What Are the Dimensions of the Largest Box Inscribed in a Tetrahedron?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape with four triangular faces, six edges, and four vertices. To inscribe a box in a tetrahedron, the box's corners must touch the faces of the tetrahedron, creating a perfect fit. The specific coordinates and dimensions of a tetrahedron can vary, but it is typically described by the coordinates of its vertices and the length of its edges. The largest box that can be inscribed in a tetrahedron is called the "maximum inscribed box," with its dimensions calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. There is a formula for calculating the dimensions of this box, which is a = √(3/8) * b,
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
I was on vacation last week and forgot to mention that we hit a milestone with regard to the Problem of the Week on MHB - we're 52 weeks (1 year) strong and haven't missed a single week since we started the POTWs (Jameson luckily mentioned all of this in his post for the http://www.mathhelpboards.com/f35/problem-week-52-march-25th-2013-a-4012/#post18036). We are now entering the 53rd week of the University POTW on MHB, and if it weren't for you guys participating, I'm not sure we would gotten this far. With that said, here's to another year of POTWs and many more in the future! At this time, I would also like to remind you that if you have a question you'd like to submit for the POTW (any level), you can do so by clicking on the POTW tab at the top of the forum page and fill out the appropriate form. Thanks a bunch guys for making this a successul part of the MHB experience!
Thanks again to those who participated in last week's POTW! Here's this week's problem!


Problem: A rectangular box is to be inscribed in the tetrahedron whose faces are the coordinate planes and the plane $x/a+y/b+z/c=1$ (where $a$, $b$, and $c$ are positive constants). One corner of the box touches the plane, the opposite corner is at the origin, and the faces of the box are parallel to the coordinate planes. Find the dimensions of the largest such box.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This week's problem was correctly answered by Opalg and Sudharaka.

Here's Opalg's solution (which utilizes Lagrange Multipliers):
If the vertices of the box that lie on the coordinate axes are at the points $(x,0,0),\ (0,y,0),\ (0,0,z)$, then the volume of the box is $xyz$. The vertex opposite the origin is at the point $(x,y,z)$, and that must lie on the given plane. So we want to maximise $xyz$ subject to the constraint $\dfrac xa + \dfrac yb + \dfrac zc = 1$.

Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, let $f(x,y,z,\lambda) = xyz - \lambda\bigl(\frac xa + \frac yb + \frac zc - 1\bigr)$. Put the partial derivatives equal to $0$: $$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = yz - \frac\lambda a = 0 , \qquad \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} = xz - \frac\lambda b = 0, \qquad \frac{\partial f}{\partial z} = xy - \frac\lambda c = 0.$$ Therefore $xyz = \lambda\dfrac xa = \lambda\dfrac yb = \lambda\dfrac zc$, from which it follows that $\dfrac xa = \dfrac yb = \dfrac zc$ (unless $\lambda=0$, which would imply $xyz=0$, in which case we get a minimum rather than a maximum for the volume). The condition $\dfrac xa + \dfrac yb + \dfrac zc = 1$ then implies that $\dfrac xa = \dfrac yb = \dfrac zc = \dfrac13.$

So the only extremal point occurs when $(x,y,z) = \frac13(a,b,c)$, and the volume is then $\frac1{27}abc$. To check that this is a maximum, notice that the boundary of the region of constraint lies entirely on the coordinate axes, and the volume of the box is $0$ if anyone of $x,\ y,\ z$ is $0$. So the extremal point must necessarily be a maximum.

Here's Sudharaka's solution (without Lagrange Multipliers):
Let \((x,\,y,\,z)\) be the coordinates of the corner that touches the plane. Then the volume of the box is,


Also we have,


By the above two equations we get,

\[V=xy-\frac{x^2 y}{a}-\frac{xy^2}{b}\]

Now using the Second Partial Derivative Test we obtain that, \(V\) has a maximum at \(x=\dfrac{a}{3},\,y=\dfrac{b}{3},\,z=\dfrac{c}{3}\). Therefore the dimensions of the largest box is, \(\displaystyle\left(\frac{a}{3},\,\frac{b}{3},\, \frac{c}{3}\right)\) where \(a,\,b,\,c>0\).

FAQ: What Are the Dimensions of the Largest Box Inscribed in a Tetrahedron?

1. What is a tetrahedron?

A tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape with four triangular faces, six edges, and four vertices. It is also known as a triangular pyramid.

2. How do you inscribe a box in a tetrahedron?

To inscribe a box in a tetrahedron, the box must have its corners touching the faces of the tetrahedron, with one corner on each face. This creates a perfect fit where the box's edges and the tetrahedron's edges intersect.

3. What are the specific coordinates and dimensions of the tetrahedron?

The specific coordinates and dimensions of a tetrahedron can vary depending on its size and orientation. However, it is typically described by the coordinates of its four vertices and the length of its edges.

4. What is the largest box that can be inscribed in a tetrahedron?

The largest box that can be inscribed in a tetrahedron is called the "maximum inscribed box." This box has its corners touching the three faces that form the base of the tetrahedron, and its fourth corner touching the apex of the tetrahedron. Its dimensions can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

5. Is there a formula to calculate the dimensions of the largest inscribed box in a tetrahedron?

Yes, the formula for calculating the dimensions of the largest inscribed box in a tetrahedron is: a = √(3/8) * b, where a is the length of the box's edges and b is the length of the tetrahedron's edges.
