What are the rotational motion problems and how to solve them?

  • Thread starter Twilit_Truth
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In summary: Yes, I can.In summary, In problem 1, a wheel rotates with a constant acceleration of 3.50 rad/s^2. If the angular speed of the wheel is 2.00 rad/s at ti = 0: a) Trough what angle does the wheel rotate in 2.00s? b) What is the angular speed at t = 2.00s? In problem 2, Mateo rode a unicycle with a wheel diameter of .406m. If the wheel's average angular acceleration was 0.552 rad/s^2, how long will it take for the wheel's angular speed to increace from 2.39 rad/s to 5.20 rad/s? In problem 3, In
  • #1
OK, I can't figure this out either. Sorry if it seems I'm here alot, I'm trying to make up 6 weeks worth of work. I have 4 problems here. I have no idea how to even begin these problems, so ANYTHING would be helpful. (s^2 is seconds squared)

1) A wheel rotates with a constant acceleration of 3.50 rad/s^2. If the angular speed of the wheel is 2.00 rad/s at ti = 0:

a) Trough what angle does the wheel rotate in 2.00s?

b) What is the angular speed at t = 2.00s?

2) Mateo rode a unicycle with a wheel diameter of .406m. If the wheel's average angular acceleration was 0.552 rad/s^2, how long will it take for the wheel's angular speed to increace from 2.39 rad/s to 5.20 rad/s?

3) In the biblical story, little David slew the Giant Goliath with a sling shot. Assume that David starts rotating a .150 kg stone from rest in a sling of radius 1.50 m. If the average angular acceleration of the stone is 4.5 rad/s^2:

a) What is the tension in the sling after 8.5 s?

b) What is the linear velocity of the stone if he releases it at 8.5 s?

4) In a typical CD player, the disc spins counterclockwise, and the speed of the surface at the point of contact of the laser lens is 1.3 m/s. This requires that the rotational speed vary with the radiuis of the track being played.

a) Find the angular speed of the disc in both rad/s and RPM (rotations/min.) when information is being read from the innermost track (r = 23 mm) and the outermost track (r = 58 mm)

b) The maximum playing time of a standard music CD is 74 min. 33 s. How many revolutions does the disc make during that time? Assume constant angular acceleration.

c) What is the total length of the track that is read by the laser during the 74 min. 33 s of playing time?

I know it's a lot, but I'm going to fail if I don't get help. Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
These are pretty basic rotational motion problems. All you need to solve them are the kinematics equations for rotation. #3 involves circular motion.

Show some work.
  • #4
It should. Thank you so much.
  • #5
Uh, how do I find the tension in problem 3? I never was good at tension.
  • #6
Do you know what centripetal force is?
  • #7
Ah. thank you for the help.
  • #8
How do you convert rad/s into rpm?
  • #9
Think how many rads are there in one rev.
  • #10
2pi, right?
  • #11
Right. Now you can convert?
  • #12
ok, so if 2pi rad/s =60 RPMs, then I take the rad/s and multiply by 60, then divde by 2pi?
  • #13

Think a while, gather 3-4 questions, and then post. Saves time and energy.
  • #14
Alright, thanks for the help. This really saved my butt.
  • #15
Ok, back with more questions. On problem 4, part b, how do you find the number of revolutions wothout a measure of the track length (which is found in c, and I need help with that too)?
  • #16
Do you know the rotational equivalents of the eqns of uniform linear accn? There's one connecting initial and final velocities, and the dist. Can you the apply the equivalent of that for 4 b?

FAQ: What are the rotational motion problems and how to solve them?

What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion is the movement of an object around a fixed point or axis. It is also known as circular motion, and it is described by the object's angular velocity and angular acceleration.

What is the difference between linear and rotational motion?

The main difference between linear and rotational motion is the path that the object takes. In linear motion, the object moves in a straight line, while in rotational motion, the object moves in a circular path around a fixed point or axis.

What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is the rate at which an object rotates around an axis. It is measured in radians per second and is calculated by dividing the change in angle by the change in time.

What is torque?

Torque is the measure of an object's tendency to rotate around an axis. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance between the axis of rotation and the point where the force is applied.

How do you solve rotational motion problems?

To solve rotational motion problems, you need to identify the known and unknown variables, use the appropriate equations, and solve for the unknown variable. It is important to pay attention to units and use the correct formulas for different types of rotational motion, such as constant angular velocity or constant angular acceleration.
