to prepare. I do agree with the proposition that having an extra (good) textbook while taking a course is a great way to master the material in a course. (but that's one major reason why schools have libraries)... One problem with QM, is that there are a variety of paths through the woods, and Griffiths may not be a good one for the course you will be required to take. Get the Uni course's book 1st, is my other recommendation. And finally don't ignore recent on-line material (course syllabuses, problem sets, video lectures) from those courses which the Uni student would have taken to get to the point you'll be at upon entry.
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FAQ: What Are the Best Physics Resources for Transfer Students?

What is "Physics Reading For Undergrads"?

"Physics Reading For Undergrads" is a collection of readings and resources designed specifically for undergraduate students studying physics. It covers a wide range of topics and is meant to supplement the material covered in undergraduate physics courses.

Who is "Physics Reading For Undergrads" intended for?

"Physics Reading For Undergrads" is intended for undergraduate students studying physics, particularly those who are looking for additional resources to enhance their understanding of the subject.

Why is "Physics Reading For Undergrads" important?

"Physics Reading For Undergrads" is important because it provides a comprehensive and accessible resource for undergraduate students to deepen their understanding of physics. It can also serve as a supplement to traditional textbooks and lectures, providing a different perspective on the material.

What topics are covered in "Physics Reading For Undergrads"?

"Physics Reading For Undergrads" covers a wide range of topics in physics, including mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics. It also includes readings on the history and philosophy of physics.

Are there any prerequisites for using "Physics Reading For Undergrads"?

There are no specific prerequisites for using "Physics Reading For Undergrads", as it is designed to be accessible to undergraduate students at any level of their physics education. However, a basic understanding of algebra and calculus is recommended for a better understanding of the material.

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