What Are the Subgroups of Z_n When n Is Even?

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In summary: Summarizing:Every even positve integer divides the number of elements in a subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}_n$.
  • #1
Gold Member
Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian

This is Exercise 24 Chapter 3 Page 70


Suppose $n$ is an even positve integer and $H$ is a subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}_n$. Prove that either every member of $H$ is even or exactly half of the members of $H$ are even


We consider some cases :

[1] The subgroup generated by the identity $0$ then $H=<0>=\{0\}$ hence all members are even .
[2] The subgroup generated by $1$ , $H=G$ and since the ordere of $G$ is even , we have half the members are even.
[3] The subgroup generated by $2$, $H=<2>=\{0,2,4,6 , \cdots , 2n\}$
hence all members are even.
[4] The subgroup generated by $n$ , $H=<n>=\{0,n\}$. If $n$ is even then subgroup contains even integers. If $n$ is odd half the members are even.

Since $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is cyclic every subgroup is cyclic. So it suffices to look at the subgroups generated by each even and odd element. I am taking this theorem from another latter chapter so I guess I shouldn't be able to use the properties of cyclic groups.

Any hint how to proceed ?
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  • #2
The theorem stated is equivalent to this one:

Let $K$ be the subgroup of "even" elements. Then either:

1. $|K \cap H| = |H|$


2. $|K \cap H| = \dfrac{|H|}{2}$.

Some observations about your observations:

Your description of the subgroup generated by $n$ is incorrect: in $\Bbb Z_n$ we have that:

$[n] = [0]$, since $n \equiv 0 \text{ (mod } n)$.

Before I go any further, might I ask: have you covered Lagrange's theorem yet?
  • #3
Deveno said:
Some observations about your observations:

Your description of the subgroup generated by $n$ is incorrect: in $\Bbb Z_n$ we have that:

$[n] = [0]$, since $n \equiv 0 \text{ (mod } n)$.

I actually abused the notations. Since $n$ is even we have $n=2k$ for some positive $k$ then we have the subgroup generated by $k$ contains $\{0,k\}$.

Before I go any further, might I ask: have you covered Lagrange's theorem yet?

No, we only covered groups ,subgroups tests and examples of subgroups.
  • #4
Re: Supgroups of Z_n when n is even

OK. In this case, note that "even" only makes sense when $n$ is an even integer, for if $n$ is odd, "skipping by 2's" lands on every element.

Also note that we can't use our "usual" definition of "even": that $k$ is even if 2 divides $k$, because "divides" doesn't always make sense in $\Bbb Z_n$ (consider $n = 6$ and what "division by 3" could possibly mean).

SO we have to use THIS definition:

$[k]$ is even if $[k]$ is in the subgroup generated by $[2]$ which is:


Equivalently, $[k]$ is even if $k$ is even.

Now, let's do this:

Suppose $H = \{[0],[k_1],...,[k_r]\}$ with:

$1 \leq k_1 <\dots < k_r < n$.

Claim 1:

$H$ consists solely of sums:

$[k_1], 2[k_1],\dots,s[k_1] = [0]$ (here, $t[k_1]$ is a $t$-fold sum of $k_1$ with itself).

Clearly any such sum is in $H$ by closure. Since we have an infinite number of such sums, and $H$ is finite, it must be that for two positive integers $t_1 < t_2$:

$t_1[k_1] = t_2[k_1]$, so $(t_2 - t_1)[k_1] = [0]$.

Since any non-empty set of positive integers has a least element, we have a least such positive integer, $s$. I claim that $s$ divides $n$ and moreover, that $k_1$ does, as well.

Write $n = qk_1 + r$, where $r = 0$ or $r < k_1$.

In $H$, this becomes:

$[0] = q[k_1] + [r]$, showing that $[r] \in H$. Since we chose $k_1$ to be minimal, $r = 0$.

This shows that $k_1$ divides $n$.

Now suppose $k_j$ is not a multiple of $k_1$. Again, we can write:

$k_j = q'k_1 + r'$, and by the same reasoning, we must have $r' = 0$, which contradicts our assumption that $k_j$ is not a multiple of $k_1$.

But now we see that the smallest positive integer $s$ for which $s[k_1] = [0]$ (in $\Bbb Z_n$) must be the $q$ we posited earlier, since for every smaller positive integer $t$, we have:

$tk_1 = k_j < n$.

This proves claim 1.

We now consider two cases:

Case 1: $k_1$ is even.

In this case, we see every element of $H$ is even.

Case 2: $k_1$ is odd. In this case, since $sk_1 = n$ and $n$ is even, We must have an even number of elements in $H$, namely:


Clearly, every other element is even, and there are $s/2$ such elements.
  • #5

One approach to proving this statement is to use the fact that every subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is of the form $\langle d \rangle$ for some divisor $d$ of $n$. Since $n$ is even, we know that $d$ must also be even. Therefore, every subgroup of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is either generated by an even element (in which case all members are even), or by an odd element (in which case exactly half of the members are even). This shows that the statement is true for all subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ when $n$ is even.

FAQ: What Are the Subgroups of Z_n When n Is Even?

What is a subgroup of Z_n when n is even?

A subgroup of Z_n when n is even is a subset of the group of integers under addition (Z_n) that forms a group itself. It contains the identity element (0) and is closed under addition and inverse operations.

How do you determine the order of a subgroup of Z_n when n is even?

The order of a subgroup of Z_n when n is even can be determined by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of n and the elements in the subgroup. The order will be equal to n divided by the GCD.

What is the relationship between subgroups of Z_n when n is even and the factors of n?

The number of subgroups of Z_n when n is even is equal to the number of factors of n. This is because each factor of n corresponds to a unique cyclic subgroup of Z_n.

Can a subgroup of Z_n when n is even be isomorphic to Z_m?

Yes, a subgroup of Z_n when n is even can be isomorphic to Z_m if and only if m divides n. This means that the order of the subgroup must be a factor of n.

Are there any other types of subgroups in Z_n when n is even besides cyclic subgroups?

Yes, there are other types of subgroups in Z_n when n is even, such as the trivial subgroup (which only contains the identity element) and the improper subgroup (which contains all elements of Z_n). There can also be non-cyclic subgroups, but they must have an order that is a factor of n.

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