What are the options for Physics graduates beyond teaching and finance?

In summary: Not that being a professional musician requires a BS in Physics :)Summary In summary, a Physics graduate could be looking at jobs in finance, programming, and statistics. Most jobs in these fields require a minimum of an honors or proper masters degree. However, there are also engineering jobs that may be available to someone with a BS in Physics.
  • #1
What kind of jobs could a Physics graduate be looking at which does not involve teaching apathetic little bastards in high school? (generalisation, I know but I was one of them for the most part of my high school life and I don't want to have to deal with a whole bunch of those on a daily basis)

All I've heard is "jobs in finance" doing "programming" for "making models of stocks" and what not. And all of that is a little vague and it seems that those jobs are for PhDs and at this stage, I don't know if by the time I finish my BS, I will still be as interested in Physics as I am now. I mean, right now, I like it for its own sake and I like how challenging it can get and when I think of what kind of job I'd like, I think of something that is "intellectually stimulating enough so that it doesn't make me want to kill myself out of boredom" while making me earn enough to pay the bills and a little more. That's not asking a lot, is it?

With that in mind, my plan was to do a Physics BS with as many programming and mathematics classes as I could get into. Either way, my question is, what kind of jobs could I be looking at with that background? And where? (as in, which countries; I don't mind moving elsewhere - hell, I like the idea of doing so)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but in mathematics/statistics (my degree), most jobs need a minimum of honors (think masters) or proper masters degrees for most jobs. The others require PhD's.

The only science type jobs that I know of off the top of my head that have decent employment prospects with a bachelors are the engineering streams. Most science majors require postgrad to get jobs related in that field.

If you don't care about going into a "pure science/research" field, things I could suggest off the top of my head include technical sales, trainee patent agent/attorney (you might need engineering for this, but physics might be adequate).

As for jobs that don't directly use all of the skills you attained during university, there's probably tonnes of them and the world is your oyster.
  • #3
I have a BS degree in physics and now I am a professional musician.
  • #4
revnaknuma said:
I have a BS degree in physics and now I am a professional musician.

Not that being a professional musician requires a BS in Physics :)
  • #5
Pengwuino said:
Not that being a professional musician requires a BS in Physics :)

Really? I thought you needed to be at least a rock star to get anywhere into physics. Curse you Brian May! =p
  • #6
chiro said:
I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but in mathematics/statistics (my degree), most jobs need a minimum of honors (think masters) or proper masters degrees for most jobs. The others require PhD's.

The only science type jobs that I know of off the top of my head that have decent employment prospects with a bachelors are the engineering streams. Most science majors require postgrad to get jobs related in that field.

If you don't care about going into a "pure science/research" field, things I could suggest off the top of my head include technical sales, trainee patent agent/attorney (you might need engineering for this, but physics might be adequate).

As for jobs that don't directly use all of the skills you attained during university, there's probably tonnes of them and the world is your oyster.

Yeah, that's exactly the reason I didn't even think of Physics for more than a minute or two when I recently re-started thinking about prospective careers again. But it seems that having a Physics BS, can afterall, lead to some kind of job; hence, I was looking for something more specific, something I can somehow try tailor my time at uni for when doing my Physics BS. I'd also just like to get an idea of how things could possibly work (out) and what I could be doing with that. I do like the sound of studying (relatively?) complex physics and maths for three/four years but the sound of ending up stuck in a crappy dead end job, not satisfied with my life, however, is not something I look forward to. Sure, I could go back to uni and get an engineering degree or something else but if too much time has passed and god forbid, I have done the deed and end up with a few kids and an ugly, cheating wife, then it won't be as easy.
  • #7
If you are interested in engineering jobs, there are lots of different sub-fields in which you could specialize. I'll give you an example from my own experience, because there are things I would have liked to have known after I started working as an engineer with a BS in Physics.

My statistics was weak when I started, so I took two graduate courses in statistics. This has been tremendously helpful. I work as a process engineer, so things that are helpful to me are applied thermodynamics [how can I make this hot or cold?], materials science [what happens to this stuff when I heat, crush, or bend it in interesting ways], and basic chemistry [I am in charge of lab spaces so I need to know what people are doing in there].

I only studied the basics of these things in school, and I could have used more background when I started. I have been doing this long enough that I picked it all up, but if you have the chance you might as well do it now.

Don't be too harsh on engineering jobs. There are some crappy dead end ones, but you can definitely find interesting and challenging work.
  • #8
I have a BS in physics and now work in a restaurant.

I would figuratively kill for a crappy dead end tech job.
  • #9
Keep looking for a program that fits your interests, you might find out that it's not a physics/math program. I was set on doing a physics bachelor's for a year until I realized I might not want to go to grad school. I'm older and want to get a degree, get a job, then after I have my foot in the door somewhere will I continue my education. I found my fit in an EE program, in a couple physics-y areas.

I've heard some stories about physics bachelor's doing internships/co-ops and they seem to do much better. Regardless of what degree I pick I always think of my resume. Because when it comes job seeking time, I want a list of serious skills that will get me an interview.
  • #10
For the record, the dead end jobs I was referring to were everything but ranging from cookie engineering to shop salesperson. No offence intended, but I wouldn't like to be doing that kind of job after working my *** off for a Physics BS.

Thank you every one for your opinions. ;)
  • #11
I am an intern with an Engineering company and I graduate with a BS in physics this December. I advise you to apply heavily for internships in the field you would like to pursue. Getting your foot in the door and getting some experience is most important in my opinion.
  • #12
I am interested in anyones' opinions about finding volunteer work in science, whether physics, geological, palaeontological, archaeological, chemical, or environmental. The thought is, based on Fjolvar's internship, maybe there are other positions that might be possible for volunteers, yet still be technical enough to be of significant scientific experience.
  • #13
symbolipoint said:
I am interested in anyones' opinions about finding volunteer work in science, whether physics, geological, palaeontological, archaeological, chemical, or environmental. The thought is, based on Fjolvar's internship, maybe there are other positions that might be possible for volunteers, yet still be technical enough to be of significant scientific experience.

Have you tried talking with any of the faculty in your physics department? If you are persistent about wanting to do research I'm sure they can find you a position. Many of my fellow students have positions in research at my University. Also, is there an office or department that helps with internships at your school?

FAQ: What are the options for Physics graduates beyond teaching and finance?

1. What types of jobs can I get with a Physics BS?

With a Physics BS, you can pursue a variety of careers in fields such as research, engineering, education, and technology. Some common job titles for physics graduates include research scientist, data analyst, aerospace engineer, and high school physics teacher.

2. What skills do I need to have for employment with a Physics BS?

In addition to strong analytical and mathematical skills, employers also look for communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities in physics graduates. It is also helpful to have some experience with computer programming, data analysis, and laboratory techniques.

3. Is a Master's or PhD necessary for employment with a Physics BS?

While a Master's or PhD can open up more opportunities and higher salaries, they are not always required for employment with a Physics BS. Many entry-level positions in research, engineering, and education only require a bachelor's degree. However, if you are interested in pursuing a career in academia or advanced research, a graduate degree may be necessary.

4. What industries can I work in with a Physics BS?

Physics graduates can work in a variety of industries, including aerospace, energy, healthcare, and technology. Many companies in these industries value the problem-solving and analytical skills that physics majors possess. You can also find employment in government agencies, research institutions, and universities.

5. How can I make my Physics BS degree stand out to employers?

To make your Physics BS degree stand out to employers, consider gaining experience through internships, research opportunities, or relevant part-time jobs. You can also enhance your skills by taking courses in areas such as computer programming, data analysis, and communication. Networking with professionals in your desired field can also help you stand out to potential employers.

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