What Are the Frequency Extremes and Normal Modes of Infinite Coupled Pendulums?

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discussed the behavior of a system of identical pendulums arranged in a row, with each pair separated by a distance d. The minimum frequency was determined to be √(l/g) with all the pendulums in sync, while the maximum frequency was observed to increase towards infinity as the number of pendulums increases. The concept of normal modes was also introduced, with an infinite number of normal modes expected for this system. An approach using the continuum approximation method was suggested to determine the normal modes and their corresponding frequencies.
  • #1
Daniel Heligman

Homework Statement

Consider a very large (infinite) number of identical pendulums arranged in a row, with each pair separated by a distance d. Each pendulum is a massless rod of length l with a mass m at its end. Identical springs with spring constant k couple each pair of neighbors. What is the Max frequency and min frequency along with their normal modes?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know the min frequency will be √(l/g) with all the pendulums in sync. I plugged in values for an increasing number of pendulums and noticed that the max frequency is increasing. So I'm assuming that the max will go to infinity as the number of pendulums approaches infinity.
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As for the normal modes, I believe there will be an infinite number of normal modes, with each mode having a different frequency and a different pattern of oscillation. However, I'm not sure how to mathematically determine the normal modes for an infinite number of pendulums. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to approach this problem. Thank you.
Thank you for your interesting question. I would like to offer some of my insights on this problem.

Firstly, you are correct in your understanding that the minimum frequency of the system will be √(l/g) with all the pendulums in sync. This is known as the fundamental frequency or the first normal mode of the system.

To determine the maximum frequency and its corresponding normal mode, we need to consider the behavior of the system as the number of pendulums increases towards infinity. As you have observed, the maximum frequency will also increase towards infinity. This is because as the number of pendulums increases, the springs will become stiffer due to the increasing number of connections between the pendulums. This will result in a higher maximum frequency.

In terms of normal modes, we can think of the system as a series of coupled oscillators. The normal modes of a system of coupled oscillators can be determined by solving the eigenvalue equation for the system. In this case, the eigenvalue equation will involve an infinite number of coupled equations, making it a challenging problem to solve.

However, we can approximate the normal modes of the system by considering it as a continuous system instead of a discrete one. This approach is known as the continuum approximation. By using this approximation, we can determine the normal modes of the system and their corresponding frequencies.

In summary, the maximum frequency of the system will approach infinity as the number of pendulums increases. The normal modes of the system can be approximated using the continuum approximation method. I hope this helps in your understanding of this problem. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Related to What Are the Frequency Extremes and Normal Modes of Infinite Coupled Pendulums?

1. What is an infinite coupled pendulum?

An infinite coupled pendulum is a theoretical system consisting of an infinite number of pendulums connected to each other. This means that when one pendulum moves, it causes a chain reaction of movements in the other pendulums. This system is often used as a model to study complex and chaotic behavior in physics.

2. How does an infinite coupled pendulum differ from a regular pendulum?

A regular pendulum has a single bob (weight) attached to a string or rod, while an infinite coupled pendulum has an infinite number of bobs connected in a chain. This means that the movements of an infinite coupled pendulum are more complex and unpredictable compared to a regular pendulum.

3. What are some real-world applications of infinite coupled pendulums?

Infinite coupled pendulums are often used as models to study chaotic behavior and synchronization in systems such as chemical reactions, neural networks, and even stock market fluctuations. They can also be used to demonstrate principles of physics and mathematics in educational settings.

4. How do researchers study infinite coupled pendulums?

Researchers use mathematical models and computer simulations to study the behavior of infinite coupled pendulums. They also conduct experiments with physical systems that mimic the behavior of infinite coupled pendulums, such as using a chain of pendulums connected by springs.

5. What are some challenges in studying infinite coupled pendulums?

One of the main challenges in studying infinite coupled pendulums is the complexity of the system. It can be difficult to predict and understand the behavior of an infinite number of pendulums interacting with each other. Another challenge is that the system is highly sensitive to initial conditions, making it challenging to replicate results and make accurate predictions.

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