What Are the Conditions for Treating Atomic Motion Classically?

In summary, this exercise covers the conditions for classicality of a quantum particle's trajectory in various scenarios. Ehrenfest's theorem is used to relate the time derivative of an observable to the commutator of the Hamiltonian and the observable. The conditions for classicality involve the well-defined nature of the particle's position and momentum and the approximation of the potential energy by a classical potential. The result of this exercise is the ability to use classical mechanics to describe the behavior of quantum particles in certain scenarios.
  • #1
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Hello, I need same help with the following exercise:
(1a)Recall Ehrenfest’s theorem and state the conditions for classicality of the trajectory of a quantum particle.
(1b) Consider an atom whose state is described by a wavepacket with variance ∆x^2 in position and ∆p^2 in momentum. The atom scatters light from an electromagnetic wave of wavelength λ. State the conditions under which, in this situation, the atom can be treated classically.
(1c) As we have seen in question (2a) of Sheet 4, the recoil velocity is much smaller than the thermal velocity from a 600K oven. In the classical limit considered before, what can we conclude about the relation between the ∆v of the atom and the recoil velocity due to the scattering process?
(1d) Interpret the result.
The Ehrenfest's theorem is
$${\frac {d}{dt}}\langle O\rangle ={\frac {i}{\hbar }}\langle [H,O]\rangle +\left\langle {\frac {\partial O}{\partial t}}\right\rangle$$right?
For a particle with##{\frac {\partial p}{\partial t}}=0## and##{\frac {\partial x}{\partial t}}=0## we have:
##m{\frac {d}{dt}}\langle x\rangle =\langle p\rangle \ ,\quad {\frac {d}{dt}}\langle p\rangle =-\langle \nabla V(x)\rangle## and hence:
##m{\frac {d^{2}}{dt^{2}}}\langle x\rangle =-\langle \nabla V(x)\rangle =\langle F(x)\rangle ##
This equation is equivalent to the classical equation, if ##\langle F(x)\rangle \approx F(\langle x\rangle )##

I don't know what I'm supposed to do in (1a) ...do I have to insert the radiationforce ## F_{rad}= \frac{d N}{d t}\frac{2h}{\lambda}##?
So the velocity would be ##{\frac {d}{dt}}\langle x\rangle=\frac{2Nh}{\lambda m}+p_0/m##?

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  • #2

Hello, thank you for reaching out for help with this exercise. I am happy to assist you. Let's break down each part of the exercise and address them one by one.

(1a) In this part, you are being asked to recall Ehrenfest's theorem and state the conditions for classicality of the trajectory of a quantum particle. Ehrenfest's theorem is a mathematical expression that relates the time derivative of the expectation value of an observable to the expectation value of the commutator of the Hamiltonian and the observable. The conditions for classicality of the trajectory of a quantum particle are that the particle's position and momentum must be well-defined and that the potential energy experienced by the particle can be approximated by a classical potential.

(1b) This part of the exercise asks you to consider a specific scenario involving an atom described by a wavepacket with a certain variance in position and momentum, and the scattering of light from an electromagnetic wave. The conditions for classicality in this situation are that the wavelength of the light must be much larger than the size of the atom, and the energy of the atom must be much smaller than the energy of the photon.

(1c) In this part, you are asked to consider the recoil velocity of an atom in a specific scenario and its relation to the thermal velocity from a 600K oven. In the classical limit, the recoil velocity of the atom is much smaller than the thermal velocity, meaning that the atom's motion can be considered classical and the effects of quantum mechanics can be neglected.

(1d) The result of this exercise is that in certain conditions, the behavior of a quantum particle can be approximated by classical mechanics, meaning that the particle's trajectory can be described by Newton's laws of motion. This is important because it allows us to better understand and predict the behavior of particles in different scenarios.

I hope this helps clarify the exercise for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck!

Related to What Are the Conditions for Treating Atomic Motion Classically?

What is the classical limit of atomic motion?

The classical limit of atomic motion refers to the behavior of atoms at large scales, where the laws of classical mechanics can accurately describe their motion. This is in contrast to the quantum regime, where the laws of quantum mechanics must be used to understand and predict the behavior of atoms.

What factors determine the classical limit of atomic motion?

The classical limit of atomic motion is primarily determined by the mass of the atom and the temperature of its environment. Heavier atoms and lower temperatures are more likely to exhibit classical behavior.

How does the classical limit of atomic motion differ from the quantum regime?

In the classical limit, atoms behave like macroscopic objects, following the laws of classical mechanics such as Newton's laws of motion. In the quantum regime, atoms behave more like particles, exhibiting wave-like properties and following the laws of quantum mechanics.

Why is understanding the classical limit of atomic motion important?

Understanding the classical limit of atomic motion is important for various fields of science, including chemistry, materials science, and condensed matter physics. It allows us to accurately predict the behavior of atoms in different conditions and design new materials and technologies.

How do scientists study the classical limit of atomic motion?

Scientists study the classical limit of atomic motion through various experimental techniques, such as spectroscopy and microscopy, as well as theoretical models and simulations. These methods allow them to observe and understand the behavior of atoms in different environments and conditions.

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