What are the Unanswered Questions About Gamma Ray Particles?

In summary, the conversation revolves around questions about the life of gamma ray particles. These questions include whether gamma ray particles remain unchanged after a gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago, if changes detected are not due to travel through normal space but rather due to dark matter/energy, what happens to gamma ray particles at the end of the universe, and the lifetime of these particles in endless vacuum space time. Other questions include whether a surviving gamma ray particle at the end of the universe can create a gamma proton and/or electron/positron, what happens to a maximum loaded gamma ray particle if not disturbed for billions of years, and how many gamma ray particles are too highly charged for scattering. The conversation also explores the possibility of a maximum gamma ray particle
  • #1
peter kool
questions about life of gamma ray particle

question-are gamma ray particles unchanged after gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago?
question-are changes detected not due to travel through normal space, scattering? changes due to dark matter/energy?
question-positronium decay at end universe: what happens to the gamma ray particles?
what is their lifetime in endless vacuum space time and can these particles decay in other way than scattering, interacting with dark matter/energy?
question can one surviving gamma ray particle at end universe create a gamma proton and or electron/positron creating matter and starting universe all over again?
question-what happens to a maximum loaded gamma ray particle (scattering not possible) if not disturbed for billions of years, for example in vacuum space time continuum?
question-how many gamma ray particles are too highly charged for scattering, who is producing them and what is their lifetime?
question-how many gamma ray particles are immortal or better said survive space time continuum without changing, scattering?
question-how many gamma ray particles are beyond space time continuum?
question-can one max loaded gamma ray particle create big bang (max charge no gamma proton release)?
question-where does energy go after creating big bang out of one max gamma ray particle?
and what space/time does it need to release energy? can that energy create space/time and or more dimensions?
question-can we hold one max loaded gamma ray particle in container? and if... for how long?
question-graphics of life of gamma ray particle also the ones that are billions of years old and not like the microwave background photons released 300000 years after big bang because they changed to 3 kelvin, these particles must be unchanged since release in early universe at gamma ray burst or have changed due to dark matter/energy so interaction or scattering must be ruled out
question-can the maximum gamma ray particle be dark energy not releasing its energy in 13 billion years of normal space/time or releasing in dark energy because they "know" without space/time how to release energy; and what is the effect if more than one max gamma ray particle (being beyond scattering) can be formed, go through space/time without changing, interacting with dark matter or releasing energy in normal space/time continuum producing matter thus releasing energy beyond space/time continuum in quantum multiversum and/or dark energy (energy must be released to get zero equilibrium universe or balancing the books in normal words versus containment of energy over 13 billion years since gamma ray burst and containing energy beyond "end universe" if particle is max charged and not interacting with our space/time universe) ?
question-how high can you charge a gamma ray particle in big bang itself at that moment?
question-the last one how many maximum gamma ray particles (beyond scattering) have we detected? excluding the big bang itself as being the max max gamma ray particle in this story releasing energy in multiple dimensions and or dark energy
ps-max gamma ray particle and scattering in space time continuum at end universe are not compatible, release of energy remember max charged particle should happen at end/beginning of neverending universe
pps-scattering: gamma ray particle produces one electron or positron and one gamma proton by itself without interaction or so it should be if its charge is low enough to let scattering happen
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
peter kool said:
Dear Peter,

I doubt anybody will care to answer such an awfully written message. Could you please make proper sentences and ask one question at a time ? You would thus get better attention from the PFers :smile:
  • #3
humanino said:
Dear Peter,

I doubt anybody will care to answer such an awfully written message. Could you please make proper sentences and ask one question at a time ? You would thus get better attention from the PFers :smile:

i was not aware of the fact that scientific questions should be asked in 3 word sentences
please note that my reply has more words my excuse for that

ps can you answer one of the questions?
  • #4
peter kool said:
ps can you answer one of the questions?

peter kool said:
question-are gamma ray particles unchanged after gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago?
Yes - when compared to the mass of a fundamental particle, gamma ray photons lose energy and are observed to be red-shifted.

  • #5
too much questions

humanino said:
Dear Peter,

I doubt anybody will care to answer such an awfully written message. Could you please make proper sentences and ask one question at a time ? You would thus get better attention from the PFers :smile:

my general idea was to submit some questions about the life of gamma ray particles
so that everybody reading the text could take one part of the life of a gamma ray particle and explain that part or maybe more

one question then:
are gamma ray particles charged beyond scattering immortal?
  • #6
peter kool said:
my general idea was to submit some questions about the life of gamma ray particles
so that everybody reading the text could take one part of the life of a gamma ray particle and explain that part or maybe more

one question then:
are gamma ray particles charged beyond scattering immortal?
Could you explain what you mean by this question?

Gamma rays are photons and photons do not carry charge.

What do you you mean by "beyond scattering immortal"?

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  • #7
thats even more interesting

Garth said:
Yes - when compared to the mass of a fundamental particle, gamma ray photons lose energy and are observed to be red-shifted.


if red shifted they are loosing energy at speeds higher than the speed of light but to what?
where does the energy go if scattering is not an option (some of them must be too highly charged) ?
of course the early universe makes higher than light speeds probable
  • #8

Garth said:
Could you explain what you mean by this question?

Gamma rays are photons and photons do not carry charge.

What do you you mean by "beyond scattering immortal"?


photons do not have positive or negative charge
i meant quantum dynamics
gamma ray particle sometimes have too much energy to scatter (form gamma proton and electron) so in vacuum space/time at the end of universe they must be immortal
although this particle is no matter it has spin and direction that's what i mean with highly charged meaning highly energised
gamma ray particle formed by positronium (main form of matter at end universe according to some theories) can scatter

so gamma ray particles can have so much energy that they cannot scatter and in vacuum they would spin till eternity without releasing their energy
photons do decay hence microwavebackground radiation were photons released 300000 years after big bang
gamma ray particles shed their energy through scattering but if not possible in normal/space time creating gamma proton and electron they should loose their energy some place else
  • #9
peter kool said:
if red shifted they are loosing energy at speeds higher than the speed of light but to what?
where does the energy go if scattering is not an option (some of them must be too highly charged) ?
of course the early universe makes higher than light speeds probable
Photons are not losing "energy at speeds higher than the speed of light", also they are not "too highly charged, because, as I have said, they are not charged at all.

Energy is a frame dependent quantity - For example, a photon emitted by one apparatus is observed to be red shifted when absorbed by a second apparatus that is moving away from the first. The energy of an individual photon does not 'go' anywhere.

Gravitational red shift is an artefact of cosmological expansion.

  • #10

Garth said:
Photons are not losing "energy at speeds higher than the speed of light", also they are not "too highly charged, because, as I have said, they are not charged at all.

Energy is a frame dependent quantity - For example, a photon emitted by one apparatus is observed to be red shifted when absorbed by a second apparatus that is moving away from the first. The energy of an individual photon does not 'go' anywhere.

Gravitational red shift is an artefact of cosmological expansion.


you are referring to optical redshift which is in the eye of the beholder
in early universe objects really did move faster than speed of light we call that inflation
occurring in a flat universe which may also be in the eye of the beholder
what is even more interesting is the fact that the photons did not change over 13 billion years
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  • #11
maybe i should refer to wimps massive unknown particles
these gamma ray particles beyond scattering due to high energy state could be unknown maximum energised energy particles shed by either gamma ray burst or by big bang itself
  • #12
wimps are weakly interactive massive particles
there might be highly energised particles like maximum gamma ray particles incapable of shedding energy in normal space/time
  • #13
i am new to this site and would have preferred to edit my article more carefully

for what its worth the revised text follows:

question-are some gamma ray particles unchanged after gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago?
question-are changes detected not due to travel through normal space, interaction with baryonic matter, compton scattering? changes due to dark matter/energy?
question-what happens to a gamma ray particle above 10MeV (scattering maybe not possible) if not disturbed (collision, interaction) for billions of years, traveling through the universe until the end?
question-how many gamma ray particles can survive in their original state until the end of the universe, how many of them would be above 10MeV and what would be their influence on their surroundings at that point (interaction improbable due to vacuum at end universe and scattering unlikely)?
question-can a gamma ray particle release energy in the form of dark energy?
ps-normally a gamma ray particle would have interacted with gasclouds or gravitational forces on its x billion year travel through space but this interaction might not be enough for scattering to take place; wimps are killed at the end by superheavy galaxy mass black holes but what would happen to a gamma ray particle in GeV range or higher if it survives without interacting and or scattering until that stage of the universe (or would all the gamma ray particles left be the ones formed by positronium who can decay through compton scattering)?
  • #14
peter kool said:
i am new to this site and would have preferred to edit my article more carefully

for what its worth the revised text follows:

question-are some gamma ray particles unchanged after gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago?

question-are changes detected not due to travel through normal space, interaction with baryonic matter, compton scattering? changes due to dark matter/energy?

question-what happens to a gamma ray particle above 10MeV (scattering maybe not possible) if not disturbed (collision, interaction) for billions of years, traveling through the universe until the end?

question-how many gamma ray particles can survive in their original state until the end of the universe, how many of them would be above 10MeV and what would be their influence on their surroundings at that point (interaction improbable due to vacuum at end universe and scattering unlikely)?

question-can a gamma ray particle release energy in the form of dark energy?

ps-normally a gamma ray particle would have interacted with gasclouds or gravitational forces on its x billion year travel through space but this interaction might not be enough for scattering to take place; wimps are killed at the end by superheavy galaxy mass black holes but what would happen to a gamma ray particle in GeV range or higher if it survives without interacting and or scattering until that stage of the universe (or would all the gamma ray particles left be the ones formed by positronium who can decay through compton scattering)?

Is the simple modificaton above easier to read or not??

Dense blocks of text put people off...

FAQ: What are the Unanswered Questions About Gamma Ray Particles?

1. What is a gamma ray particle?

A gamma ray particle, also known as a gamma ray photon, is a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. It is the most energetic form of light and has no mass or charge.

2. How is a gamma ray particle created?

Gamma ray particles are created through the process of radioactive decay or nuclear reactions. They can also be produced by high-energy processes such as supernova explosions and black hole mergers.

3. What is the lifespan of a gamma ray particle?

The lifespan of a gamma ray particle varies depending on its energy and source. Some can last for only a few milliseconds, while others can travel through space for billions of years.

4. What are the uses of gamma ray particles?

Gamma ray particles have various practical applications, such as in medical imaging and cancer treatment. They are also used in industrial processes, such as sterilizing food and medical equipment.

5. How do gamma ray particles affect life on Earth?

Gamma ray particles can be harmful to living organisms if exposed to high levels of radiation. However, the Earth's atmosphere provides protection from most gamma ray particles, and they play a crucial role in regulating the planet's climate.

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