What are the minimum and maximum temperatures?

In summary: I was using the numbers for water only, and they were 1000g/°C. For steel, I used the numbers for copper, which are 2000g/°C. So the final temperature would be lower than if I used the right numbers.In summary,Homework statement:A 1-kg steel rod is at 227C and is dropped into a 1-litre bath of water at 27C. Assume that these materials are thermally insulated from the rest of the universe. You will determine the final temperature of the steel rod after it reaches thermal equilibrium with the water.
  • #1
Dustin Cuocci

Homework Statement

A 1-kg steel rod is at 227C and is dropped into a 1-litre bath of water at 27C. Assume that these materials are thermally insulated from the rest of the universe. You will determine the final temperature of the steel rod after it reaches thermal equilibrium with the water.

A. Before you calculate this temperature, what are the maximum and minimum temperatures that the steel rod could be at after thermal equilibrium in this situation?

B. Determine the final temperature of the water after the two have reached thermal equilibrium.2. Homework Equations
The Energy Principle:
Delta E = Wsurroundings

C is the specific heat capacity of each material.

3. The Attempt at a Solution

Delta Erod + Delta Ewater = 0
Crod*Mrod*Delta Trod = -Cwater*Mwater*Delta Twater



Hopefully I've applied the principles and done the mathematics correctly, but I'm super confused about part A. I have no idea what the minimum and maximum temperatures for the rod could be. I guess they're the initial temperatures for both the rod and water - 227C and 27C but I don't know where to start. I'd appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks!
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  • #2
I think you are right. The rod cannot be colder than 27 degrees or hotter than 227, can it?
So if you get a result of 400 degrees you know that something is wrong, don't you
It's good to know what will be a "reasonable" results before starting calculations.
  • #3
nasu said:
I think you are right. The rod cannot be colder than 27 degrees or hotter than 227, can it?
So if you get a result of 400 degrees you know that something is wrong, don't you
It's good to know what will be a "reasonable" results before starting calculations.

Thanks! I've come across several values for the specific heat capacity for steel and water though. Can someone recommend a dependable area that I can look it up?
  • #4
Well, the heat capacity depends on temperature. In the case of steel, it may depend on the specific composition. "Steel" is just a generic name.
But if it's just a textbook problem, it does not matter. If you have to solve a practical problem, you can look up your specific materials at the temperatures of interest.
  • #5
Does any of the water evaporate (boil off), and, if so, do you need to take into account the heat of vaporization?

  • #6
None of the water boils off, no.
  • #7
Dustin Cuocci said:
None of the water boils off, no.
How do you know that? In your original post, you calculated a temperature of 130 C, which is above the boiling point of water.

  • #8
I think I was using the wrong specific heat capacity numbers for both materials.

FAQ: What are the minimum and maximum temperatures?

What are the minimum and maximum temperatures?

The minimum and maximum temperatures refer to the lowest and highest recorded temperatures in a specific location over a certain period of time. This information is important for understanding the climate and weather patterns of a region.

How are minimum and maximum temperatures measured?

Minimum and maximum temperatures are typically measured using a thermometer. The thermometer is placed in a shaded area and the temperature is recorded at regular intervals, usually every hour.

Why is it important to know the minimum and maximum temperatures?

Knowing the minimum and maximum temperatures allows us to understand the range of temperatures that a location experiences and can help us prepare for extreme weather conditions. It also provides valuable data for climate research and forecasting.

What factors influence the minimum and maximum temperatures?

The minimum and maximum temperatures can be influenced by various factors such as the time of year, the location's proximity to bodies of water, elevation, and weather patterns. Human activities, such as urbanization and deforestation, can also have an impact on temperature.

How do minimum and maximum temperatures affect living organisms?

The minimum and maximum temperatures can have a significant impact on living organisms. Extreme temperatures can be harmful to plants and animals, while more moderate temperatures are necessary for their survival. Changes in temperature can also affect the timing of biological events, such as migration and reproduction, which can have cascading effects on ecosystems.

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