What are the key topics in astrophysics for undergraduate physics majors?

  • Thread starter John_Smith13
  • Start date
In summary, astrophysics is a field of study that focuses on understanding the physical processes and structures of the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. The key topics for undergraduate physics majors in astrophysics include celestial mechanics, stellar evolution, cosmology, and observational techniques. These topics encompass the study of gravity, the life cycles of stars, the formation and evolution of the universe, and the use of telescopes and other instruments to observe and analyze celestial objects. Additionally, students may also study topics such as planetary science, galactic dynamics, and the search for extraterrestrial life. A strong foundation in mathematics and physics is essential for success in this field, as well as a curiosity and passion for exploring the mysteries of the
  • #1
Hey all.

Not going to lie, I signed up because I have a specific question to ask, but that can probably wait a minute or two! I'm a physics major in Australia, getting towards the end of my undergrad. I'm trying to get a reasonable grounding for general physics, but I'm primarily doing astrophysics (though that's not to say that I can do astrophysics).

Hope to see y'all round, and just maybe I'll be able to answer half as many questions as I ask!
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  • #2
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