What are the key factors for admission to top physics PhD programs like MIT?

In summary: I also want to emphasize that I am not giving up on getting into MIT, as it is still my ultimate goal.In summary, this rising sophomore is aiming for a 4.0 GPA, 900+ PGRE, and 5 graduate courses. He is confident that he could achieve this if he worked hard, but is worried about admission into MIT. He is considering an REU at MIT next summer, and is also involved in our chapter of SPS. He is planning to apply for an REU next year, but is unsure if the research groups he is interested in are participating.
  • #1
Hi guys, wassup? I am a physics undergraduate motivated to get into top graduate programs, namely MIT. It is not its name or prestige (only a small amount!) which attracts me to it, but the experience I desire, that is, to immerse myself to an environment, surrounded by other students of diverse backgrounds of same passion that brings us to the same place, together discussing and doing research, headbutting against the wall doing problems in classes taught by professors I admired for their research or teachings. It'd be silly of course if those were my only reasons: they also have many groups doing cutting-edge research on field of my interest (quantum information).

My aims are: a 4.0 in major GPA, 900+ PGRE, and 5 graduate courses. As of research, I have done a semester of experimental semiconductor physics, and am looking to join a group in quantum transport simulation. I am graduating in 3 years, but if I do not get accepted, I can stay for another year to do more research (this will not be a problem financially, as I will have scholarship/financial aid for 4 years).

I am also actively involved in our chapter of SPS as an officer, and have done a lot of volunteering in high school. I will have a very "good" (whatever this means) statement of purpose essay, as I have a lot to say about my strengths, experiences, and goals.

I am fairly confident that I could achieve my aim by hard work. But what I am scared of is that even with a 4.0 GPA, 990 PGRE, and years of research with publications, it seems that nothing can assure an acceptance into MIT, chances even lessening as years pass by (observed from the grad cafe and physicsgre.com). As such, I would like to hear advice on admission to MIT, or other top institutions; what other factors exist, what I could do to maximize my chances, etc... Any advice will be deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
I am slightly confused. What year are you in?

Also, you're right, even as an exceptional student MIT admissions are crapshoot from what I hear. Have you considered doing an REU there?
  • #3
@Dishsoap: I am a rising sophomore. I am planning to apply for an REU there next summer, but I am uncertain if the research groups I am interested in are participating. Either way I will, if it means I will have a better shot at their graduate program.
  • #4
If you have a scholarship for 4 years, why graduate in 3? If you take 4 years to do your degree, you will have much more research experience and will have taken more courses, particularly if you want to take 5 graduate courses.
  • #5
You're aiming for a 4.0, but as a rising sophomore, it is far too early to have any kind of indication as to whether or not this is a reasonable goal. You've got a lot of time left to worry about grad school. The best thing to do right now is to focus on doing as well as you possibly can in your courses, and try to get involved in research as soon as possible.
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Likes Fine-man and Dishsoap
  • #6
You know there are other graduate institutions as good as, if not better than, MIT. If you are completely hell bent on attending only MIT, then you are most likely in for a big disappointment. What makes you so sure that you will get a 4.0 and 900+ PGRE? And even if you do, what if the person you are looking to work with has a full group and isn't accepting new students when you apply?

I would suggest worrying less about your application to MIT and more about actually learning physics and developing an interest in research.
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Likes MathewsMD, Entanglement, Fine-man and 1 other person
  • #7
^^This. MIT is a great school for physics...but it's only one of the many great schools for physics that are out there. A 4.0, 900+ PGRE, and 5 graduate classes is a lofty goal.
  • #8
Especially in three years. Taking five grad courses would mean that you're doing your undergrad in only 2 or 2.5 years. That is not reasonable.
  • #9
I have advanced myself from my university's physics curriculum enough to be considered a junior/senior, and will be taking upper division courses on classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and graduate courses on quantum mechanics next year. I am confident that I could achieve those stats because I just love studying physics, and getting good grades would be a natural consequence, as proven thus far from experience. Of course anything could go horribly wrong (especially next year), but I am asking in a circumstance in which I achieve those stats, what would be my chances.

Yes, there are many other top institutes where I would be honored to go to, like UIUC, Caltech, and Harvard, but my aim is at MIT and I will try my best shooting for it. I would just like to have a chance of getting in, it would be very disappointing if, as jbrussell93 said, the groups simply don't have any spots for more graduate students.
  • #10
Fine-man said:
As such, I would like to hear advice on admission to MIT, or other top institutions; what other factors exist, what I could do to maximize my chances, etc...

As you mentioned: GPA, PGRE, research, and letters of rec are large players. You might also consider applying for various graduate fellowships, especially the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. If you are lucky enough to get one of these, you will come in with your own money and therefore you'd be able to work with nearly anyone, even if their research group would have been otherwise full.

Also, be sure to contact professors at each of the schools that you'll apply to. This is how you will find out if they are looking for a new student. Try and set up a phone call or Skype conversation. Better yet, try to meet these people face-to-face at national conferences if possible. I believe this step is the key to getting into your dream school... or will at least increase your chances dramatically.
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  • #11
Dishsoap said:
Especially in three years. Taking five grad courses would mean that you're doing your undergrad in only 2 or 2.5 years. That is not reasonable.

I have three friends in the physics department at my university alone who have done exactly that and have amazing GPAs and interesting research; two of them even have double majors. It's not unreasonable. There are people who are very advanced when they enter as freshman. There's no need to assume the OP is just another brick in the wall.
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Likes micromass and Fine-man
  • #12
It's possible for some...but not possible for most. Some students come in with a lot of advanced placement credit and can basically start in the upper division physics courses their freshman year. For students like this, it's not unreasonable to plan on taking 5 or so graduate level course. I'm planning on taking at least 2 graduate level courses during my undergrad, and I'm not coming in with any kind of advanced placement credit or anything like that. I'm thinking a two semester graduate level sequence on General Relativity will fit in nicely during my last year of undergrad.
  • #13
@jbrussell93: That is a helpful insight, thank you!

@WannabeNewton: Though it does appear to be that MIT's wall consists of 4.0/990/Goldwater scholar bricks :p.
  • #14
My best friend is doing his physics PhD at MIT and one of my other good friends is starting there in the fall. I am at another similar school. The most important things to get into grad school are research experience and letters of recommendation. Grades and the PGRE are also important but you can overcome weaknesses in those areas if the rest of you application is really outstanding (as in amazing revs and maybe a first author paper). In the past, the PGRE has been a bigger factor at MIT than most other schools Harvard, Stanford, and Chicago are much more forgiving in that area since it really does not matter nearly as much as people think. However, the situation may change at MIT as they have got rid of part 1 of the qual and now only the mechanics section of part 2 is required (you can take classes for the others) and the PGRE is mostly related to how well students do on the qual.

FAQ: What are the key factors for admission to top physics PhD programs like MIT?

1. What are the requirements for admission to MIT's physics PhD program?

To be considered for admission to MIT's physics PhD program, applicants must have a strong academic background in physics, mathematics, and other related sciences. They must also have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, strong letters of recommendation, and competitive scores on the GRE and TOEFL (for international students). Additionally, previous research experience and publications are highly valued.

2. Is there a minimum GPA or GRE score required for admission?

There is no set minimum GPA or GRE score for admission to MIT's physics PhD program. However, successful applicants typically have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and GRE scores in the 90th percentile or above. These are not strict cutoffs, as the admissions committee considers the entire application and takes a holistic approach to evaluating candidates.

3. Can I apply for a specific research area within the physics PhD program?

Yes, applicants to MIT's physics PhD program can indicate their preferred research area in their application. However, admission is to the overall program, not a specific research group or professor. Once admitted, students can choose their research focus and work with a faculty advisor to develop their research project.

4. Are there any additional requirements for international students?

In addition to the standard admission requirements, international students must also submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). They may also be required to submit additional documents, such as a financial statement and proof of English proficiency, to obtain a student visa.

5. What is the acceptance rate for MIT's physics PhD program?

The acceptance rate for MIT's physics PhD program varies from year to year, but it is typically around 4-5%. This low acceptance rate reflects the highly competitive and selective nature of the program, as well as the high caliber of applicants. However, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission, as the admissions committee considers a range of factors in their decision-making process.

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