What are the properties and connections between bit strings and graph theory?

In summary, the conversation discusses the graph G whose vertices are bit-strings of length n and whose edges are formed by joining bit-strings that differ in exactly two places. The conversation provides examples and suggests arranging the vertices as a cube for better visualization. It also discusses the regularity of G, the necessary and sufficient condition for a path to exist between two vertices in G, and the number of connected components of G. The conversation concludes by offering further assistance if needed.
  • #1
I am not really sure how to start this problem, and I have tried searching everywhere. If you could help me that would be great...just to know how to get started. I'm in 2nd Year, Intro to discrete mathematics, if it matters. Thanks

Let G be a graph whose vertices correspond to the bit-strings of length n.


Where ai= 0 or 1, and whose edges are formed by joining those bit-strings which differ in exactly two places.

a) show that G is regular, that is, every vertex has the same degree, and find the degree of each vertex.

b) Find a necessary and sufficient condition that there exist a path joining two vertices a=a1a2…an and b=b1b2…bn in G.

c) Find the number of connected components of G.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you really have no clue on how to do a question like this, the first thing I'd do is look at some concrete examples. Try to work out the question for n=1, 2, 3, and maybe 4 if you need to (1 and 2 should be exceedingly dull). By working out these examples, you should be able to see why a) is true, and probably guess on what the degree will be for a given n as well as a conjecture for b) and c) in the general case.

Hopefully these specific examples will give some insight into the general case, and you will get some idea on how to start the general proofs. One more thing, for n=3 (and 1 and 2 I guess) it might help to arrange your vertices as though the bits represented coordinates in R^3, so they are the vertices of a cube.

If you try this and still need more help, feel free to ask.
  • #3
sounds like hte hypercube if i remmeber correctly.

FAQ: What are the properties and connections between bit strings and graph theory?

What is a bit string?

A bit string is a sequence of binary digits (0s and 1s) that represents a piece of information. It is commonly used in computer science to store and manipulate data.

How is a bit string different from a regular string?

A regular string is a sequence of characters, such as letters and numbers, that represents text. A bit string, on the other hand, is a sequence of binary digits that represents data. Regular strings are used in human-readable text, while bit strings are used for machine-readable data.

What is graph theory?

Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures that represent relationships between objects. It is used to model and analyze various real-world problems, such as network optimization, scheduling, and social network analysis.

What are some real-world applications of graph theory?

Graph theory has numerous applications in various fields, including computer science, transportation, biology, and sociology. Some examples include routing algorithms in computer networks, navigation systems, protein interaction networks in biology, and social network analysis in sociology.

How is graph theory related to bit strings?

Graph theory and bit strings are related in the sense that both can be used to represent and analyze relationships between objects. Bit strings can be used to represent graphs by encoding the presence or absence of edges between vertices. Additionally, graph algorithms can be used to analyze and manipulate bit strings, making them useful in computer science applications.
