What are the effects of our time perspectives on our lives?

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In summary, this YouTube video featuring Professor Philip Zimbardo discusses how our individual perspectives of time can impact various aspects of our lives, such as work, health, and relationships. The speaker shares generalizations and insights about different time orientations and how they can affect our actions and behaviors. The video also features impressive artwork and raises thought-provoking questions about our own time orientation. While some may disagree with the speaker's conclusions, the video is still worth watching for its intriguing content.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
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This is an interesting video illustrating ideas about people's different time perspectives. I thought it was worth watching for the artwork alone!


Professor Philip Zimbardo conveys how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being. Time influences who we are as a person, how we view relationships and how we act in the world.

Are you past, present, or future oriented?
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  • #2
Very cool, I love that kind of stuff. Generalizations, sure, but still enlightening.

I've only recently started to question my time orientation...I've always been one to work hard, the whole delayed gratification thing. If I delay it much longer I'll be an old lady!
  • #3
Nice video MIH. I wish that I could draw that well or that fast! :biggrin:
  • #4
I really enjoy time, it passes, it can fly and yet can stand still. I believe I am a present time person, I enjoy the moment. I hardly ever spend time thinking of things yet to be, and seldom dwell on things from my past.
  • #5
He made some very ridiculous conclusions .. Video was interesting but the content was full of nonsense IMO

FAQ: What are the effects of our time perspectives on our lives?

What is the concept of "time perspectives"?

Time perspectives refer to an individual's perception and experience of time, which can greatly influence their behavior, decision-making, and overall outlook on life.

What are the different time perspectives?

There are five main time perspectives identified by psychologists: past, present, future, transcendental, and hedonistic. Each perspective is characterized by a different focus on the past, present, and future, and can have varying effects on an individual's behavior and well-being.

How do time perspectives affect behavior?

Research has shown that individuals with a strong future time perspective tend to be more goal-oriented and focused on long-term planning, while those with a strong present time perspective may be more impulsive and focused on immediate gratification. Time perspectives can also impact decision-making, attitudes towards time management, and overall life satisfaction.

Can time perspectives be changed?

While time perspectives are largely shaped by individual experiences and personality traits, they can also be influenced and changed through various interventions such as therapy, mindfulness practices, and goal-setting exercises. However, changing one's time perspective can be a challenging and ongoing process.

How is the study of time perspectives relevant to society?

Understanding time perspectives can have implications for various fields such as psychology, economics, and sociology. It can help in better understanding human behavior and decision-making, and can also inform interventions and policies aimed at promoting well-being and productivity in individuals and societies.

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