What are the odds of rolling 4, 5, 6, and 7 of a kind with 7 dice?

In summary, the odds of 4 dice showing the same number, 5 showing the same number, 6 and 7 are 4375 to 46556. The odds of 7 sixes being thrown is 1 in 279936.
  • #1
Could somebody please tell me, in layman's terms, the answer to the following:

When 7 standard six sided dice are thrown what are the odds of 4 showing the same number, 5 showing the same number, 6 and 7. Also the odds of 7 sixes being thrown. This is all to do with a game used to raise money for charity - people sometimes ask what the odds are and it would be good to know.

Hope someone can help.

Many thanks

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  • #2
Let's look first at 4 of the 7 dice showing the same number. We have 6 choices for the value shown on the quadruple. There are \(\displaystyle {7 \choose 4}=35\) ways to choose 4 dice from 7, and there are 5 values the remaining 3 dice may have. The total number of outcomes is $6^7$, and so putting all this together, we find:

\(\displaystyle P(\text{quadruple})=\dfrac{6\cdot{7 \choose 4}\cdot5^3}{6^7}=\frac{4375}{46656}\)

Can you work out the others in a similar fashion?
  • #3
MarkFL said:
Let's look first at 4 of the 7 dice showing the same number. We have 6 choices for the value shown on the quadruple. There are \(\displaystyle {7 \choose 4}=35\) ways to choose 4 dice from 7, and there are 5 values the remaining 3 dice may have. The total number of outcomes is $6^7$, and so putting all this together, we find:

\(\displaystyle P(\text{quadruple})=\dfrac{6\cdot{7 \choose 4}\cdot5^3}{6^7}=\frac{4375}{46656}\)

Can you work out the others in a similar fashion?

Many thanks for the quick response. I am not a mathematician and unfortunately don't understand the equation. I simply cannot work out how you reach the final result. On the top line, how do you arrive at 4375? On the bottom line 6 to the power of 7 I thought should be 279,936.

Yours gratefully but in puzzlement

  • #4
Peterconfused said:
Many thanks for the quick response. I am not a mathematician and unfortunately don't understand the equation. I simply cannot work out how you reach the final result. On the top line, how do you arrive at 4375? On the bottom line 6 to the power of 7 I thought should be 279,936.

Yours gratefully but in puzzlement


There is a 6 in the numerator, and so they can be divided out...I will add an intermediary step:

\(\displaystyle P(\text{quadruple})=\dfrac{6\cdot{7 \choose 4}\cdot5^3}{6^7}=\dfrac{\cancel{6}\cdot35\cdot125}{\cancel{6}\cdot6^6}=\frac{4375}{46656}\)
  • #5
MarkFL said:
There is a 6 in the numerator, and so they can be divided out...I will add an intermediary step:

\(\displaystyle P(\text{quadruple})=\dfrac{6\cdot{7 \choose 4}\cdot5^3}{6^7}=\dfrac{\cancel{6}\cdot35\cdot125}{\cancel{6}\cdot6^6}=\frac{4375}{46656}\)

Thank you again. I am starting to get there (slowly!). The only thing I still don't understand is how 7 over 4 equals 35.

Your patience is really appreciated

  • #6
Peterconfused said:
Thank you again. I am starting to get there (slowly!). The only thing I still don't understand is how 7 over 4 equals 35.

Your patience is really appreciated


That's not 7 divided by 4, that is a binomial coefficient or combination...it represents the number of ways to choose 4 things from a group of 7 things...it is defined as follows:

\(\displaystyle {n \choose r}\equiv\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}\)


\(\displaystyle n!\equiv\prod_{k=1}^{n}(k)=n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots3\cdot2\cdot1\)

Thus, we find:

\(\displaystyle {7 \choose 4}\equiv\frac{7!}{4!(7-4)!}=\frac{7\cdot6\cdot5\cdot4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1}{(4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1)(3\cdot2\cdot1)}=\frac{7\cdot\cancel{6}\cdot5\cdot\cancel{4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1}}{(\cancel{4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1})(\cancel{3\cdot2\cdot1})}=7\cdot5=35\)
  • #7
MarkFL said:
That's not 7 divided by 4, that is a binomial coefficient or combination...it represents the number of ways to choose 4 things from a group of 7 things...it is defined as follows:

\(\displaystyle {n \choose r}\equiv\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}\)


\(\displaystyle n!\equiv\prod_{k=1}^{n}(k)=n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots3\cdot2\cdot1\)

Thus, we find:

\(\displaystyle {7 \choose 4}\equiv\frac{7!}{4!(7-4)!}=\frac{7\cdot6\cdot5\cdot4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1}{(4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1)(3\cdot2\cdot1)}=\frac{7\cdot\cancel{6}\cdot5\cdot\cancel{4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1}}{(\cancel{4\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1})(\cancel{3\cdot2\cdot1})}=7\cdot5=35\)

Thank you very much for your time and patience. We are into areas that are totally outside my knowledge or understanding. We never did anything like that when I was at school (very many years ago!). If you could be very kind and tell me the probabilities for 5, 6 and 7 numbers out of 7 being the same, and also of 7 sixes being thrown I would be very, very grateful. We use this game in my local Rotary Club to raise money, and it works well. We keep being asked the odds and we simply don't know.

I am so grateful for your help.

With best wishes

  • #8
Okay, this is what I get:

4 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{4375}{46656}\)

5 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{175}{15552}\)

6 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{35}{46656}\)

7 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{46656}\)

7 sixes:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{279936}\)
  • #9
MarkFL said:
Okay, this is what I get:

4 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{4375}{46656}\)

5 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{175}{15552}\)

6 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{35}{46656}\)

7 of a kind:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{46656}\)

7 sixes:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{279936}\)


Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this - I really appreciate it. It has answered the questions very well.

With best regards and good wishes (writing from Bonny Scotland by the way)


Related to What are the odds of rolling 4, 5, 6, and 7 of a kind with 7 dice?

1. What is the probability of rolling a specific number on a single die?

The probability of rolling a specific number on a single die is 1/6 or approximately 16.67%. This is because there are six possible outcomes (numbers 1-6) and each has an equal chance of occurring.

2. What is the probability of rolling a certain total on two dice?

The probability of rolling a certain total on two dice depends on the specific total. For example, the probability of rolling a total of 7 is 1/6 or approximately 16.67%, while the probability of rolling a total of 12 is only 1/36 or approximately 2.78%. The probability can be calculated by dividing the number of ways to roll that total by the total number of possible outcomes (36).

3. What is the probability of rolling a specific combination on multiple dice?

The probability of rolling a specific combination on multiple dice also depends on the specific combination. For example, the probability of rolling a combination of 3 and 4 on two dice is 1/18 or approximately 5.56%, while the probability of rolling a combination of all sixes on three dice is 1/216 or approximately 0.46%. The probability can be calculated by dividing the number of ways to roll that specific combination by the total number of possible outcomes.

4. How does the number of dice affect the overall probability of rolling a certain outcome?

The more dice that are rolled, the higher the overall probability of rolling a certain outcome. This is because with each additional die, the number of possible outcomes increases. For example, the probability of rolling at least one six on one die is 1/6, but the probability of rolling at least one six on three dice is 91/216 or approximately 42.13%. This can be calculated using the formula 1 - (5/6)^n, where n is the number of dice being rolled.

5. How can probabilities be used to predict outcomes in games that involve dice?

Probabilities can be used to predict outcomes in games that involve dice by understanding the probability of different outcomes and using this knowledge to make strategic decisions. For example, in a game of craps, knowing the probabilities of rolling certain numbers can help players decide when to bet and when to pass. However, it's important to keep in mind that probabilities are only a guide and do not guarantee a specific outcome.

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