What are the flaws and criticisms of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

  • Thread starter loujack
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In summary, Freud's psychoanalytic theory has faced numerous criticisms and flaws throughout the years. Some of the main criticisms include the lack of scientific evidence and empirical support for his ideas, the subjective and biased nature of his interpretations, and the limited focus on male patients and their sexuality. Additionally, his theory has been criticized for being overly deterministic and neglecting the role of culture and social influences in shaping behavior. Critics also argue that his theories are outdated and do not align with current psychological research and understanding. Overall, while Freud's contributions to psychology have been significant, his psychoanalytic theory is not without its limitations and criticisms.
  • #1
How did you find PF?: Google

Hi everyone!

I’ve just discovered Freud‘s theory's, how fascinating! I was searching the web for information on narcissism and stumbled across this. I’ve got a lot of issues from my childhood and have had little help from the mental health sector, not for the lack of trying. I truly believe we have to find the answers ourselves and learn from what we find, as unfortunately the help is not readily available, however much it should be. If anyone else can tell me more about Freud’s theory, or has anymore information regarding the mind, I’d love to hear it. I’m actually so excited to learn of this information. Even more so that it’s scientific. Look forward to hearing from you all!
Much love,

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  • #2
loujack said:
How did you find PF?: Google

Hi everyone!

I’ve just discovered Freud‘s theory's, how fascinating! I was searching the web for information on narcissism and stumbled across this. I’ve got a lot of issues from my childhood and have had little help from the mental health sector, not for the lack of trying. I truly believe we have to find the answers ourselves and learn from what we find, as unfortunately the help is not readily available, however much it should be. If anyone else can tell me more about Freud’s theory, or has anymore information regarding the mind, I’d love to hear it. I’m actually so excited to learn of this information. Even more so that it’s scientific. Look forward to hearing from you all!
Much love,

Welcome to PhysicsForums. It's good to have you here. :smile:

It does sound like you can benefit from talking with your family doctor about those issues, and then with any other mental health folks that your doc refers you to. We discuss medical topics in the Biology/Medical technical forum here, but per the PF rules we are not able to provide any diagnosis or treatment recommendations. That's what your in-person medical professionals are for.

For discussions about Freud and the mind, the Bio/Med forum may still work, or else post in the General Discussion forum in the Lounge area to start your thread, and the Mentors can move it to a technical forum if appropriate.

Enjoy the PF! :smile:
  • #3
Thank you for you acknowledgment and reply. Trust me, I have sought help from the relevant people and all the correct mental health workers. Also, I appreciate that this is not the place for people to give advice/diagnosis on mental health conditions. That’s not why I’m here. I’m simply here to listen to what people have to say on the Freud theory, it’s fascinating!

Much love xx
  • #4
loujack said:
Thank you for you acknowledgment and reply. Trust me, I have sought help from the relevant people and all the correct mental health workers. Also, I appreciate that this is not the place for people to give advice/diagnosis on mental health conditions. That’s not why I’m here. I’m simply here to listen to what people have to say on the Freud theory, it’s fascinating!

Much love xx
Freud is pretty much considered a quack now.

Freud Is an Outdated Fossil
It’s important to remember that psychoanalysis is about revealing deeper insights into a person’s psyche, and this is vastly different from how we view the modern methodology and usage of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Especially for those working in the field and engaged in the process itself, the idea of basic id/ego/superego breakdown and dream analysis are deeply simplistic techniques and ideas that will do little in the way of addressing the issues that modern mental health care exists to address.

Many of Freud’s methods, techniques, and conclusions have been put into question, even to the point where some of his theories have even become viewed as damaging—and even dangerous—to certain segments of the population, such as his views on homosexuality and women.

The trouble with Freud is that, while his ideas appear intriguing and even appeal to our common sense, there’s very little scientific evidence to back them up. Modern psychology has produced very little to support many of his claims in the decades since their initial presentation. For instance, there’s no scientific evidence in support of the idea that boys lust after their mothers and hate their fathers. Also, there’s no proof of the id, ego, or superego, and their respective aspects of control over the human psyche, much as we still like to use those terminologies today. Freud was totally, utterly wrong about the differentiation of psychology of gender. And his notion of “penis envy” is now both laughable and tragic.

And this is just a small sampling of his theories and ideas that have been debunked in the decades since their presentation.[\quote]continued...


And more reading on Freud

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