What Are the Possible Measurements of the X-Component of Angular Momentum?

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the possible measurements of the x-component of angular momentum when the wavefunction is given in terms of spherical harmonics. It is suggested to express the wavefunction in terms of its eigenfunctions and solve the eigenvalue equation for L_x. The postulates of quantum mechanics are mentioned, as well as the need for a systematic approach in finding eigenfunctions. Finally, a possible solution is proposed using a test function and symmetry considerations.
  • #1
This problem was inspired by my thread in the quantum physics room

Homework Statement

Suppose the wavefunction is [itex]\psi = aY_{00} + bY_{10}[/itex], where [itex]Y_{lm}[/itex] are the spherical harmonics. I want to find the possible measurements of the [itex]x[/itex]-component of angular momentum.

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the operators [itex]L_x[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{L}^2[/itex] do not commute (ie there is uncertainty relation between them), the operator [itex]L_x[/itex] has a different set of eigenfunctions than [itex]\mathbf{L}^2[/itex], so we must express [itex]\psi[/itex] in terms of its eigenfunctions. To do this, we presumably solve the eigenvalue equation

[itex]L_x |X\rangle = \lambda |X\rangle[/itex]

where [itex]|X>[/itex] are the yet to be determined eigenfunctions. If we let [itex]|X\rangle = \sum_{l,m} a_{lm} |Y_{lm}\rangle[/itex] then we get an infinite matrix equation and an infinite number of eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. Only a small subset of these will be necessary to generate the originial function [itex]\psi[/itex]. So how do we know what restriction to place on the test function [itex]|X\rangle[/itex] for general operators? Is it just clever thinking or is there a systematic approach?
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  • #2
What do you mean by "possible measurements" ? I guess you mean "possible outcomes" of L_{x} measurements. If so, then i suggest you reread the 3-rd postulate. What does it say ?
  • #3
Hi dextercioby,

I don't see what L_x being a Hermitian operator has to do with my question.

The postulate I'm using here is that the eigenfunctions of L_x form a complete set so that we can express the wavefunction as a linear combination of these eigenfunctions. I understand that to do this we must obtain the eigenfunctions of L_x in terms of the spherical harmonics. But how do we do this without solving infinite matrix equations?
  • #4
If you regard finding a Fourier series as solving "infinite matrix equations" then you can't. Understanding how the formula for Fourier coefficients come about will help you see what is needed. Symmetry will help you to rule out the obviously zero coefficients. The rest might fall into place. Try it.

Edit: actually, ignore this. See below.
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  • #5
Btw, L_x and L^2 do commute...
  • #6
I understand how do do this now. Here it is for future use.

A sensible choice for the test function is [itex]|X> = aY_{00} + bY_{11}+ cY_{10} + dY_{1(-1)}[/itex] because the L_x operator can only change the value of the quantum number m and not the l number. If you plug this test function into the eigenvalue equation [itex]L_x | X \rangle = \lambda | X \rangle[/itex] you immediately see that [itex]a=0[/itex]. You then get a 3 x 3 matrix equation

[itex]A (b,c,d)^T = (0,0,0)^T[/itex].

Nontrivial solutions iff det A = 0 from which you can deduce the eigenvalues [itex]0,\hbar,-\hbar[/itex] and the corresponding eigenvectors. Rewritting the original wavefunction in terms of these eigenfunctions gives the allowable states.

Note also that if the eigenfunctions of two operators coincide, this implies that they commute, but the converse need not be true.
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FAQ: What Are the Possible Measurements of the X-Component of Angular Momentum?

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that measures the amount of rotational motion an object has, taking into account both its mass and the distribution of that mass around a central axis.

How is angular momentum measured?

Angular momentum is measured by multiplying an object's moment of inertia (a measure of its resistance to rotation) by its angular velocity (the rate at which it rotates around a central axis).

What are the units of angular momentum?

The SI unit for angular momentum is kilogram-meter squared per second (kg·m^2/s), but it can also be measured in other units such as joule-seconds (J·s) or newton-meters per second (N·m/s).

What is the conservation of angular momentum?

The conservation of angular momentum is a fundamental principle in physics which states that the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant over time, unless acted upon by an external torque.

How is angular momentum related to rotational motion?

Angular momentum is directly related to rotational motion, as it describes the rotational motion of an object around a central axis. It is a crucial concept in understanding rotational dynamics and is often used in fields such as mechanics, astrophysics, and quantum mechanics.
