What Are the Left Cosets of H in S_3?

  • Thread starter BustedBreaks
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In summary: So (123) is preferred over (231). In summary, the left cosets of H in G are (1)H=H and (12)H={(12), (12)(13)}={(12),(132)}=(132)H. To produce the relation (12)H={(12), (12)(13)}={(12),(132)}=(132)H, we use the computation method from right to left, where 1 goes to 3 from (13), then 3 goes to itself in (12), and 3 goes to 2 in (13), resulting in (132). The convention is to start with the smallest number, so (123) is preferred over (231). It is important to review and
  • #1
I am having trouble understanding this example:

Let G=S_3 and H={(1),(13)}. Then the left cosets of H in G are

(12)H={(12), (12)(13)}={(12),(132)}=(132)HI cannot figure out how to produce this relation:

(12)H={(12), (12)(13)}={(12),(132)}=(132)H

I understand (12)H={(12), (12)(13)} but not how (12)(13) = (132) or the equivalence after that...
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  • #2
Note that since (12) and (13) are in S3, they are actually the elements (12)(3) and (13)(2), where 3 and 2 are fixed respectively.

(12)(13), we do computation from right to left, so 1 goes to 3 from (13), then 3 goes to itself in (12). So we have (13...). Now 3 goes to 1 in (13) and 1 goes to 2 in (12), so in (13...) we have 3 goes to 2. Hence (132). This is a quick dirty answer to your question, but I think you should reread or review computations done using permutations.
  • #3
daveyinaz said:
Note that since (12) and (13) are in S3, they are actually the elements (12)(3) and (13)(2), where 3 and 2 are fixed respectively.

(12)(13), we do computation from right to left, so 1 goes to 3 from (13), then 3 goes to itself in (12). So we have (13...). Now 3 goes to 1 in (13) and 1 goes to 2 in (12), so in (13...) we have 3 goes to 2. Hence (132). This is a quick dirty answer to your question, but I think you should reread or review computations done using permutations.

Okay so I get your method here and I am trying to apply it to this one (23)(13) but I am not getting the answer the book has which is (123)

I set it up like this

(23) (13)
123 123
132 321


so 1 goes to 3 then 3 goes to 2, 2 goes to 2 then 2 goes to 3, 3 goes to 1 and 1 goes to 1 so I get 231... I know you said your way was quick and dirty, so maybe I am missing something completely?


Okay so I'm pretty sure that 231 and 123 are the same thing but is there a preference for writing it out?
  • #4
The convention is to start with the smallest number.
  • #5

I would explain this example by first defining what cosets are. Cosets are a way to partition a group into subsets based on a subgroup. In this case, the group G is the symmetric group S_3, which is the group of all permutations of 3 objects. The subgroup H is defined as {(1),(13)}, which means it contains two elements - the identity element (1) and the permutation (13).

Now, to find the left cosets of H in G, we take each element of G and multiply it with each element of H. This results in a set of elements that are all equivalent to each other in terms of the subgroup H. In other words, they all produce the same permutation when multiplied with any element of H.

In the given example, we start with the element (12) in G. When we multiply it with (1) in H, we get (12). When we multiply it with (13) in H, we get (12)(13). So, the left coset of (12) with respect to H is {(12), (12)(13)}. Similarly, we can find the left coset of (132) by multiplying it with (1) and (13) in H, which gives us {(132), (132)(13)}. However, we know that (132)(13) is equivalent to (13)(12) which is equivalent to (12)(13). Hence, we can rewrite the left coset as {(132), (12)(13)}.

Since the left coset of (12) with respect to H is {(12), (12)(13)}, and the left coset of (132) with respect to H is {(132), (12)(13)}, we can conclude that these two left cosets are equivalent. This is because both sets contain the same elements, just in a different order. This is why we can write (12)H={(12), (12)(13)}={(12),(132)}=(132)H.

FAQ: What Are the Left Cosets of H in S_3?

1. What are cosets of a subset of S3?

Cosets of a subset of S3 are the distinct left and right cosets that are formed by taking the elements of a subgroup of S3 and multiplying them by all the elements of the larger group. They are not necessarily subgroups themselves, but they can provide useful information about the structure of the group.

2. How do you determine the size of the cosets of a subset of S3?

The size of the cosets of a subset of S3 can be determined by using the Lagrange's Theorem, which states that the order of a subgroup must divide the order of the larger group. Therefore, the size of the cosets will be the order of the subgroup divided by the order of the larger group.

3. Can the cosets of a subset of S3 be used to find the order of the subgroup?

Yes, the cosets of a subset of S3 can be used to find the order of the subgroup by simply counting the number of distinct cosets. This number will be equal to the order of the subgroup, as each coset will contain the same number of elements.

4. How are the cosets of a subset of S3 related to the concept of group homomorphisms?

The cosets of a subset of S3 are closely related to the concept of group homomorphisms. In fact, the cosets can be used to define a group homomorphism between the larger group and the quotient group formed by the cosets. This homomorphism will map the elements of the larger group to their corresponding cosets.

5. What are some real-life applications of studying the cosets of a subset of S3?

The cosets of a subset of S3 have various real-life applications, such as in coding theory, error correction, and cryptography. They also have applications in physics, particularly in the study of symmetries and conservation laws in particle physics. Additionally, understanding the cosets can help in solving group theory problems and understanding the structure of other mathematical systems.

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