What are the common side effects and recovery time for minor hernia surgery?

  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary: The manly man continues on to describe how he did not use his pain meds after his knee surgery and how it was worse than the pain after his hernia repair. He then talks about how he is going to the dinner after the golf outing and how sex is probably out of the question.
  • #1
I had a hernia, which had been causing great deal of pain for the past month or so. It had probably been there for a year - I vaguely recall noticing a little bulge in the area that I ignored for a long time. This morning was the repair. All in all, it doesn't seem like it was a big deal. The surgeon says I shouldn't expect to be going back to work on Monday, but it is about 7 hours since I woke up and the local anesthetic from the procedure and the percocet they gave me when I woke up have probably worn off completely and I'm not in enough pain to take any more right now. I'm going to go easy at dinner tonight (my mother provided me with corn chowder and a live-in butler to serve it to me). But I'm not feeling any ill effects of the anesthesia and I've already matched the amount of solid food I had in 2 days after my wisdom tooth extraction, from lunch alone. The pain associated with that was much worse and I went out to a bar two days after just to prove I could. Still not sure about that company golf tournament tomorrow, though...

Just fyi.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
russ_watters said:
I had a hernia, which had been causing great deal of pain for the past month or so. It had probably been there for a year - I vaguely recall noticing a little bulge in the area that I ignored for a long time. This morning was the repair. All in all, it doesn't seem like it was a big deal. The surgeon says I shouldn't expect to be going back to work on Monday, but it is about 7 hours since I woke up and the local anesthetic from the procedure and the percocet they gave me when I woke up have probably worn off completely and I'm not in enough pain to take any more right now. I'm going to go easy at dinner tonight, but I'm not feeling any ill effects of the anesthesia and I've already matched the amount of solid food I had in 2 days after my wisdom tooth extraction, from lunch alone . The pain associated with that was much worse and I went out to a bar two days after just to prove I could. Still not sure about that company golf tournament tomorrow, though...

Just fyi.
Wow, a manly man. :!)

Glad you are feeling ok, but don't push your luck, take it easy!
  • #3
Hernia? ouch!
I didn't use my pain meds after my knee surgery. I'm sure that the pain from walking around on the bad knee was worse than the post op. I even had sex with in a few days. I say its time for some Limbo.
  • #4
Stiff upper lip Russ, us guys do not feel pain, unless it hurts.
  • #5
Am I the only one to read the thread subject and to think "oh no, not Evo again"?

Glad to hear it went well. Just don't push yourself too much.
  • #6
Most importantly, take it easy so you don't re-rupture the repaired site before it has time to heal. As for pain, see how you feel tomorrow. Usually pain kind of peaks about 2 or 3 days post-op, then subsides again.

A live-in butler? *contemplates ways to injure self to justify a live-in butler* :rolleyes:

Glad all went well...heal up quickly!
  • #7
I'm glad the surgery went well. As other mentioned, go easy for the next fews days. It's probably not a good idea to go golfing tomorrow, especially if one plans on driving the ball as hard as possible. That might stress the repaired site a bit too much.
  • #8
Take care of yourself Russ. Don't try to do too much too soon. I had to learn that lesson the hard way.
  • #9
Astronuc said:
... especially if one plans on driving the ball as hard as possible.

:smile: Bad word choice! :smile:
  • #10
dammit, moonbear. I hate it when you beat me to the punchline
  • #11
Thanks, guys. Was kidding about the golf, not kidding about the butler (my dad). I may go to the dinner after the golf outing, though, if I don't feel much worse. The soreness is increasing a little, so we'll see. And I will probably take a pain pill before I go to bed to make sure I don't have trouble falling asleep.

Oh, and sex is probably out of the question. I don't have a wife/girlfriend, and I'm not sure if this makes for a good pick-up line (may try it on Sat though, if I feel up to heading to the bar!).
  • #12
russ_watters said:
Oh, and sex is probably out of the question. I don't have a wife/girlfriend, and I'm not sure if this makes for a good pick-up line (may try it on Sat though, if I feel up to heading to the bar!).

you should. You can't beat it.
  • #13
tribdog said:
you should. You can't beat it.
:smile: Hilarious choice of words
  • #14
Hope you're better soon, Russ.
  • #15
Haha, I got my hernia repair surgery last summer I believe. I had two of them on both sides of you know what.

I remember the doctor and nurse asking me if I had any concerns, and I was like...

"How long do I have to wait to have sex?"

They're like...

"Anytime is fine but it will probably be VERY uncomfortable at the beginning... obviously."

Then I'm like...

"What about with myself?"

They laughed.

I ended up having sex like 2 days after. I had a hard time even walking. I couldn't use my abdominals whatsoever since both sides of my abs are completely disabled. I didn't use the pain killers because they had no effect.

For the post-operation check up, the "you know" wasn't like 100% because it was like stiff in some spots. So I was like... "What's wrong with it doctor?" He just started laughing because he never met someone so upfront (spent years with doctors and learned to be straight up honest with them). Surely it was nothing.

Recovered fully.

Wish you the best too russ! Just sit back and relax. The big pain goes away after a couple days I believe.

  • #16
My dad had one repaired last summer. Did they use Kevlar in yours like they did in my father's?
  • #17
Polypropylene (a generic plastic). Kevlar would be much cooler.
  • #18
Glad to hear you're holding your own Russ.
  • #19
binzing said:
My dad had one repaired last summer. Did they use Kevlar in yours like they did in my father's?

I got the generic plastic on one side and stitches on the other. There's no difference.
  • #20
I wish you a speedy recovery, it's good to see that you're having little side effects from the procedure.
  • #21
way to go, Russ
  • #22
Get well soon!
  • #23
Happy to see you back in action, here at PF and at the bar.

Related to What are the common side effects and recovery time for minor hernia surgery?

1. What is considered minor surgery?

Minor surgery is any surgical procedure that does not require a hospital stay and can generally be performed in an outpatient setting. These procedures are often simple and have a low risk of complications.

2. How long does it take to recover from minor surgery?

The recovery time for minor surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and the individual's overall health. In general, most people can expect to recover within a few days to a week.

3. What are the possible risks and complications of minor surgery?

While minor surgery is generally considered safe, there are still potential risks and complications that can occur. These may include infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon before the procedure.

4. Can I drive home after minor surgery?

In most cases, it is not recommended to drive yourself home after minor surgery. The effects of anesthesia or pain medication can impair your ability to drive safely. It is best to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.

5. How can I prepare for minor surgery?

It is important to follow any instructions provided by your surgeon before the surgery. This may include fasting for a certain amount of time, stopping certain medications, or avoiding food and drink. It is also important to arrange for someone to drive you home and have someone available to assist you during the first 24 hours after surgery.

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