What Are the Gauge Symmetries of This Theory?

Your Name]In summary, to derive the gauge symmetries of the given gauge theory, we can use the primary and secondary constraints to determine the gauge transformations for the fields A and B. These transformations are given by \delta A_i = D_i \omega and \delta B_{ij}^{\;\;IJ} = [B_{ij}, \omega], where \omega is a 0-form. These transformations generate the correct transformations for the field strengths F and G, as can be shown using the Poisson bracket relation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I want to derive Gauge symmetries of the following gauge theory:

[tex]S=\int\;dt L=\int d^4 x \;\epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma} B_{\mu\nu\;IJ} F_{\mu\nu}^{\;\;IJ} [/tex]

Where [tex]B[/tex] is an antisymmetric tensor of rank two and [tex]F[/tex] is the curvature of a connection [tex]A[/tex] i.e: [tex]F=dA+A\wedge A[/tex], [tex]\mu,\nu...[/tex] are space-time indices and [tex]I,J...[/tex] are Lie Algebra indices (internal indices) I would like to find its symmetries.

Homework Equations

I rewrite the Lagrangian by splitting time and space indices [tex]\{\mu,\nu...=0..3\}\equiv \{0; i,j,...=1..3\}[/tex] I find:

[tex]L = \int d^3 x\;(P^i_{\;IJ}\dot{A}_i+B_i^{\,IJ}\Pi^i_{\,IJ}+A_0^{\;IJ}\Pi_{IJ})[/tex]

Where [tex]\dot{A}_i = \partial_0 A_i[/tex], [tex]P^i_{\;IJ} = 2\epsilon^{ijk}B_{jk\,IJ}[/tex] is hence the conjugate momentum of [tex]A_i^{\,IJ}[/tex]

[tex]B_i^{\,IJ}[/tex] and [tex]A_0^{\;IJ}[/tex] being Lagrange multipliers we obtain respectively two primary and two secondary constraints:

[tex]\Phi_{IJ} = P^0_{\;IJ} \approx0[/tex]

[tex]\Phi_{\;\;IJ}^{\mu\nu} = P^{\mu\nu}_{\;\;IJ} \approx0[/tex]

[tex]\Pi^i_{\,IJ} = 2\epsilon^{ijk}F_{jk\,IJ} \approx0[/tex]

[tex]\Pi_{IJ}=(D_i P^i)_{IJ} \approx0[/tex]

Where [tex]P^0_{\;IJ}[/tex] are the conjugate momentums of [tex]A_0^{\,IJ}[/tex] and [tex]P^{\mu\nu}_{\;\;IJ}[/tex] those of [tex]B_{\mu\nu}^{\;\;IJ}[/tex]. Making these constraints constant in time produces no further constraints.

Whiche gives us a general constraint:

[tex]\Phi = \int d^3 x \;(\epsilon^{IJ}P^0_{\,IJ}+\epsilon_{\mu\nu}^{IJ}\;P^{\mu\nu}_{\;\;IJ}+\eta^{IJ}\Pi_{IJ}+\eta_i^{IJ}\Pi^i_{\;IJ})[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Each quantity [tex]F[/tex] have thus a Gauge transformation [tex]\delta F = \{F,\Phi\}[/tex] where [tex]\{...\}[/tex] denotes the Poisson bracket.

Knowing that this theory have the following Gauge symmetry:

[tex]\delta A = D\omega[/tex]

[tex]\delta B = [B,\omega][/tex]

Where [tex]\omega[/tex] is a 0-form, I would like to retrieve these transformations using the relation below. (where [tex]\Phi[/tex] is considered as the generator of the Gauge symmetry) but my problem is that I don't know how to proceed, I already did this with a Yang-Mills theory and it worked... but for this theory it seems to le intractable! Someone to guide me?
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. To find the gauge symmetries of this gauge theory, we can follow a similar approach as in the case of a Yang-Mills theory. We start by writing down the Lagrangian in terms of the field variables and their conjugate momenta, as you have done. Then, we can use the primary and secondary constraints to derive the gauge transformations for the fields.

For the gauge field A, we have the constraint \Phi_{IJ} = P^0_{\;IJ} \approx0, which implies that A_0^{\;IJ} is a Lagrange multiplier. This means that A_0^{\;IJ} is not a dynamical field and can be set to zero without changing the equations of motion. Therefore, the gauge transformation for A is simply \delta A_i = D_i \omega, where \omega is a 0-form.

For the field B, we have the constraint \Pi^i_{\,IJ} = 2\epsilon^{ijk}F_{jk\,IJ} \approx0, which implies that B_{ij}^{\;\;IJ} is also a Lagrange multiplier. Therefore, the gauge transformation for B is \delta B_{ij}^{\;\;IJ} = [B_{ij}, \omega], where \omega is again a 0-form.

Using these transformations, we can check that the Lagrangian remains invariant under these gauge transformations. Furthermore, we can show that these gauge transformations generate the correct transformations for the field strengths F and G. This can be done by using the Poisson bracket relation \{F_{\mu\nu}, \Phi\} = \partial_\mu \omega_\nu - \partial_\nu \omega_\mu + [A_\mu, \omega_\nu] - [A_\nu, \omega_\mu] and similar for G. This will give us the desired gauge symmetries for this gauge theory.

I hope this helps you in your derivation. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: What Are the Gauge Symmetries of This Theory?

1. What is a gauge symmetry?

A gauge symmetry is a type of symmetry in a physical theory that arises due to the redundancy in the description of the system. It represents the invariance of the theory under certain transformations that do not affect the physical observables.

2. How are gauge symmetries related to the laws of physics?

Gauge symmetries play a crucial role in modern theories of physics, such as quantum field theory and the standard model. They are essential for ensuring the consistency and mathematical elegance of these theories. In fact, the existence of gauge symmetries is often a requirement for a theory to be considered a viable physical model.

3. What are some examples of gauge symmetries?

Some examples of gauge symmetries include electromagnetism, which has a U(1) symmetry, and the strong and weak nuclear forces, which have SU(3) and SU(2) symmetries, respectively. These symmetries are fundamental to the underlying theories and play a crucial role in our understanding of the physical world.

4. Can gauge symmetries be broken?

Yes, gauge symmetries can be spontaneously broken, meaning that the symmetry is present in the underlying theory but not evident in the physical behavior of the system. This is seen in phenomena such as the Higgs mechanism, which gives mass to particles and breaks the SU(2) symmetry of the weak nuclear force.

5. How do gauge symmetries affect particle interactions?

Gauge symmetries dictate the interactions between particles in a physical theory. For example, in the standard model, the U(1) symmetry of electromagnetism gives rise to the electromagnetic force, while the SU(3) and SU(2) symmetries give rise to the strong and weak nuclear forces, respectively. These interactions are essential for understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions in the universe.

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