What are the real-world applications of vector triple products?

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  • Thread starter Prove It
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In summary: This is basically the Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization process.That's also what happens in Plato's example.$\mathbf T$ is the unit velocity vector, while $\mathbf T' = \kappa \mathbf N$ is the vector perpendicular to it (curvature times unit normal vector). This is how curvature is defined as...In summary, the lecture covered the scalar triple product and its use in mathematical modelling, as well as some applications. However, there were no real-world examples given.
  • #1
Prove It
Gold Member
Hi everyone,

This semester I was asked to lecture Calculus 2 at the university in which I work. I gladly accepted :)

Anyway, we are up to the second module, which is Vectors. Today's lecture was about Scalar Triple Products and Vector Triple Products. My class is very attentive and was asking a lot of questions today. Unfortunately, the lecture notes I inherited had ZERO information on why we would need to evaluate a vector triple product, though it said there are numerous applications including mathematical modelling of particle and fluid dynamics. Scalar triple products are easy - we use them to evaluate the volume of a paralleliped and to determine if vectors or points are coplanar. Among the participation from the students, I was asked why we would need to evaluate the vector triple product, and for the life of me I could not think of a single application. I even checked Google and could not find one there either, although geometrically we can use the vector triple product to find a vector that lies in the same plane as the final two vectors.

Just to be clear, I'm talking about [tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{a} \times \left( \mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c} \right) [/tex], which can be evaluated more easily using [tex]\displaystyle \left( \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{c} \right) \mathbf{b} - \left( \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} \right) \mathbf{c} [/tex].

So my question is, could somebody please give me some real-world examples of applications of the vector triple product? Thanks :)
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  • #2
  • #3
Ackbach said:
It shows up in rotating reference frames, where you have to write down Newton's Second Law quite a bit differently.

Thank you Ackbach, at least I now have something to tell my students next lesson :)
  • #4
Prove It said:
Thank you Ackbach, at least I now have something to tell my students next lesson :)

You're very welcome!
  • #5
The triple vector product is the volume of the body it spans.
Working it out geometrically also shows you why the identity holds.
  • #6
I like Serena said:
The triple vector product is the volume of the body it spans.
Working it out geometrically also shows you why the identity holds.

Are you sure you're not thinking about the scalar triple product?
  • #7
Ackbach said:
Are you sure you're not thinking about the scalar triple product?

Oops. You're right. :eek:
  • #8
Prove It said:
Anyway, we are up to the second module, which is Vectors. Today's lecture was about Scalar Triple Products and Vector Triple Products. My class is very attentive and was asking a lot of questions today. Unfortunately, the lecture notes I inherited had ZERO information on why we would need to evaluate a vector triple product, though it said there are numerous applications including mathematical modelling of particle and fluid dynamics. Scalar triple products are easy - we use them to evaluate the volume of a paralleliped and to determine if vectors or points are coplanar. Among the participation from the students, I was asked why we would need to evaluate the vector triple product, and for the life of me I could not think of a single application. I even checked Google and could not find one there either, although geometrically we can use the vector triple product to find a vector that lies in the same plane as the final two vectors.

Just to be clear, I'm talking about [tex]\displaystyle \mathbf{a} \times \left( \mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c} \right) [/tex], which can be evaluated more easily using [tex]\displaystyle \left( \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{c} \right) \mathbf{b} - \left( \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} \right) \mathbf{c} [/tex].

So my question is, could somebody please give me some real-world examples of applications of the vector triple product? Thanks :)

Since I know next to nothing about applied mathematics, I know there are other geometric uses for the triple vector product.
It is essential in the proof of the formula for the distance between two skew lines,

Also in defining the unit tangent vector Big T as \(\displaystyle T=\frac{R'}{\|R'\|}\), we can use the triple vector product to simplify its derivative \(\displaystyle T'=\frac{R'\times(R''\times R')}{\|R'\|^3}\).
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  • #9
Plato said:
Since I know next to nothing about applied mathematics, I know there are other geometric uses for the triple vector product.
It is essential in the proof of the formula for the distance between two skew lines,

Also in defining the unit tangent vector Big T as \(\displaystyle T=\frac{R'}{\|R'\|}\), we can use the triple vector product to simplify its derivative \(\displaystyle T'=\frac{R'\times(R''\times R')}{\|R'\|^3}\).

Thank you Plato, since I'm from a more pure mathematics background, that helps a lot too :)
  • #10
If you have 2 vectors $\mathbf a$ and $\mathbf b$, then $\{ \mathbf a, (\mathbf a \times \mathbf b), \mathbf a \times (\mathbf a \times \mathbf b) \}$ forms an orthogonal basis.

This is basically the Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization process.

That's also what happens in Plato's example.
$\mathbf T$ is the unit velocity vector, while $\mathbf T' = \kappa \mathbf N$ is the vector perpendicular to it (curvature times unit normal vector). This is how curvature is defined as a component of a local orthonormal basis.

And that's also what happens in Ackbach's example, where basically each direction in a local orthonormal basis is labeled with a different name.

FAQ: What are the real-world applications of vector triple products?

1. What is a vector triple product?

A vector triple product is a mathematical operation that involves three vectors and results in a new vector. It is also known as a scalar triple product or a triple scalar product.

2. How is a vector triple product calculated?

A vector triple product is calculated by taking the cross product of two of the vectors and then taking the dot product of the resulting vector with the third vector. In mathematical notation, it can be written as (a x b) · c.

3. What is the geometrical interpretation of a vector triple product?

The vector triple product has a geometrical interpretation as the volume of the parallelepiped formed by the three vectors. The magnitude of the vector triple product is equal to the volume of the parallelepiped, and the direction of the vector is perpendicular to the plane formed by the three vectors.

4. What is the significance of the order of the vectors in a vector triple product?

The order of the vectors is significant in a vector triple product. Switching the order of two vectors will result in a vector with the same magnitude but opposite direction. This is because the cross product is not commutative, meaning a x b is not equal to b x a.

5. What are some real-life applications of vector triple products?

Vector triple products have applications in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. They are used to calculate moments of inertia, torque, and angular momentum in mechanics. In computer graphics, they are used to determine the orientation and position of 3D objects. They also have applications in electromagnetism and fluid mechanics.
