What Are the Subgroups of Z3 x Z3?

There are 4 cyclic subgroups of order 3.In summary, the solution to finding all of the subgroups of Z3 x Z3 is to first recognize that Z3 x Z3 is isomorphic to Z9, and then to find the cyclic subgroups of order 3 within Z9. These subgroups are <1>, <3>, <5>, and <7>. It is important to note that Z3 x Z3 is not cyclic, as any element of Z3 x Z3 has order 3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find all of the subgroups of Z3 x Z3

Homework Equations

Z3 x Z3 is isomorphic to Z9

The Attempt at a Solution

x = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
<x0> or just <0> = {0}
<1> = {identity}
<2> = {0,2,4,6} also wasn't sure if I did this one correctly x o x for x2
<3> = {0,3,6}
and so on until I got
<8> = {0,8}
<9> = {0}

I feel like I might be completely wrong but is this even a cyclic group, and do I need to approach finding the subgroups differently? Thanks
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  • #2
Z3xZ3 is not cyclic. Any element of Z3xZ3 has order 3. And even if it were, your subgroups of Z9 have problems.
  • #3
If you're going to compute the subgroup of Z9 generated by 2, you can't stop at 8. We start with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and then 2+8=10=1 mod 9, 1+2=3, then you get 5 and 7 so 2 generates the whole group.

Of course like Dick said those aren't the subgroups you're looking for anyway

FAQ: What Are the Subgroups of Z3 x Z3?

What is a cyclic group?

A cyclic group is a group in abstract algebra that is generated by a single element. This means that all the elements in the group can be obtained by repeatedly applying the group operation to the generator.

What is a subgroup?

A subgroup is a subset of a group that also forms a group under the same operation. This means that the subgroup has the same properties as the original group, such as closure, associativity, and identity element.

How do you determine if a group is cyclic?

A group is cyclic if it has an element that generates the entire group. This means that every element in the group can be written as a power of the generator. If a group is finite, you can also determine if it is cyclic by checking if the order of the group is a prime number.

How do you find the order of an element in a cyclic group?

The order of an element in a cyclic group is the smallest positive integer n such that the element raised to the nth power is equal to the identity element. This can also be thought of as the number of distinct elements that can be generated by repeatedly applying the group operation to the element.

What is the relationship between cyclic groups and subgroups?

Every subgroup of a cyclic group is also a cyclic group. This is because the generator of the original cyclic group will also be a generator for the subgroup. Additionally, any subgroup of a cyclic group will have an order that divides the order of the original cyclic group.
