What are the Implications of Physics in Movies and Everyday Life?

  • Thread starter Gojirason
  • Start date
In summary, physics plays a significant role in both movies and everyday life. In movies, it is often used to create special effects and enhance the overall visual experience. In everyday life, physics is present in many aspects such as transportation, technology, and even sports. Understanding the basic principles of physics can help individuals better understand and appreciate the world around them. It also allows for advancements in various fields and improves our overall quality of life. However, the use of physics in movies can sometimes lead to misconceptions and unrealistic expectations. Overall, the implications of physics in movies and everyday life highlight its importance and impact on our daily lives.
  • #1
My name is Brendan. I'm 22 and largely self-taught past high school since various circumstances have prevented me from going college, which I hope to amend in the near future. For physics, of course—though I'm still not terribly sure whether I'd be more interested in practical or theoretical work.

I tend to try and analyze the physics of things I see in movies and such whatnots as a hobby, and the possibility or implications of such events, and it's gotten me learning a bunch of new stuff to try and understand it.

Anyway, I look forward to talking/working with you all!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi, welcome!