What Are the Correct Launch Parameters for a Hollywood Daredevil's Canyon Jump?

  • Thread starter lizbette
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In summary, the Hollywood physics daredevil plans to jump a canyon. If he desires a 3.0-second flight time, he needs to know the angle of his launch ramp, the launch speed, the angle of his landing ramp, and the predicted landing speed. If he uses the correct angle and speed, he can achieve a 3.0 second flight time.
  • #1
physics daredevil, wooo!

Homework Statement

A Hollywood daredevil plans to jump the canyon shown here http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/9406/jonesf336.gif on a motorcycle. If he desires a 3.0-second flight time, what is a) the correct angle for his launch ramp, b) his correct launch speed, c) the correct angle for his landing ramp, and d) his predicted landing speed? (Neglect air resistance)

Also, in the picture, the ramp length is 60m. I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

Homework Equations

yf=y0+voyt-1/2 gt^2

The Attempt at a Solution

so since this flight is all due to velocity in the y direction, we shouldn't consider vx because it's zero all the way, right?
so we're left with voy. we know that yo is 15m, yf is 0m, and t is 3.0s
so 0=15+voy(3)-4.9(9)
so then you plug that into equation #2:
I'm not completely sure if in this case y=15m
but then I get vf^2=-199.91
and that's not possible.
and if vf really is 14.14m/s, how do I find the angle?
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  • #2

I think you mean the X acceleration is zero!
If X velocity is zero you aren't going to go very far!
  • #3

A couple of things to note:

If v_x = 0, then he wouldn't move horizontally at all. Which would make the jump impossible. But whatever his initial v_x is, it will remain constant throughout the entire jump, since there is no acceleration in the horizontal direction.

Also, in equation #2, the "y" should actually be the "change in position" ([itex]\Delta y[/itex]). So that would be [itex]\Delta y = y_f - y_0 = 0 - 15 = -15[/itex]. So you were off by a negative sign for that term.

EDIT: Just realized you posted this twice. Please refrain from posting a question twice in the forums. It tends to upset the moderators.

<Moderator's Note: Threads merged.>
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  • #4

i don't think you have enough info because to calculate the vf you need the horizontal velocity vx.you use Pythagoras to find the vf. vx^2 + voy^2 gives you vf and you find the angle using tan[tex]\theta[/tex] = voy/vx
i got the same voy as you but i don't think that how u calc vf. i was taught this way but i need the horizontal displacement to find vx using the formula v=s/t
  • #5

You do have enough info, if they are going to be in the air for 3,0sec and you know they path (a parabola) there is only one speed/angle they can start at.

hint: imagine them dropping a object from the top of their jump - they fall down at exactly the same vertical rate
  • #6

I think too that u need the horizontal travel distance x, so u can calculate [tex]v_{0x}=\frac{x}{3.0}[/tex] and then calculate the angles [tex]tan(launch)=\frac{v_{0y}}{v_{0x}}[/tex] and [tex]tan(landing)=\frac{v_{0y}-3g}{v_{0x}}[/tex] and for velocities would be

[tex]v_{launch}^2=v_{0x}^2+v_{0y}^2, v_{landing}^2=v_{0x}^2+(v_{0y}-3g)^2[/tex]
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  • #7

You'll need the horizontal distance. With your current information, you can deduce Voy without any problems. That's as far as you can go though, I think.

You can spend 3 seconds going up, or 3 seconds going forward, that's why you'll need the horizontal displacement.
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FAQ: What Are the Correct Launch Parameters for a Hollywood Daredevil's Canyon Jump?

What is "Physics daredevil, wooo"?

"Physics daredevil, wooo" is a term used to describe someone who performs daring physical feats that seemingly defy the laws of physics.

What kind of stunts do "Physics daredevils" perform?

"Physics daredevils" often perform stunts such as jumping off high buildings, walking on tightropes, or riding motorcycles at high speeds.

How do "Physics daredevils" defy the laws of physics?

While it may seem like "Physics daredevils" are breaking the laws of physics, they are actually utilizing scientific principles and mechanisms to accomplish their stunts, such as the conservation of momentum and balance.

Is there any risk involved in being a "Physics daredevil"?

Yes, there is always a risk involved in performing stunts that require defying the laws of physics. Even with careful planning and precautions, accidents can still happen.

Can anyone become a "Physics daredevil"?

Technically, anyone can attempt to perform "Physics daredevil" stunts, but it requires a combination of physical abilities, training, and knowledge of physics to do so safely and successfully.
