What Are the Steps to Solve Einstein Equations for This Metric?

In summary, the conversation is about finding the Christoffel symbols, Einstein equations, and the metric of a given problem. The speaker has attempted to find the Christoffel symbols and the Ricci tensors, but has not been able to match the required equations. Another speaker suggests a method of going symbol by symbol to evaluate all possibilities, and shares their calculation for one of the Ricci components. The conversation ends with the suggestion to repeat the process for the other Ricci components and remove the trace to find the desired results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(a) Find the christoffel symbols
(b) Find the einstein equations
(c) Find A and B
(d) Comment on this metric


Homework Equations

[tex]\Gamma_{\alpha\beta}^\mu \frac{1}{2} g^{\mu v} \left( \partial_\alpha g_{\beta v} + \partial_\beta g_{\alpha v} - \partial_\mu g_{\alpha \beta} \right) [/tex]

[tex]R_{v \beta} = \partial_\mu \Gamma_{\beta v}^\mu - \partial_\beta \Gamma_{\mu v}^\mu + \Gamma_{\mu \epsilon}^\mu \Gamma_{v \beta}^\epsilon - \Gamma_{\epsilon \beta}^\mu \Gamma_{v \mu}^\epsilon [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

After some math, I found the christoffel symbols to be:
##\Gamma_{11}^0 = \frac{A A^{'}}{c^2}##
##\Gamma_{22}^0 = \frac{B B^{'}}{c^2}##
##\Gamma_{33}^0 = \frac{B B^{'}}{c^2}##
##\Gamma_{01}^1 = \frac{A^{'}}{A}##
##\Gamma_{02}^2 = \frac{B^{'}}{B}##
##\Gamma_{03}^3 = \frac{B^{'}}{B}##

Part (b)
Now brace yourselves for the ricci tensors...
[tex]R_{00} = -\partial_0 \left( \Gamma_{01}^1 + \Gamma_{02}^2 + \Gamma_{03}^3 \right) - \Gamma_{10}^1 \Gamma_{01}^1 - 2\Gamma_{20}^2 \Gamma_{02}^2 [/tex]
[tex]R_{00} = -\frac{A^{''}}{A} - 2 \frac{B^{''}}{B}[/tex]

By symmetry, ##R_{01} = R_{02} = R_{03} = R_{12} = R_{13} = R_{23} = 0##.

Now to find the ##11## component:
[tex]R_{11} = \partial_0 \Gamma_{11}^0 + \Gamma_{11}^0 \left( \Gamma_{10}^1 + \Gamma_{20}^2 + \Gamma_{30}^3 \right) - \Gamma_{11}^0 \Gamma_{10}^1 - \Gamma_{01}^1 \Gamma_{11}^0 [/tex]
[tex] = \partial_0 \Gamma_{11}^0 + 2 \Gamma_{11}^0 \Gamma_{20}^2 - \Gamma_{11}^0 \Gamma_{10}^1 [/tex]
[tex] R_{11} = \frac{A A^{''}}{c^2} + 2 \left( \frac{A}{B} \right) \frac{A^{'} B^{'}}{c^2} [/tex]

By symmetry, to find ##22## and ##33## components, we swap ##A## with ##B##:
[tex]R_{22} = R_{33} = \frac{B B^{''}}{c^2} + 2 \left( \frac{B}{A} \right) \frac{A^{'} B^{'}}{c^2}[/tex]The einstein field equations are given by:
[tex]G^{\alpha \beta} = \frac{8 \pi G}{c^4} T^{\alpha \beta} - \Lambda g^{\alpha \beta} [/tex]

Thus, the simultaneous equations we seek are:
[tex] G^{00} = \frac{8 \pi G}{c^4} T^{00} [/tex]
For ##\mu, v \neq 0## we have
[tex] R_{\mu v} = 0[/tex]
So we simply equate ##R_11 = 0##, ##R_22 = R_{33} = 0##.However, the equations don't match..
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  • #2
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bumpp on part (b)/(c)
  • #10
Would appreciate help with my "ricci-nightmare"
  • #11
Anyone managed to get a different result for the ricci tensors yet?
  • #12
anyone else had a go with the ricci tensors?
  • #13
tried again, still didn't get the required ricci tensors.
  • #14
Here is what I find for one term for Ricci
  • #15
thierrykauf said:
Here is what I find for one term for Ricci

I think the term is not appearing, do you mind posting it again?
  • #16
bumpp ricci
  • #17
Hold on. Here is what I find
  • #18
Here is what I find [tex]R_{00}=\Gamma^x_{x0}\Gamma^x_{x0} + \Gamma^x_{x0}\Gamma^y_{y0} + \Gamma^z_{z0}\Gamma^y_{y0}[/tex]
  • #19
thierrykauf said:
Here is what I find [tex]R_{00}=\Gamma^x_{x0}\Gamma^x_{x0} + \Gamma^x_{x0}\Gamma^y_{y0} + \Gamma^z_{z0}\Gamma^y_{y0}[/tex]
Thanks a lot for replying. I'll give it a go later today and post my updated work.
  • #20
Please do. And let's see what you have.
  • #21
thierrykauf said:
Please do. And let's see what you have.
My method is to go symbol by symbol and evaluate all possibilities for each symbol. Let's try to find ##R_{tt}##. For the first symbol, since all christoffel symbols are functions of ##t##, the first term ##\partial_t \Gamma^t_{tt}=0##. Third term is zero as there is a ##\Gamma^{\epsilon}_{tt}## term.Then we have

[tex]R_{\nu \beta} = \partial_\mu \Gamma^\mu_{\beta \nu} - \partial_\beta \Gamma^\mu_{\mu \nu} + \Gamma^\mu_{\mu \epsilon} \Gamma^\epsilon_{\nu \beta} - \Gamma^\mu_{\epsilon \beta} \Gamma^\epsilon_{\nu \mu} [/tex]

[tex]R_{tt} = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \Gamma^\mu_{\epsilon t} \Gamma^\epsilon_{t\mu}[/tex]

Last term is non-zero only if ##\mu = \epsilon = x,y,z##.

[tex] = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \left[ (\Gamma^x_{tx})^2 + (\Gamma^y_{ty})^2 + (\Gamma^z_{tz})^2 \right] [/tex]
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  • #22
  • #23
bumpp on
[tex]R_{tt} = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \left[ (\Gamma^x_{tx})^2 + (\Gamma^y_{ty})^2 + (\Gamma^z_{tz})^2 \right] [/tex]
  • #24
unscientific said:
My method is to go symbol by symbol and evaluate all possibilities for each symbol. Let's try to find ##R_{tt}##. For the first symbol, since all christoffel symbols are functions of ##t##, the first term ##\partial_t \Gamma^t_{tt}=0##. Third term is zero as there is a ##\Gamma^{\epsilon}_{tt}## term.Then we have

[tex]R_{\nu \beta} = \partial_\mu \Gamma^\mu_{\beta \nu} - \partial_\beta \Gamma^\mu_{\mu \nu} + \Gamma^\mu_{\mu \epsilon} \Gamma^\epsilon_{\nu \beta} - \Gamma^\mu_{\epsilon \beta} \Gamma^\epsilon_{\nu \mu} [/tex]

[tex]R_{tt} = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \Gamma^\mu_{\epsilon t} \Gamma^\epsilon_{t\mu}[/tex]

Last term is non-zero only if ##\mu = \epsilon = x,y,z##.

[tex] = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \left[ (\Gamma^x_{tx})^2 + (\Gamma^y_{ty})^2 + (\Gamma^z_{tz})^2 \right] [/tex]

  • #25
thierrykauf said:
Please do. And let's see what you have.
[tex]R_{tt} = -\partial_t \left( \Gamma^x_{xt} + \Gamma^y_{yt} + \Gamma^z_{zt} \right) - \left[ (\Gamma^x_{tx})^2 + (\Gamma^y_{ty})^2 + (\Gamma^z_{tz})^2 \right] [/tex]

  • #26
anyone else had a go with the ricci tensors?
  • #27
  • #28
thierrykauf said:
Please do. And let's see what you have.
Any new update?
  • #29
Hey, sorry for letting you down. Here is what I find for \tex{R_{00}
  • #30
Hi, here is what I found for the first Ricci component
[tex]R_{00} = \partial_l\Gamma^l_{00} - \partial_0\Gamma^l_{0l} + \Gamma^l_{00}\Gamma^m_{lm} - \Gamma^m_{0l}\Gamma^l_{0m}[/tex]
[tex]R_{00} = -(\frac{A'}{A})' - 2(\frac{B'}{B})'- (\frac{A'}{A})^2 - 2 (\frac{B'}{B})^2[/tex]
[tex]R_{00} = -(\frac{A''}{A}) - 2(\frac{B''}{B})[/tex]

Repeat for the three others then remove the trace with subtracting the scalar curvature. These calculations are not difficult but they always stomp me when I'm not fully awake :)

FAQ: What Are the Steps to Solve Einstein Equations for This Metric?

1. What are the Einstein equations of this metric?

The Einstein equations of a metric describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy within it. They are a set of ten coupled, non-linear partial differential equations that form the basis of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

2. How do the Einstein equations relate to the theory of general relativity?

The Einstein equations are the cornerstone of the theory of general relativity. They show how the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the presence of matter and energy, and how this curvature affects the motion of objects within it.

3. Can the Einstein equations be solved analytically?

In general, the Einstein equations cannot be solved analytically due to their non-linear nature. However, there are certain special cases where exact solutions can be found, such as the Schwarzschild solution for a non-rotating, spherically symmetric mass.

4. What is the significance of the Ricci tensor in the Einstein equations?

The Ricci tensor is a key component of the Einstein equations, representing the local curvature of spacetime. It is derived from the Riemann curvature tensor, which describes the overall curvature of spacetime.

5. How have the Einstein equations been tested and confirmed?

The predictions of the Einstein equations have been extensively tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations, such as the bending of light by massive objects and the gravitational redshift. These confirmations have solidified the validity of general relativity as a fundamental theory of gravity.

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