What Are the Possible Values of Det A if A^4 Equals 2A for a 6x6 Matrix?

In summary, Homework Equations state that Det(AB)=(detA)(DetB) and that the Attempt at a Solution shows that either A is invertible or not invertible, and that from the equation A^4= 2A, it follows that Det(A) = 1 is the only possible solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose that the 6x6 matrix A obeys A^4 = 2A. Find all possible values of det A.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Well my first guess is to show that A is either invertible or not invertible thus making Det A either non zero or zero but I'm really not sure.
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  • #2
how about trying your relevant equation first?
  • #3
Here are some of the equations I've found from that relevant equation.

Det(A^4) = Det((AA)(AA)) = (Det(AA)Det(AA)) = (Det(A))^4

Also since the matrix is 6x6 i know that Det 2A = 2^6(Det(A))

Is it valid to let Det(A)^4 = x therefore Det(A) = x^1/4 which means Det(A) must be positive.
  • #4
I would start from
(Det(A))^4 = 2^6(Det(A))
  • #5
So if i just solve for the zeros of that equation those should be the only possible values of Det (A).
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  • #6
well whenever the equation is satisfied you have a valid determinant

however you should also consider that
A^4 = 2A = I.2A
((1/2)A^3)(2A) = I.(2A)
and then
(((1/2)A^2).A)(2A) = I.(2A)

so whilst zero satisfies the equation, do you still think it is a valid solution?

...consider what you know about matrcies with zero determinant
  • #7
hmm ok, so

let x= Det(A)
this gives
x^4 = 2^6x
x = 2^1.5 * x^0.25
0 = x(x^(-0.75)-1)
x = 0, 1

However looking at the above equation
A^4 = I2A
((1/2)A^3)(2A) = I(2A)

seems to imply that A must be the identity matrix, and that Det (A) = 1 is the only possible solution, but I'm still a little shaky on the reasoning you used in that equation right above. I have to go to bed now, but this has been very helpful. Thanks.
  • #8
bmxicle said:
hmm ok, so

let x= Det(A)
this gives
x^4 = 2^6x
x = 2^1.5 * x^0.25
0 = x(x^(-0.75)-1)
x = 0, 1

However looking at the above equation
A^4 = I2A
((1/2)A^3)(2A) = I(2A)

seems to imply that A must be the identity matrix, and that Det (A) = 1 is the only possible solution, but I'm still a little shaky on the reasoning you used in that equation right above. I have to go to bed now, but this has been very helpful. Thanks.

note quite, i think there's some errors in your algebra, and as mentioned you nee dto be careful with the x=0 solution

let x= Det(A)
this gives
x^4 - 2^6x = x(x^3 - 2^6) = 0

now clearly one solution is x=0,
then other

you should be able to get a number

consider det(A)=0, this implies that A is not invertible... but from before you have
(((1/2)A^2).A)(2A) = I.(2A)
which means
((1/2)A^2).A = I
  • #9
You have [itex]A^4= 2A[/itex] so that [itex]det(A^4)= det(2A)[/itex]. Now, as you correctly say, [itex]det(A^4)= (det(A))^4[/itex] and [itex]det(2A)= 2^6det(A)[/itex].

Perhaps it would be clearer if you let x= det(A). Now the problem is to solve [itex]x^4= 64x[/itex]. That equation has two real solutions.
  • #10
but only one relevant one...
  • #11
Ah yes ops i did make a mistake.

x^4 = 64x
0 = x^0.25(2^1.5-x^0.75)

which makes detA 0 or 4, but because there exists a matrix ((1/2)A^2)A = I. So A must be invertible therefore detA cannot be zero.
  • #12
lanedance said:
consider det(A)=0, this implies that A is not invertible... but from before you have
(((1/2)A^2).A)(2A) = I.(2A)
which means
((1/2)A^2).A = I

Aren't you assuming that A is invertible in this implication by canceling the 2A on both sides? If I let A be the zero matrix, then it certainly satisfies A4 = 2A and det(A) = 0.
  • #13
good point & missed that & i think you're probably right, will have a bit more of a think... the zero matrix is definitely a solution and obvioulsy det(0)=0.

so in effect its like saying 1=2, because 0x1 = 0x2

looks like det(A) = 0 is a valid solution
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  • #14
bmxicle said:
Ah yes ops i did make a mistake.

x^4 = 64x
0 = x^0.25(2^1.5-x^0.75)

which makes detA 0 or 4, but because there exists a matrix ((1/2)A^2)A = I. So A must be invertible therefore detA cannot be zero.
out of interest why do you keep going to fractional powers? I'd just do the following
x^4 = (2^6)x
x(x^3-2^6) = 0
so either x=0 or
x= 2^2

Related to What Are the Possible Values of Det A if A^4 Equals 2A for a 6x6 Matrix?

1. What is the meaning of "Find Det A in Matrix A^4=2A"?

"Find Det A" refers to finding the determinant of matrix A in the given equation. The equation A^4=2A means that matrix A is raised to the fourth power and is equal to 2 times matrix A.

2. Why is finding the determinant important in this equation?

The determinant of a matrix is a value that represents the scaling factor of the matrix. In this equation, finding the determinant of matrix A will help us solve for the unknown value of A.

3. What is the process for finding the determinant of a matrix?

The determinant of a matrix can be found by using various methods such as cofactor expansion, Gaussian elimination, or using the properties of determinants. The specific method used may depend on the size and complexity of the matrix.

4. Can this equation be solved without finding the determinant?

Yes, it is possible to solve this equation without explicitly finding the determinant. However, finding the determinant may provide a more efficient and straightforward solution.

5. What is the solution to this equation?

The solution will depend on the specific values and dimensions of matrix A. To solve for A, we would need to use the properties of determinants and matrix multiplication to simplify the equation and isolate A. The final solution would be a matrix or set of matrices that satisfy the given equation.

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