What are the procedures for federal background checks?

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: I'm just glad they didn't think I was involved.In summary, the US Government has contacted the resident to ask about their fitness to work for the government based on their knowledge of an individual who was recently murdered.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
When I got home from work today, there was an official US Government notice pasted to my door. :frown:

US Office of Federal Investigative Services. :bugeye:

My first thought was "OMG, what has Foofer done now?"

It said "It is necessary that I speak with you regarding an individual's background investigation, which is being conducted for their employment with the United States Government. Your comments regarding this individual's fitness and suitability to conduct work for the US Government would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact ...., Investigator, at your earliest convenience regarding this matter of official government business.

Ok, so Foofer has applied to work for Homeland Security.

Or maybe it's my neighbor that backed into my car then lied to his insurance company. :devil: <evilgrin>
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  • #2
Foofer? Is this something I would know about if I actually read the Thread Killer thread?
  • #3
TheStatutoryApe said:
Foofer? Is this something I would know about if I actually read the Thread Killer thread?
You don't know about my possum smuggling cat?
  • #4
Evo said:
You don't know about my possum smuggling cat?
I've heard reference. I didn't remember the name.:redface:
  • #5
my friend dan has had to give references for that stuff. he's in the military so loads of his buddies need background checks. no big deal... i don't think...

maybe its just a ploy to get you into government custody though... you know how the government is..
  • #6
Yeah, it's not a big deal. They just check the references people list, and some they don't, to verify the information they got is true and there aren't any concerns about them being untrustworthy. I've had friends who had to get security clearance for jobs, and a bunch of their friends and relatives got visits during the background check stage. My friends knew every person who got a visit because they of course immediately called and said, "Someone was just here asking a lot of questions about you." :biggrin:
  • #7
I'm assuming it's a neighbor, because I have had investigators come to my house before asking about people down the street that I don't know.
  • #8
The weirdest time was when two plain clothes detectives came to my apartment years ago and started questioning me about the girl that lived next door. I had to answer questions about anything I'd heard, describe people I'd seen. Turns out she had been murdered.
  • #9
Evo said:
My first thought was "OMG, what has Foofer done now?"

Maybe he's applied for a grant to study the feasability of using irradiated possums as nuclear bomb triggers. :rolleyes:

I once had an FBI agent show up on my doorstep with questions about a recently-graduated student of mine who had applied to work at the Savannah River Plant. (where they do, or used to do, a lot of nuclear bomb related work)
  • #10
Evo said:
The weirdest time was when two plain clothes detectives came to my apartment years ago and started questioning me about the girl that lived next door. I had to answer questions about anything I'd heard, describe people I'd seen. Turns out she had been murdered.
We once had investigators show up here at my work. One of the students had been murdered. Oddly he was shot and killed in an incident that was most likely drug related in the city I live in and not where the college is. I've never known anyone to be shot where I live. It was just wierd. But anyway the detectives showed up and searched his room. When they entered the room they actually pulled their guns to sweep the room first. My coworker who has been through the academy laughed his butt off at that.

FAQ: What are the procedures for federal background checks?

1. What is a federal background check?

A federal background check is a thorough investigation of a person's criminal history, employment history, and education history. It is conducted by government agencies to determine a person's eligibility for certain positions or benefits.

2. Who is required to undergo a federal background check?

Certain individuals, such as federal employees, contractors, and applicants for federal jobs, are required by law to undergo a federal background check. Additionally, individuals seeking security clearance, working in sensitive positions, or applying for certain licenses may also be subject to a federal background check.

3. What information is included in a federal background check?

A federal background check typically includes a person's criminal record, employment history, education history, credit history, and other personal information. It may also include interviews with references and a review of social media accounts.

4. How long does a federal background check take?

The length of time for a federal background check varies depending on the type of check being conducted and the responsiveness of the sources providing the information. On average, a federal background check can take anywhere from a few days to several months to complete.

5. Can a federal background check be appealed?

Yes, if a person believes there is erroneous or incomplete information in their federal background check, they can file an appeal. The appeal process may vary depending on the agency conducting the check, but typically involves providing additional documentation or requesting a review of the information.

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