What are the different forms of Virtual Photons?

In summary: The vacuum in QFT has infinite energy (which you can drop out since you only care about energy differencies in physics - to put it simply)...In summary, virtual photons are a mathematical convenience that help explain certain phenomena. They do not actually exist, but they are a metaphor for the fluctuations of the vacuum.
  • #1
Prashan Shan
1).Virtual Photons forms in pairs like particles and anti particles? or
2).by borrowing energy from future? or
3) in both ways?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Virtual photons are a mathematical convenience. They do not have actual existence.
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  • #3
phinds said:
Virtual photons are a mathematical convenience. They do not have actual existence.
but i saw on a website that "Physicists create light out of nothing" and it mentioned that it is due to Casimir effect.
  • #4
Prashan Shan said:
but i saw on a website that "Physicists create light out of nothing" and it mentioned that it is due to Casimir effect.
"saw it on a website" is not a valid citation on this forum. I'm not an expert on this but it has been discussed over and over and over here on this forum and it is my understanding that, as I said, virtual photons are just a mathematical convenience to help explain certain phenomena and do not actually exist.

For example, you will almost always hear Hawking Radiation described as the effect of one photon of a virtual photon pair falling into a black hole and the other one escaping, and thus causing a reduction in the mass/energy of the black hole. BUT ... Hawking himself has said that this was just as close as he could come in English to describing a process that really can only be described with math, and that the "virtual particle" explanation is nothing more than an analogy
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  • #5
As phinds pointed out, virtual particles don't exist. They're just mathematical tools. But why you read about them in pop science(or even sometimes scientific) texts? That's because although it is wrong, its the best translation of the math of QFT to english. Which means you shouldn't trust any such translation.
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  • #6
Virtual particles are exactly mathematical entities, so they don't exist.
However given the fluctuations of the vacuum, you can create things "out of nothing" (except for the energy you are giving) just by letting the fields excite. In particular an virtual particle is an off-shell particle, however given enough energy the particle can become on-shell.
The vacuum energy is infinite, however the infinite+some more, can give you something real ... (the strangeness of translating QFT in english)
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  • #7
ChrisVer said:
Virtual particles are exactly mathematical entities, so they don't exist.
However given the fluctuations of the vacuum, you can create things "out of nothing" (except for the energy you are giving) just by letting the fields excite. In particular an virtual particle is an off-shell particle, however given enough energy the particle can become on-shell.
The vacuum energy is infinite, however the infinite+some more, can give you something real ... (the strangeness of translating QFT in english)
ok let it be, but why it cannot exist?
  • #8
Prashan Shan said:
ok let it be, but why it cannot exist?

Because so far no off-shell particle has been observed and special relativity works out fine. If you wanted to observe them, you would have to give enough energy to turn them real.
  • #9
As for the casimir effect it exists because the "energy" of the vacuum you can have between the plates is infinite , but it's still less infinite than the energy of the vacuum you can have outside the plates. And this difference is calculable.
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  • #10
Prashan Shan said:
ok let it be, but why it cannot exist?
You are somewhat asking the wrong question. Why SHOULD it exist? Unicorns do not exist. Do you ask why they cannot exist? Lots of things don't exist. Do you worry about all of them?
  • #11
Lots of things don't exist.
Lol... :oldcool:
  • #12
Prashan Shan said:
ok let it be, but why it cannot exist?
If they do, they would already exist at the classical level, because treelevel diagrams contain "virtual particles".

Conceptually, we like particles, so we like to translate mathematics into objects we think we understand, even though this gives them unphysical properties like not obeying Einstein's energy relations. It is meant as a metaphor, and often this metaphor gives an intuitive explanation of what is going on. See e.g. vacuum polarization by "virtual particles". But that's how they should be understood: as metaphor, resulting from mathematical bookkeeping tools.
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  • #13
We approximate using Feynman diagrams and the concept of virtual particles in this case is part of perturbation theory. Virtual particles have no other role other than in Feynman diagram calculations.

I think the vacuum fluctuations of quantum field theory will be of further relevance.
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  • #14
phinds said:
Virtual photons are a mathematical convenience. They do not have actual existence.
If it has no physical reality, would you please explain how Casimir force originates between two plates in an empty vacuum?
  • #15
A_s_a_d said:
If it has no physical reality, would you please explain how Casimir force originates between two plates in an empty vacuum?

The vacuum in QFT has infinite energy (which you can drop out since you only care about energy differencies in physics - to put it simply)...
The thing with the Casimir effect is that there is a countable energy difference between the vacuum between the plates and the vacuum outside the plates (put again simply, taking the difference of the infinity of the one region and the infinity of the other, you get a fixed number). If you wish further explanation, I could illustrate the simplest scenario proof.
  • #16
ChrisVer said:
If you wish further explanation, I could illustrate the simplest scenario proof.
It would be very much helpful. :)
  • #17
ChrisVer said:
difference of the infinity of the one region and the infinity of the other, you get a fixed number
I'm sorry, but I can't follow you. How can the difference between two "infinities" result in a finite number? After all, there is no number known as "infinity" - it is singular in its kind, and the difference should come out to 0. (You can't have different kinds of infinities)
  • #18
Virtual particles can violate conservation laws and normal physics. For instance virtual photons which are used to describe EM force between electrons, can have negative mass and energy, which is of course non physical so cannot exist. They can also violate energy conservation. But these virtual photons only exist within the uncertainty principle and so the apparent violations can never be measured.

I know in Feynman diagrams you can have scenarios in which an electron absorbs a virtual photon its yet to emit. I guess it wrong to think about them as ' physically forming,' rather a trick to get more accurate predictions to measurements, as other people have said.
  • #19
The simplest scenario concerns an 1 dimensional problem... so you have two conductor plates at a distance [itex]L[/itex].
The Hamiltonian of the photons inbetween the plates can be expressed as:
[itex]H = \sum_r \sum_k ( a_{kr}^\dagger a_{kr} + \frac{1}{2} \omega_k ) [/itex]

Where ##r## counts the handedness of the photons (right/left handed) and ##k## is the wavenumber. ##a_{kr}^{(\dagger)}## are the ladder operators annihilating(creating) photon states with wavenumber ##k## and polarization ##r## , and their combination above is the Number operator measuring the number of photons in a given state. I am using the notation that ##\hbar=c=1##. Now the vacuum is defined as the state [itex] |\Omega>[/itex] that contains no photons.
[itex]H |\Omega> = \sum_{r,k}\frac{1}{2} \omega_k |\Omega>[/itex] and so the energy is:
[itex]E = \sum_{r,k} \frac{1}{2}\omega_k = \sum_k \omega_k [/itex]

Now [itex]\omega_k =k = \frac{\pi n}{L} [/itex] in-between the plates. And so:

[itex]E_{vac}^{with} = \frac{\pi}{L} \sum_{n=1}^\infty n \rightarrow E_{vac}^{with} = \frac{\pi \hbar c}{L} \sum_{n=1}^\infty n [/itex]

This is obviously infinite...Now let's go to the same space but without the cavity of the conductors... There the vacuum energy looks exactly similar, but the infinite sum has to be replaced by an integral (the modes are not discrete since there's no cavity):

[itex]E_{vac}^{w/o} = \frac{ \pi \hbar c}{L} \int_0^\infty n~ dn [/itex]

Which again is infinite.

So there appears a difference between the vacuum energy with the cavity and when there is not cavity... That difference is:

[itex] \Delta E = E_{vac}^{with} -E_{vac}^{w/o} = \frac{\hbar c \pi}{L} \Big[ \sum_{n=1}^\infty n - \int_0^\infty \nu~ d\nu \Big] [/itex]

This difference can be calculated by the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula and gives:

[itex]\Delta E= - \frac{\hbar c \pi}{12 L} [/itex]

And that's the Casimir effect in fact. This difference between the vacuum energy with and without the cavity leads to the appearence of an attractive force between the plates when you put them close together ([itex]F= \partial \Delta E / \partial L= \frac{\hbar c \pi}{12L^2} [/itex] ). It's a quantum effect because of the quantum vacuum.
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  • #20
For the Euler -Maclaurin summation formula you use:

[itex] \sum_{m=0}^\infty f(m) = (\int_0^\infty dx f(x)) + \frac{1}{2} f(0) - \frac{1}{12} f^{\prime}(0) +\frac{1}{720} f^{\prime \prime \prime } (0) - \frac{1}{30240} f^{\prime \prime \prime \prime \prime} (0) +... [/itex]

[itex] \sum_{n=1}^\infty n = \sum_{n=0}^\infty n = (\int_0^\infty dx ~x )- \frac{1}{12}[/itex]

Since [itex]f(n)=n[/itex] , [itex]f(0)=0~,~f^\prime(0) = 1[/itex] and higher derivatives are zero.
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  • #21
PWiz said:
(You can't have different kinds of infinities)
Actually there are an infinite number of different infinities that ARE different from each other. Look up "aleph number" for more discussion.

Related to What are the different forms of Virtual Photons?

1. How are virtual photons formed?

Virtual photons are formed through a process called quantum fluctuation, where energy is borrowed from the vacuum of space and transformed into a photon for a very short period of time.

2. What is the role of virtual photons in the electromagnetic force?

Virtual photons act as the carriers of the electromagnetic force, interacting with charged particles and transferring energy between them.

3. Can virtual photons be observed or detected?

No, virtual photons cannot be directly observed or detected as they exist for a very short period of time and do not have measurable physical properties. However, their effects can be observed through experiments and calculations.

4. How do virtual photons differ from real photons?

Virtual photons and real photons differ in several ways. Virtual photons have no mass, do not travel at the speed of light, and do not follow the inverse square law of real photons. They also do not carry energy and cannot be directly detected.

5. Are virtual photons only present in the vacuum of space?

No, virtual photons can also be present in material media, such as in atoms or in the space between atoms. In these cases, they play a role in the interactions between charged particles in the material.

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