What are you retiring techies planning on doing?

  • Engineering
  • Thread starter austinuni
  • Start date
In summary, many engineers, physicists, and scientists are not planning to retire completely and will continue to remain active in their chosen profession. Some potential activities include volunteering, going back to school, tinkering with computers and inventions, starting a business, and working part-time or on contract. Those who have already retired are keeping busy with teaching, tinkering on projects, and other enjoyable activities. Retirement is not a common concept among these professionals, as many plan to continue working and staying up-to-date in their field.
  • #1
What are you engineers, physicists, and scientists planning to do when you retire? If you are in retirement now what are you doing? I am mostly interested in hearing from those who will remain active in their chosen profession.

I am looking at retiring from a computer engineering career in maybe 5 years time, and I was thinking of some things I could be doing to keep myself busy and have fun:
1) Volunteering, in particular teaching or tutoring public school students in STEM.
2) Going back to graduate school for a third degree. Why? Because I enjoy learning.
3) Getting back into tinkering with computers on my own, becoming a "maker" or amateur inventor.
4) Starting my own business.
5) Working part-time or contract when I feel like it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
All of the above and maybe reminiscing about my childhood (ie writing about it before I forget) and also writing some sci-fi stories and/or screenplays (ala Saves The Cat style)...

Who knows what the future holds...

Also maybe continue playing with programming using Processing IDE and/or NetBeans / Kotlin for Android apps or even developing a website on programming gems that I've discovered over the years.

I always wanted to build my own working robot using a Raspberry-PI and some motors in some fanciful design like steampunk or something star wars like.
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Likes Kninfinite
  • #3
who says techies retire...
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Likes Nidum
  • #4
austinuni said:
What are you engineers, physicists, and scientists planning to do when you retire? If you are in retirement now what are you doing? I am mostly interested in hearing from those who will remain active in their chosen profession.

I am looking at retiring from a computer engineering career in maybe 5 years time, and I was thinking of some things I could be doing to keep myself busy and have fun:
1) Volunteering, in particular teaching or tutoring public school students in STEM.
2) Going back to graduate school for a third degree. Why? Because I enjoy learning.
3) Getting back into tinkering with computers on my own, becoming a "maker" or amateur inventor.
4) Starting my own business.
5) Working part-time or contract when I feel like it.
I retired from a technical writing position at a large software firm almost four years ago. Since then I have been teaching part-time at two local community colleges (two-year colleges if you aren't familiar with CCs). At the firsrt school I taught a class in C programming once a year. At the second school I taught a calculus class, a beginning class in C++, and will be teaching a class in computer architecture in the upcoming fall quarter. This isn't volunteer work, but the pay isn't all that much. I joke to people that I would almost do the work for free, since teaching these classes keeps my brain sharp and keeps me up-to-date with programming.

I also spend a lot of time tinkering on my motorcycles (four of them), two of which date from the 1940s. I have enough tools and equipment to do the majority of the work on them, but can farm some work out to a local shop I've done a lot of business with.
  • #5
Ummmm...what is this "retire" of which you speak? Never heard of it.

My family genetics indicate I'll still be annoying people (or robots) into my late 90's or beyond. I can't see any reason why I can't get paid for having fun.

Teaching, running sideline businesses, consulting, volunteering, travelling, romancing the SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed), tending the garden, learning new stuff, being a charming curmudgeon, updating the house, stirring the grits pot...I do all of this now. Why in the world would I stop?

PS: Oh, and add to that "Complaining about Microsoft's latest steaming pile of an operating system."
  • #6
Retire? Thats a luxury of the rich. :wink:

Ill be working till I die. If I cant, Ill make social security work somehow. Enigneering pays well, but not that well…
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  • #7
I don't really see myself ever not being active in both research and teaching to some degree. I could see slowing down. I could also see changing fields.

Related to What are you retiring techies planning on doing?

1. What is the main reason for retiring as a techie?

There could be a variety of reasons for retiring as a techie. Some common reasons may include reaching retirement age, wanting to pursue other interests or passions, or simply feeling burnt out from the fast-paced and constantly evolving tech industry.

2. Will you continue to work in the tech industry in some capacity after retirement?

Many retiring techies may choose to continue working in the tech industry, but in a different capacity. This could include consulting, freelancing, or mentoring younger professionals.

3. How will you keep up with the constantly changing technology landscape after retiring?

Retiring techies may choose to stay updated on the latest technology developments through online courses, attending conferences and workshops, or simply staying in touch with former colleagues and industry contacts.

4. Will you miss working in the tech industry after retiring?

This is a subjective question and the answer may vary from person to person. While some retiring techies may miss the fast-paced and innovative environment, others may welcome the change and enjoy their newfound freedom.

5. How do you plan to spend your time after retiring as a techie?

Retiring techies may have a variety of plans for their retirement. Some may choose to travel, pursue hobbies, spend time with family and friends, or even start a new business venture. Each person's retirement plans will be unique to their individual interests and goals.

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