What are the forces that can break atoms apart from each other?

In summary: Basically, it's a great read if you're at all curious about the nitty gritty details of how molecules form and what breaks them apart. In summary, molecules can be broken down into free radicals due to the energy put into one of their degree of freedom(s).
  • #1
james oliver
Hi Guy's (and by guy's I mean guys and dolls:)
I am trying to figure out what things (forces, anti-forces?) can break, or undue the electromagnetic forces that bring atoms together to make molecules. Is there only one type of force (magnetic?) - if so what can undo that force as well. These bonds of atoms, whether they be covalent or ionic or any other kind, can they be broken, undone etc and how so? Thank you all for helping out.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
I know Cl2 can be broken down into two pure chlorine radicles in the presence of UV light ! In the presence of UV light electrons gains energy and molecule becomes unstable ! Therefore due to repulsive electrostatic forces molecule gets broken down into free radicals !
  • #3
james oliver said:
Hi Guy's (and by guy's I mean guys and dolls:)
I am trying to figure out what things (forces, anti-forces?) can break, or undue the electromagnetic forces that bring atoms together to make molecules. Is there only one type of force (magnetic?) - if so what can undo that force as well. These bonds of atoms, whether they be covalent or ionic or any other kind, can they be broken, undone etc and how so? Thank you all for helping out.

Well, if a collection of atoms have formed a stable molecule, then some outside influence is necessary to break it up such as a collision or absorption of a photon or whatever. In the example already given, energy is put into some degree of freedom (vibrational or electronic) such that it's energetically favored for something to break off of the molecule. If you want that in terms of "forces", I guess there's a way to think about, say, a molecule with only two electrons in a valence bonding orbital absorbing a photon and promoting an electron from the bonding to an anti-bonding orbital and because anti-bonding orbitals are always more anti-bonding than bonding orbitals are bonding, the molecule will be unstable. Now, you can call that a quantum phenomenon because it has to do with the way you construct the superpositions that form the bonding or anti-bonding states, or if you have your heart set on calling it a "force", I guess you could say that because there is reduced electron density between the nuclei (due to the node in the anti-bonding state), the "force" that pushes things apart is an electrostatic repulsion, but that's not really the whole story. As you may have guessed by this rambling response, it's not really as simple as "the force that breaks up molecules is X". There's a nice paper out there called "the physical mechanism of the chemical bond" or some such thing that goes through all of the counts of how much is due to kinetic energy lowering, potential energy lowering etc when a bond is formed.

Related to What are the forces that can break atoms apart from each other?

1. What is the strongest force that can break atoms apart from each other?

The strongest force that can break atoms apart is the nuclear force, also known as the strong nuclear force. This force is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together, but it can also overcome the electromagnetic force that holds electrons in orbit around the nucleus.

2. Can other forces besides the nuclear force break atoms apart?

Yes, other forces such as the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force can also cause atoms to break apart. However, the nuclear force is the strongest and most significant force in breaking apart atoms.

3. How does the nuclear force break atoms apart?

The nuclear force breaks atoms apart through a process called nuclear fission. This occurs when a large, unstable nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

4. Are there any natural processes that can break atoms apart?

Yes, there are natural processes such as radioactive decay that can break atoms apart. In this process, the unstable nuclei of certain elements emit radiation and decay into more stable elements.

5. Can humans control the forces that break atoms apart?

Yes, humans have developed technology such as nuclear reactors and weapons that can harness and control the forces that break atoms apart. However, this technology requires careful handling and regulation to prevent harmful consequences.

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