What Are the Theoretical Limits on Radio Telescope Size and Resolution?

In summary: If you want to make a telescope with a 1 km resolution, you need a 1 km aperature. (There are clever tricks to boost resolution, but they have limits too.)In summary, the theoretical limits on the size of a radio telescope are determined by the light-gathering power, with interferometers having practical limits. It is possible to build a telescope with enough resolution to make out small structures on a planet 5 light years away, but this would require a large separation and synchronization of telescopes. Gravitational lensing from black holes could potentially be used, but it would still be subject to diffraction constraints. There is no known theoretical limit on resolution based on the laws of physics, but it may be limited by
  • #1
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What the "theoretical" limits on the size of a radio telescope (assuming great advances in manufacturing techniques and unlimited resources). I know the resolution is dependent on how far apart you place the individual components, so could you in theory have one that spanned the entire solar system? Even larger? I know relativity at some point would make synchronizing the signals difficult, but assuming you could compensate for this? What becomes the limiting factor?

In a related question, is it even withint the realm of possible theory (assuming amazing advances in technology and again unlimited resources but no fundamental changes to the laws of physics as we know them) to build some sort of telescope that would have enough resolution to make out small structures on the surface of a planet 5 light years distant? Would a series of fortunately place black holes contributing some gravitational lensing change the answer at all?

Is there some specific resolution that reaches some theortical limit based on the laws of physics (as opposed to the quality of raw materials and production techniques within our reach)? If so, what causes it, and can it be accurately determined?

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  • #2
gonzo said:
What the "theoretical" limits on the size of a radio telescope (assuming great advances in manufacturing techniques and unlimited resources). I know the resolution is dependent on how far apart you place the individual components, so could you in theory have one that spanned the entire solar system? Even larger? I know relativity at some point would make synchronizing the signals difficult, but assuming you could compensate for this? What becomes the limiting factor?

I'm not an expert in this area, but I suspect the limiting factor would be light-gathering power. Although interferometers are good for high angular resolution, there are still practical limits to how much light you can collect in your dishes. It's not enough that you can distinguish the photons from two objects 1 cm apart on a nearby planet, you also have to collect enough photons to see them.

In a related question, is it even withint the realm of possible theory to build some sort of telescope that would have enough resolution to make out small structures on the surface of a planet 5 light years distant?

I would think so. A city that was 10 km in size would subtend an angle of

[tex]\theta=5 \times 10^{-8}\ arcseconds[/tex]

or about a ten millionth of an arcsecond. The separation of the telescopes would then need to be

[tex]D=\frac{\lambda}{\theta}\simeq 0.3\ \frac{1\ cm}{\lambda}\ AU[/tex]

So at radio frequencies you would need to separate them by about the size of the Earth's orbit. Optical frequencies would require a separation much smaller (like the size of a country), but it would be much harder to synchronize the phases. The size of the dishes required would depend upon the amount of light the city was outputting and how long you were observing it for.

Would a series of fortunately place black holes contributing some gravitational lensing change the answer at all?

Constructing a lensing system out of black holes would, in principle, be subject to the same diffraction constraints as for an ordinary lens or mirror. The only advantage would be that you wouldn't have to synchronize the signals.

Is there some specific resolution that reaches some theortical limit based on the laws of physics (as opposed to the quality of raw materials and production techniques within our reach)? If so, what causes it, and can it be accurately determined?

I think you're effectively asking about the validity of electromagnetic theory on various scales. There's no such limit that I know of, but perhaps a particle physicist could give a better answer.
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  • #3
Resolution decreases [hence aperature must increase] as wavelength increases. Radio telescopes achieve far worse resolution than optical or shorter wavelength instruments. The fact you can make a radio dish out of chicken wire instead of polished glass should give you a rough idea of the order of magnitude difference in resolution.

FAQ: What Are the Theoretical Limits on Radio Telescope Size and Resolution?

1. What is a radio telescope?

A radio telescope is a specialized instrument used to detect and study radio waves emitted by objects in space. It is similar to an optical telescope, but instead of using light, it collects and amplifies radio signals.

2. What are the limitations of radio telescopes?

One of the main limitations of radio telescopes is their sensitivity to interference from human-made radio signals. This can make it challenging to detect faint signals from space. Additionally, the size and design of a radio telescope can also limit its ability to detect certain types of radio waves.

3. How far into space can radio telescopes see?

Radio telescopes can see extremely far into space, much farther than optical telescopes. They can detect radio waves from objects billions of light-years away, giving scientists a glimpse into the early universe.

4. How do radio telescopes improve their resolution?

Radio telescopes can improve their resolution through a process called interferometry. This involves combining data from multiple telescopes to create a more detailed image. The larger the distance between the telescopes, the higher the resolution.

5. What are some of the largest radio telescopes in the world?

Some of the largest radio telescopes in the world include the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in China, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile. These telescopes have advanced technology and capabilities that allow them to study the universe in great detail.

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