What are the positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime?

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In summary, positive integers are whole numbers greater than zero, while a prime number is a positive integer that is only divisible by 1 and itself. A number can be determined to be prime by testing if it is only divisible by 1 and itself, using mathematical algorithms such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the Miller-Rabin primality test. The positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime follow a pattern known as a Mersenne prime, where the formula only produces prime numbers when n is a power of 2.
  • #1
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Here is this week's POTW:


Find all positive integers $n$ such that $n^8+n^4+1$ is a prime.


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  • #2
Congratulations to kaliprasad for his correct solution, which you can find below::)

We have $n^8+n^4+1 = (n^8+2n^4+1)-n^4 = (n^4+1)^2 - (n^2)^2 = (n^4-n^2+1)(n^4+n^2+ 1)$

Now $n^4+n^2+1 > 1$ for positive $n$ and the product shall be prime if:

$n^4-n^2+1 = 1$ and $n^4+n^2+1$ is prime,

which means $n^4 - n^2 = 0$ or $n^2(n^2-1) = n^2(n+1)(n-1) = 0$ and only positive solution is $n =1$

and for $n =1$ we have $n^4+n^2+1=3$ which is prime.

So $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime for only one positive $n$, that is $1$.

FAQ: What are the positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime?

1. What are positive integers?

Positive integers are whole numbers greater than zero.

2. What is a prime number?

A prime number is a positive integer that is only divisible by 1 and itself.

3. How do you determine if a number is prime?

A number can be determined to be prime by testing if it is only divisible by 1 and itself. This can be done using various mathematical algorithms such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the Miller-Rabin primality test.

4. What are the positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime?

The positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime are 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, and so on.

5. Is there a pattern to the positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime?

Yes, there is a pattern to the positive integers for which $n^8+n^4+1$ is prime. This pattern is known as a Mersenne prime, where the formula $n^8+n^4+1$ only produces prime numbers when n is a power of 2, such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and so on.
