What Are the Possible Coupled States for Two Spinless l=1 Particles?

In summary, direct products to coupled states involve combining individual states of two or more coupled quantum systems to form a product state. This is significant in quantum mechanics as it helps understand complex systems and predict experimental outcomes. The calculation of direct products involves taking the tensor product of individual states. These products can be applied to any type of quantum system and have real-world applications in fields such as quantum computing and chemistry.
  • #1
I'm a bit unclear on exactly what a coupled state really means and how to represent it, so here's what I have:

Homework Statement

Consider the coupling of two spinless l=1 particles,
What possible product states [itex]|1\, m_1 \rangle \otimes |1\, m_2 \rangle[/itex] are there and what possible coupled states [itex]|1\, 1; L\, M\rangle [/itex] are there?

Homework Equations

[itex]|j_1\, j_2;j\, M \rangle = \sum_{m_1, m_2}(j_1m_1;j_2m_2|jm) |1\, m_1 \rangle \otimes |1\, m_2 \rangle[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

So, I know the nine product states are simply vary [itex]m_1[/itex] and [itex]m_2[/itex] from -1 to 1, but what are L and M for the coupled states? The only thing I could think of and make the number of each representation match is have [itex]L_{max}=l_1 + l_2[/itex] and [itex]M=m_1 + m_2[/itex], so L goes from 0 to 2 and M corresponds, totaling 9 values as expected. This makes sense to me because the [itex]L[/itex]s need not be in the same direction, but I'm really just grasping at straws.

The next part of the problem asks to solve for some CG coefficients using a method analogous to class, but if I understand this part I'm pretty certain that I can do the other part.

Thanks for your time!
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  • #2

Hello there,

A coupled state refers to a quantum state that is a combination of two or more individual states. In the case of two spinless particles, the possible coupled states are represented by the notation |1\, 1; L\, M\rangle, where L is the total angular momentum and M is the total angular momentum projection.

In your attempt at a solution, you are correct in stating that L_{max}=l_1 + l_2, where l_1 and l_2 are the individual angular momenta of the two particles. However, M is not simply the sum of m_1 and m_2. Instead, it can take on values from -L to L, with each value corresponding to a different coupled state.

To determine the possible coupled states, we use the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (CG coefficients) in the equation you provided. These coefficients represent the coupling of two angular momenta, and can be found in tables or calculated using specific formulas.

For example, if we have two particles with l=1, then the possible coupled states are |1\, 1; 0\, 0\rangle, |1\, 1; 1\, 1\rangle, |1\, 1; 1\, 0\rangle, |1\, 1; 1\, -1\rangle, |1\, 1; 1\, -2\rangle, |1\, 1; 0\, -1\rangle, |1\, 1; 0\, -2\rangle, |1\, 1; -1\, -1\rangle, |1\, 1; -1\, -2\rangle. These correspond to the possible values of L and M for the coupled states.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of coupled states and how to represent them. Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with the rest of your problem!

FAQ: What Are the Possible Coupled States for Two Spinless l=1 Particles?

1. What are direct products to coupled states?

Direct products to coupled states refer to the mathematical representation of two or more quantum systems that are coupled together. It involves the combination of individual states of each system to form a product state, which is used to describe the overall state of the coupled systems.

2. What is the significance of direct products to coupled states in quantum mechanics?

Direct products to coupled states are crucial in understanding the behavior and interactions of complex quantum systems. They provide a framework for analyzing the combined effects of multiple systems and can help predict the outcomes of experiments in quantum mechanics.

3. How are direct products to coupled states calculated?

The calculation of direct products to coupled states involves taking the tensor product of individual states of each system. This means multiplying the state vectors of each system to form a new product state that describes the overall state of the coupled systems.

4. Can direct products to coupled states be used to describe any type of quantum system?

Yes, direct products to coupled states can be applied to any type of quantum system, whether it is a single particle or a complex system with multiple particles. It is a general mathematical framework that can be used to analyze the behavior of any coupled quantum systems.

5. Are there any real-world applications of direct products to coupled states?

Yes, direct products to coupled states have numerous applications in fields such as quantum computing, quantum chemistry, and quantum information theory. They are also used in understanding the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other quantum systems in various experimental setups.

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