What are the plans for Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration?

  • Thread starter Tsu
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In summary: Evo and I will be online all day tomorrow and I'll be sure to pick you up! metadata I'll make it to the party! metadata > *Originally posted by **[evo](/forums/9/topics/278902?page=1#posts-5696815):*** > > I'll make it to the party! > >Great! We'll see you there!
  • #1
Gold Member
Screeeeeech! Change of plans!

So it appears that Tom is in CHICAGO for his Christmas/Birthday celebration and... we get to meet his mom and dad! :biggrin: Well, at least we'll invite them out to the party in the RV in front of their house... :smile: :smile:

So. Here's how this is going to work NOW. :bugeye: Tomorrow around 4pm PST, I will be revving up the RV. If you are online and want to be picked up, post your location and I'll pick you up. Anyone wanting to get married on this trip, show up or forever (or at least for a little while longer) hold yer piece... er, peace. :biggrin: :smile: We'll head to Chicago around 7 or 8 their time. Bring your Birthday cards, your Birthday suit, something to drink and something to go with frozen broccoli. Be prepared for the party to last one night or one week. We'll see how it goes... :wink:

SEE Y'ALL TOMORROW! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Les Sleeth! - just FYI - ALL y'all is pleural for y'all. :smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #2
Well, DANG! I guess I am going to miss this trip. I'll be heading south to my brothers for a late Christmas family get together tomorrow. If you head south on I5 on your way to Chi Town honk as you pass Myrtle Creek!

Perhaps I can hop aboard for the return trip.

What ever!

Happy Birthday Tom!
  • #3
That makes it all so much more complicated, especially since I seem to only be able to sneak online late at night (and maybe not even that tomorrow). Don't worry tribdog darling! If I don't make it to the altar tomorrow, there's always Vegas!
  • #4
Integral said:
Well, DANG! I guess I am going to miss this trip. I'll be heading south to my brothers for a late Christmas family get together tomorrow. If you head south on I5 on your way to Chi Town honk as you pass Myrtle Creek!

Perhaps I can hop aboard for the return trip.

What ever!

Happy Birthday Tom!
Well, DANG!
Return trip - absolutely! When do you have to be back to work? :smile: This may be a long trip, you know! :biggrin:
  • #5
Moonbear said:
That makes it all so much more complicated, especially since I seem to only be able to sneak online late at night (and maybe not even that tomorrow). Don't worry tribdog darling! If I don't make it to the altar tomorrow, there's always Vegas!
Not a problem if you miss the bus! Just PM your cyberself to Evo whenever you get online. She LIVES with her laptop! And the bus has sattelite internet connection! :wink: Just drop in anytime! We'll be there!
  • #6
Greetings from Houston. I will try to make it out to the RV tomorrow but it has not been easy getting internet time in a house with three teenagers!

It's a little chilly here. We had snow Christmas Eve but I didn't get here in time to see it. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!
  • #7
MATH!1111 THERE you are!11 I've been worried that you may have gotten stuck in the holiday travel fiasco, too! Thank GOODness!1111 I thought I remembered you saying you were going to Texas, but Ivan was afraid you might be headed for Alabama - maybe have to go through Atlanta(!1) - which I thought I heard yesterday was in a bit of a MESS?? Anyway - just glad you made it safe and sound. See you whenEVER you can make it to the party! If you miss the bus, just PM yourself to Evo. :biggrin: (along with a box of Fauchon, please! :wink: :biggrin:)
  • #8
I tried, really, I did, but the clock struck midnight, and my coach turned back into a pumpkin, and my gown back into a potato sack, so here I am, sitting at the bus stop in nothing but a potato sack and looking really stupid carrying around a pumpkin. I can't believe I stood up my darling tribdog at the altar! Don't worry! As soon as the bus swings by Atlantic City (that's where I'll be waiting tomorrow), I'll join the festivities and we can make a pitstop in Vegas on the way to Oregon. Getting married by Elvis seems so much more cliche than on a cyber bus by a Rolling Stone reverend...what other options are there? Who else does weddings in Vegas besides Elvis? Now that Christmas is over, maybe we can get married by Santa...he isn't too busy anymore.
  • #9
Not to worry. You still have a few days to get it together. we've postponed the trip till later this week so we can crash Tom's Big New Year's Eve bash by bringing his parents to his house in Troy.

Actually, the potato sack isn't bad - but, I'd loose the pumpkin. Makes you look - you know - weird.
  • #10
Tsunami said:
Actually, the potato sack isn't bad - but, I'd loose the pumpkin. Makes you look - you know - weird.

I thought as much. Now, don't go making me laugh out loud...I'm covertly posting from my sister's house while everyone is asleep (except apparently one dog who I can hear clicking up and down the hallway...toenails on hardwood floor). I don't want to laugh aloud or they'll know I'm up to something other than sleeping in here! They don't know about tribog yet. We're eloping. :wink:
  • #11
her family doesn't approve of mixed marriage.
  • #12
tribdog said:
her family doesn't approve of mixed marriage.

LOL! Actually, I figure since my sister works for the probation dept and can look up your rap sheet, I better wait to tell them about you until after your trial so she doesn't get worried I've met a felon! There isn't anything else on there I should know about, is there?
  • #13
Moonbear said:
I tried, really, I did, but the clock struck midnight, and my coach turned back into a pumpkin, and my gown back into a potato sack, so here I am, sitting at the bus stop in nothing but a potato sack and looking really stupid carrying around a pumpkin. I can't believe I stood up my darling tribdog at the altar! Don't worry! As soon as the bus swings by Atlantic City (that's where I'll be waiting tomorrow), I'll join the festivities and we can make a pitstop in Vegas on the way to Oregon. Getting married by Elvis seems so much more cliche than on a cyber bus by a Rolling Stone reverend...what other options are there? Who else does weddings in Vegas besides Elvis? Now that Christmas is over, maybe we can get married by Santa...he isn't too busy anymore.
Now wait a minute! I don't mind being the PF figurehead Santa, but a marriage! That is stretching the duties a bit far. ...

But this is a cyber marriage on a cyber bus in cyber space by a cyber santa... sounds like fun...

In a cyber sort of way?

  • #14
Don't worry too much about it, Santa. I'll probably be able to perform the ceremony later this week when we head to Tom's Big New Year's Bash in Troy. I believe this will occur on New Year's Day. I still have to check with the parties in question and a few other particulars, but since I'm the driver and Reverend and I have to work New Year's Eve, well... the writing is on the WALL! :biggrin: (I'm spending all this week cleaning out my closets to send to the disaster area in Asia - otherwise it might have been sooner). I really do like the idea of a New Year's Day Double wedding, tho. I'll do some PM'ing and get back to ya.
  • #15
I return home on the 2nd, but not sure about New Year's Day. Gosh, it's starting to sound like I'm getting cold feet or something, doesn't it? Though, it should make for one heck of a bachelorette party on New Year's Eve!
  • #16
Moonbear said:
I return home on the 2nd, but not sure about New Year's Day. Gosh, it's starting to sound like I'm getting cold feet or something, doesn't it? Though, it should make for one heck of a bachelorette party on New Year's Eve!
NOOOOOOOO!1111111 I have to WORK that night!111 :cry: :cry: How about Saturday, the 1st for the bachelorette party (after you get home? will that be too late?) and the wedding on Sunday, the 2nd. Or you guys can have a 24 hour bachelorette party! :smile: :smile:I'll join you when I get home from work!111 :biggrin:
  • #17
No. Wait. You fly home on Sunday, right? Well, hmmm... You may have to elope afterall. :eek: :biggrin: Just let us know when! I sure do want to be there! :smile:
  • #18
Tsunami said:
No. Wait. You fly home on Sunday, right? Well, hmmm... You may have to elope afterall. :eek: :biggrin: Just let us know when! I sure do want to be there! :smile:

LOL! Yep, I return home on the 2nd...hopefully, assuming Comair/Delta doesn't have any more holiday computer shut-downs, huge snowstorms, or anything else bizarre that keeps me from getting home that evening. It will probably then take me the rest of the night to find my car buried under I don't know how much snow (I'm hoping they got a warm spell to melt it, but I doubt it...it's probably a foot of ice to chisel through by now), and then try to get into my house through it too!

But, I'm here in NYC now...see, I was all ready to meet the party here! I didn't find out it was in Chicago soon enough. :sad: I get my two day fix of NYC once every year or two and remember why I wanted to move far far far away from the NY/NJ area, then go back home happy to be home again. Now I'm going to take a nap. My brother-in-law gave me a virus for Christmas! Those dang Jews just don't understand the concept of Christmas gifts. (He's Jewish in case that didn't make sense to anyone...I give him a hard time about his expectation of getting Christmas presents).
  • #19
Sorry you got sick. :frown: I hope that your car isn't buried at the airport. That happened to me once. There had been a blizzard and when I finally got back, it was after midnight, 5 below zero, I had to drag heavy suitcases through piles of ice and snow and when I got to my car, they had plowed the parking lot so there was a solid wall of compacted ice and snow higher than my car blocking me in. I trudged over to the toll booth and probably looked so crazed by that time that they called security to come and dig my car out for me. Never be afraid to come unglued, people will help you out of fear. :biggrin:
  • #20
Evo said:
Sorry you got sick. :frown: I hope that your car isn't buried at the airport. That happened to me once. There had been a blizzard and when I finally got back, it was after midnight, 5 below zero, I had to drag heavy suitcases through piles of ice and snow and when I got to my car, they had plowed the parking lot so there was a solid wall of compacted ice and snow higher than my car blocking me in. I trudged over to the toll booth and probably looked so crazed by that time that they called security to come and dig my car out for me. Never be afraid to come unglued, people will help you out of fear. :biggrin:

Hopefully I won't need to come unglued. I don't use airport parking. There's a privately owned lot that costs the same for parking (sometimes cheaper if I get a coupon, and I can get frequent parker points to earn free parking). Their shuttles show up way faster than the long term airport shuttles and drop you off right at the car. At night, they've always waited to make sure I got the car started before leaving, so I hope they'd help dig cars out of the snow too (they do help with the usual things like needing a jump start and helping with a flat tire if you need it). Nothing could be worse than when I lived in MI and the people in the apt below me were assigned the last parking space in the back of the lot; their car was always plowed in pretty badly, they moved shortly having their baby when they came out to find their car plowed in the night the baby was born! Fortunately, one of the other neighbors was around to provide a ride to the hospital.

Coming slightly unglued did get me into my hotel room a bit faster today. It was already a half hour after check-in time, and I had arrived an hour before check-in time, and they still didn't have my room ready and had a long line of other people also waiting for rooms. I was sick and grumpy and had already walked around an hour in the cold with my bag for lack of anything better to do. I understood the room not being ready before check-in time, but once it was officially check-in time, there was no reason not to have all the rooms ready, especially if they knew it was going to be a busy day. I was going to start calculating the hourly rate for the room and ask for a credit for the aggravation and time I couldn't use my room that I was entitled to be in it, especially when I REALLY needed a nap! As I was complaining to the second counter person, while the line was getting longer and I was getting louder (it's NYC, you have to be loud to get noticed), suddenly the first clerk called me over to the head of the line and announced my room had just become available. It's the squeaky wheel in this city! After a nice long nap, I'm feeling much better, and now am starved. Time to go explore my food options (sadly, I won't be tempting my tastebuds too much, I'm sure it's going to be wonton soup tonight...almost spelled that wanton, LOL...don't want to push my stomach past its limits tonight).
  • #21
I can't get mad at hotels if my room isn't ready on time. I'm horrible about using "Houskeepeeng! You stay?" for an alarm clock. I almost never check out before check out time.
  • #22
Moonbear said:
Time to go explore my food options (sadly, I won't be tempting my tastebuds too much, I'm sure it's going to be wonton soup tonight...almost spelled that wanton, LOL...don't want to push my stomach past its limits tonight).
Is there one of those restaurant delivery services you can use? If I am alone, I usually have a local restaurant deliver if I don't care for what is available from room service. I hate to think of you sick and trudging around in search of food. :frown:
  • #23
OK. So I'm thinking Valentine's Day... :smile:
  • #24
Tsunami said:
OK. So I'm thinking Valentine's Day... :smile:
  • #25
Honeys, I'm home!

Boy, am I glad to be back on terra firma! I had to take three flights to get home yesterday - each delayed by bad weather- and when we finally managed to get in the air they were some seriously bumpy rides.

Brought y'all a sweet potater pie. It's got pecans on top but if you don't like 'em you can pick 'em off.
  • #26
tribdog said:
  • #27
okay, let me make sure I understand all of this. The marriage is legally binding, so she has to sleep with me right?
and change her name to MoonDog?
  • #28
tribdog said:
okay, let me make sure I understand all of this. The marriage is legally binding, so she has to sleep with me right?
and change her name to MoonDog?
Yes, it's legally binding. I was thinking your first born would be little moondog. :biggrin:
  • #29
okay, maybe you didn't read my question correctly or I'm reading the answer wrong. By saying yes, it's legally binding you mean she has to satisfy her man right? I don't want any misunderstanding here. by law she has to sleep with me or she goes to jail. I don't want any wiggle room when it comes to the wiggle room.
  • #30
Evo said:
Yes, it's legally binding. I was thinking your first born would be little moondog. :biggrin:

I used to hope that you and Gokul would hook up, Evo. Wouldn't a little Goko and a little Evul be just so precious! :wink:
  • #31
Math Is Hard said:
I used to hope that you and Gokul would hook up, Evo. Wouldn't a little Goko and a little Evul be just so precious! :wink:
I never realized the importance of online names before. :wink:

Gokul, I'm available! :biggrin:

(no one wants Evo) :cry:

I was thinking of making this my new signature - "Available - Old, slightly used Evo, low maintenance, high mileage but reliable, all original parts. Has a few dents and dings, but fixable."

Does it sound too pathetic? :frown: Does it make it clear enough that EVO IS AVAILABLE
  • #32
Depends on if you are allowing test drives. you know, check your oil, lube your chassis, polish the headlights, maybe bang the trunk a few times.
Last edited:
  • #33
Evo said:
Is there one of those restaurant delivery services you can use? If I am alone, I usually have a local restaurant deliver if I don't care for what is available from room service. I hate to think of you sick and trudging around in search of food. :frown:

Oh, plenty of places here deliver (pretty much all do), but I don't have any menus. I didn't trudge far. I went two blocks up and half a block over and found a Japanese restaurant. A little miso soup and dumplings were just the thing (and I was brave enough to get two pieces of sushi too...I was really hungry for more, but decided it probably was asking for trouble to eat a lot of sushi). I'm all better today. Shopped all day, now headed out to find dinner again (since I'm all better, now the dilemma is picking what restaurant...this could take half the night...then the other half to decide off the menu).

Tsu, can we write something into tribdog's vows about promising not to play with fire nor operating any appliances unsupervised?

FAQ: What are the plans for Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration?

What is the purpose of Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration?

The purpose of Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration is to celebrate Tom's birthday in the city of Chicago. It is a special occasion to gather friends and family to honor and commemorate Tom's life.

Where will Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration take place?

The location of Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration will depend on the specific plans made by the organizer. It could be at a restaurant, park, or any other venue chosen for the event.

Who is invited to Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration?

The guest list for Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration will also depend on the organizer's plans. Typically, close friends and family members are invited, but it could also include colleagues, acquaintances, or other important people in Tom's life.

What activities will be included in Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration?

The activities for Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration will vary depending on the plans made by the organizer. It could include a dinner party, a trip to a popular tourist spot in Chicago, or any other fun activity that Tom enjoys.

When will Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration take place?

The date and time for Tom's Chicago Birthday/Birthday celebration will be determined by the organizer. It could be on Tom's actual birthday or a few days before or after, depending on everyone's availability.
