What are the worst film/actors you have experienced?

  • Thread starter JPD
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In summary: It was always packed with people who either loved it or hated it. I hated it. In summary, Artificial Intelligence is the worst film I have seen in certainly the last few months. I base this on how I would react to seeing two or more of the leading actors die (delight). Sandra Bullock in 'Speed' was almost as bad, or possibly worse.
  • #36
I'm going to get into trouble with PC folks on PF I guess when i say that I hate big time ! "Schindler List". I can not explain exactly what it is that I can't stand about it, not black and white footage for sure.
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  • #37
Bad Actors

Sometimes bad actors make good movies

well not good movies... movies that are fun to watch

watch naked weapon... (not naked gun) and see what I mean

it will crack u up how bad it is
  • #38
Madonna and Mariah Carey would probably rank among the worst actors.

Solaris' is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The story just dragged on and on. It's so painful to watch. I've seen better romantic movies than that
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  • #39
JPD said:
'Artificial Intelligence' has almost finished and is the worst film I have seen in certainly the last few months. I base this on how I would react to seeing two or more of the leading actors die (delight). Sandra Bullock in 'Speed' was almost as bad, or possibly worse.
What is the worst film/actors you have experienced?

Then you may want to see : THE BODYGUARD!

It has Kevin Costmore and Whinney Houston!

P.S narrowed the worst film down to two:Pearl Harbour and Top Gun. Actually this list is neverending if you really think about it?..its an Never-Ending-Story!
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  • #40
Ed Wood's movies are the worst I've seen, and that's in every category one can judge a movie. Direction, acting, "special effects" (flying saucers on strings?), story line, logic, flow, dialogue ("Earthlings are stupid, stupid, stupid!") . . . so bad it is funny to watch, especially after you find out he was trying to make a serious movie. I have a copy of "Plan 9 from Outer Space" which I still like to watch when I want to laugh for an hour or so.
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  • #41
Artman said:
Sorry. He won for Best Director for Dances With Wolves. He was only nominated for Best Actor. I thought he was dismal in the role.

I also thought the role (and the film) was dismal.
  • #42
tumor said:
I'm going to get into trouble with PC folks on PF I guess when i say that I hate big time ! "Schindler List". I can not explain exactly what it is that I can't stand about it, not black and white footage for sure.

Schindler's List is a typical Spielberg film. One smart dude, our hero, beats the odds by being clever and resourceful. And we walk out of the cinema feeling good about ourselves. We're not Nazis. We defeated them. Aren't we good. Massaging audience's egos is how Spielberg makes his many millions of dollars. He's not going to make us feel uncomfortable by, for example, asking how ordinary people -- supposedly civilised Europeans -- could be led to commit such atrocious crimes, and by suggesting that we, too, could fall into a similar trap if the right conditions arose and we let complacency, xenophobia and ignorance rule the day. The Holocaust, and many other mass-crimes like it, ought to make all of us deeply uncomfortable, to the core of our being, and works of art on the subject ought not to shield us from this uneasiness about the human condition. Spielberg, artistically, never grew up; he is the Peter Pan of the cinema, creating feel-good fantasies for his devoted flock.
  • #43
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  • #44
cragwolf said:
I also thought the role (and the film) was dismal.
Me too. Dragged, and dragged. Visually beautiful movie though.
  • #45
With one fell blow, Crichton destroyed any respect I had for him, when he wrote The Rape of Physics, a.k.a Timeline. Still, that book was entertaining in a Bill-and-Ted kind of way.
  • #46
tumor said:
"Messenger" on the other hand about Joan d'Arc live was suprisingly excellent.

I like that about Besson. He will consistently surprise you with one out of every three hundred films he makes.
  • #47
The worst film I have ever seen is Glen Or Glenda.

However, I gather Manos is worse.
  • #48
Evo said:
I tend to forget the worst films and actors, unfortunately I remember "Prince of Thieves" as being one of the worst, certainly Kevin Costner was the worst. One sentence he'd try to have a british accent the next he sounded like he was from New York.
Yeah, he gets my vote: and shame on everyone who said Chevy Chase. Caddyshack is one of the all time greats, thank-you very little.
  • #49
Oh, another film that I thought was quite bad was "The School of Rock". It was funny in some parts, but just generally quite crap IMO.
  • #50
First of all, by "worst actor" I assume we mean worst-of-all-people-who-for-some-reason-still-get-roles-in-movies. I know that I could easily become the worst actor just by getting in a movie (somehow).

But as far as people who are supposedly good, I have to agree with those wha have fingered Kevin Costner. I enjoyed Bull Durham when it came out, but later, while watching the Untouchables, I remember screaming at the cinema screen : "Hey you, Costner, ACT whydoncha!"

Then came Dances with wolves, and then Waterworld. Heck, he must have some charm, but it ain't acting skills. (Whoosh. Got that off my chest.)

Now, don't get me started with Keanau!
  • #51
tribdog said:
I've said this many times and I'll say it again. The Core is the worst thing ever filmed. It was actually advertised as being scientific, The flat-earth theory is more scientifically accurate than this film.

I dunno, there is THe Day After Tomorrow, advertised similarly...

Both are downright vomit-inducing.
  • #52
Chi Meson said:
First of all, by "worst actor" I assume we mean worst-of-all-people-who-for-some-reason-still-get-roles-in-movies. I know that I could easily become the worst actor just by getting in a movie (somehow).

But as far as people who are supposedly good, I have to agree with those wha have fingered Kevin Costner. I enjoyed Bull Durham when it came out, but later, while watching the Untouchables, I remember screaming at the cinema screen : "Hey you, Costner, ACT whydoncha!"

Then came Dances with wolves, and then Waterworld. Heck, he must have some charm, but it ain't acting skills. (Whoosh. Got that off my chest.)

Now, don't get me started with Keanau!

Even Keanau played Hamlet... (all actors aspire to that)

Of course, it was in Montreal...
  • #53
Can I put in a vote for 'least convincing accent'? Its a bit of an oldie, but in Blue the otherwise-excellent Terence Stamp was playing the part of a white Texan (I think) raised by Mexican bandits. His performance was generally great - lots of moody looks and jumping around. I thought the film was pretty good overall too. However, when he opened his mouth - ai caramba - pure cockney :cry:

I have just found this, in which Blue gets the award for worst casting ever, thanks to Stamp's accent:
  • #54
Worst movie I've seen recently:

"King Arthur". Not even Keira Knightly in the leather bikini could save this movie. AND it was portrayed as a "more realistic take on the King Arthur legend". Where's that barfing smilie when you need it?

Worst one seen not-so-recently: "Red Planet". I actually yelled at the screen multiple times during this movie. In a crowded theater. My (non-science type) friends were about to disown me.

I'll also second "Timeline" as an honorable mention.

This does not include movies that were so bad that they were entertaining like "Starship Troopers 2". K.A. and R.P. truly sucked.
  • #55
enigma said:
Worst one seen not-so-recently: "Red Planet". I actually yelled at the screen multiple times during this movie. In a crowded theater. My (non-science type) friends were about to disown me.

Remind me which one that was please. I've seen 3 Mars films in my time, and they've all become a sort of blur. I remember one where the supposed 'face on Mars' kicked some sandstorm ass because of something to do with DNA radio aliens, one with squidgy aliens of death and giant killer robots, and one with luminescent bacteria in a cave at the end. Aside from those three things, I can't seem to separate any part of the films in my mind.
  • #56
That was the one with the bugs which "evolved" from fungus in a decade.

And the scientific robot cat with the 'ninja kill em all' setting.

And the breathable martian atmosphere which couldn't be detected from Earth (or orbit even).

And the destructive solar flare which the engineers didn't design the spacecraft to survive.

And the alternate universe where powering down a rotating spacecraft causes it to stop rotating.

And the Viking lander which apparently was designed with liftoff rocket systems, batteries with a 50+ year life, and a life support system on the off chance that Mr. Val Kilmer would need to power it up and escape to his waiting love interest without a helmet to his suit.

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  • #57
Chi Meson said:
First of all, by "worst actor" I assume we mean worst-of-all-people-who-for-some-reason-still-get-roles-in-movies. I know that I could easily become the worst actor just by getting in a movie (somehow).

But as far as people who are supposedly good, I have to agree with those wha have fingered Kevin Costner.
Yeah, Costner gets extra points for getting good roles and doing more damage - as opposed to Polly Shore, who would never be given a Dances with Wolves, and thus can't drag-down an otherwise good movie.
franznietzsche said:
I dunno, there is THe Day After Tomorrow, advertised similarly...
Did you know there's actually a cataclysmic climate change book, based on the movie, written by a famous crackpot? I can't remember, but I think its Van Flandern.
  • #58
  • #59
Oh great.

A movie based on the most boring book ever written.

I swear, I tried to read that book. Three times I tried to read that book.

I couldn't get past four pages without falling asleep.
  • #60
Try the abridged (or children) version. IT'S GREAT!
  • #61
H. G. Wells is one of the founders of this largely poor-quality literary genre, and his works, including "War of the Worlds", are better than 99% of what followed by others. Wells does not write comfortable and reassuring "sci-fi", and so these days his works are merely mentioned rather than read. Or they're turned into movies. Unfortunately, Spielberg is directing it, so get ready for another Peter Pan, male-adolescent fantasy. The special effects will thrill your reptilian brain, the music will seduce your mammalian brain, and the "one-man-fights-against-evil-and-wins-the-girl" plot will excite your monkey brain.
  • #62
enigma said:
That was the one with the bugs which "evolved" from fungus in a decade.

And the scientific robot cat with the 'ninja kill em all' setting.

And the breathable martian atmosphere which couldn't be detected from Earth (or orbit even).

And the destructive solar flare which the engineers didn't design the spacecraft to survive.

And the alternate universe where powering down a rotating spacecraft causes it to stop rotating.

And the Viking lander which apparently was designed with liftoff rocket systems, batteries with a 50+ year life, and a life support system on the off chance that Mr. Val Kilmer would need to power it up and escape to his waiting love interest without a helmet to his suit.


Oh yes, that one. Do you mind if I join you with your disgusted vomiting?

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