What Are the Limits of Integration for Calculating Flux Through a Paraboloid?

In summary, to find the flux of the vector field F = (y)i + (z)j through the surface S defined by z = 1 - x^2 - y^2 between 0 ≤ z ≤ 1, we first need to find the unit normal vector n by taking the gradient of the function g(ρ, φ, z) = z - 1 + ρ^2. Then, we integrate the dot product of F and n over the surface S using cylindrical polar coordinates and the equation z = 1 - x^2 - y^2 to determine
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Homework Statement

A surface S is defined by z = 1-x^2-y^2 between 0≤ z ≤1
I need to calculate the flux of the vector field F = (y)i + (z)j through S.

Homework Equations

Cylindrical polar coordinates, Normal etc

The Attempt at a Solution

By changing the variables using cylindrical polar coordinates:
\vec{n} = \vec{N}/|{\vec{N}|}[/tex]

[tex]\vec{N} = \nabla g{(\rho,\phi,z)}[/tex]
Where \rho,\phi,z are the cyldrical coordinate symbols.
[tex]ds = \frac{dA}{\vec{n}\vec{k}} = \frac{d\rho d\phi}{\vec{n}\vec{k}}[/tex]Doing the above i get to (after cancellations between the fraction and the the absolute value within unit vector)

[tex]\iint 2{\rho}^{2}sin{\phi} d\rho d\phi[/tex]

Im not 100% sure if this is correct, but it doesn't seem too complicated. Though i am not sure how to deal with the limits of integration from this points onwards.

Hope you can help me :)
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Your approach to solving this problem is correct. To find the flux, you need to integrate the dot product of the vector field F and the unit normal vector n over the surface S.

To find the unit normal vector n, you can use the gradient of the function g(x,y,z) = z - 1 + x^2 + y^2. This function represents the surface S, so its gradient will give you the normal vector at any point on the surface.

Using cylindrical polar coordinates, the function g can be written as g(ρ, φ, z) = z - 1 + ρ^2. Taking the gradient of this function, we get:

∇g = (∂g/∂ρ, ∂g/∂φ, ∂g/∂z) = (2ρ, 0, 1)

To find the unit normal vector n, we need to divide ∇g by its magnitude:

|∇g| = √(4ρ^2 + 1)

Thus, the unit normal vector n is given by:

n = (2ρ/√(4ρ^2 + 1), 0, 1/√(4ρ^2 + 1))

Now, to find the flux, we need to integrate the dot product of F and n over the surface S.

∫∫ F⋅n dS = ∫∫ (y, z)⋅(2ρ/√(4ρ^2 + 1), 0, 1/√(4ρ^2 + 1)) dρ dφ

= ∫∫ (2ρy/√(4ρ^2 + 1) + z/√(4ρ^2 + 1)) dρ dφ

= ∫∫ (2ρsinφ/√(4ρ^2 + 1) + z/√(4ρ^2 + 1)) ρ dρ dφ

= ∫∫ (2ρ^2sinφ/√(4ρ^2 + 1) + ρz/√(4ρ^2 + 1)) dρ dφ

Now, you can use the limits of integration for ρ and φ to evaluate this integral. Since the surface S is defined

FAQ: What Are the Limits of Integration for Calculating Flux Through a Paraboloid?

What is changing limits of integration?

Changing limits of integration refers to the process of altering the boundaries of the integral in a mathematical equation. This is often done to make the integral easier to evaluate or to solve a specific problem.

Why do we need to change limits of integration?

There are several reasons why one might need to change the limits of integration. One common reason is to make the integral easier to evaluate by aligning the limits with known values or special values. Another reason is to solve a specific problem or to determine a specific value.

How do you change limits of integration?

The process of changing limits of integration varies depending on the specific equation and goal. However, it often involves manipulating the equation or using techniques such as substitution or integration by parts. It is important to carefully consider the new limits and ensure they accurately represent the original integral.

What are the benefits of changing limits of integration?

Changing limits of integration can make an integral easier to solve, especially if the new limits align with known or special values. It can also be a helpful problem-solving technique, allowing scientists to find specific values or solutions to problems.

Are there any limitations to changing limits of integration?

While changing limits of integration can be a useful technique, it is not always possible or appropriate. In some cases, the integral may not have a closed form solution or the new limits may not accurately represent the original integral. It is important to carefully consider the limitations and ensure the new limits are valid.
