What Are Your Biggest Pet Peeves?

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    Nuts pet
In summary, the conversation covered a range of pet peeves, including mispronunciations, grammatical errors, bad drivers, annoying people, and regional accents. Some specific pet peeves mentioned were soggy tacos, pot holes, pushy salespersons, and loud gum chewers. There was also a discussion on correcting accents, with some finding certain accents irritating while others defended them as part of regional identity. Overall, the conversation revealed a shared frustration with annoying behaviors and a desire for better manners and communication.
  • #1
PET PEEVES! wHaT dRiVeS yOu NuTs??

What are your pet peeves?


1.) Nuclear is NOT pronounced New-q-lar! My english teacher pronounces it this way all the time.

2.) I find my self refelexively correcting people when they say "you and me" or "me and you" instead of "you and I".

3.) I despise disorder...outside of my room!

4.) When someone says "Guess what?" and you say "What?" and that person says "CHICKEN BUTT!" My friends do this persistently. drives me nutz.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1). Soggy tacos in Mexican take out

2). Pot holes in the road that I don't see in time

3). Loud TV commercials

4). Slow links

5). Public restrooms

6). Soft 0.5mm leads that break a lot

7). The customer support for nearly any technical product

8). Pushy sales persons

9). Cowardly politicians

10. Any Bush named George.
  • #3
Guess what

1. Loud gum chewers.

2. People who lick their fingers when handling implements at the salad bar.

3. Chicken butts.
  • #4


  • #5
1. People who are physically or emotionally violent.

2. People who don't give a damn about how their actions may adversely affect other people.

3. People who are competitive in everything they do, even in social interactions with other people.

4. People who follow the leader, engage in sheep-like behaviour, and follow fashions slavishly.

5. People who are intelligent, yet still persist in the above 4 behaviours.
  • #6
1. light pollution

2. littering (especially cigarette butts tossed out of car windows)

3. misuse of "your" vs. "you're" (or they're/their/there)

4. young-Earth creationism
  • #7

TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICES AT ANY MAJOR COMPANY ! menu items 1-9 and none for a human.

and number 2 is/are the ones that have a menu and none of the choices fit my problem. hmmmm, maybe that's #1?

  • #8
...and voicemail systems that make the caller listen to every option before saying "to send this message now...".
  • #9
People in the tram clogging up entrances when there is plenty of room.

People pretending to understand science for their personal gain.

People who take themselves too seriously.

People in accounting/marketing/advertising, basically anyone who thinks form is everything and value is nothing.

People who believe they hold all the answers.

And a bunch of other things
  • #10
People who leave dirty dishes outside of the kitchen.

People who drive under the speed limit.

That person at the store who cuts in front of you at the checkout with a cartload of crap when all you have is 2 items.

The person in the movie theatre who laughs at jokes that arent funny.
  • #11
"31337" P30p13z \/\/h0 71nkz 7H3y 4r3 d3 h4x0rz.

People humping each other repeatedly in public (or incredibly loud smooching, I've seen it happen).

People that whine about being forced to walk a lap around the track.

People who ask me a question but don't listen to my response. Infuriating.
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  • #12
Is this the 'I hate people' thread?
  • #13
They are the main pet peeve.

Just jerks and idiots in general annoy me...

especially people like this


do you have people like this in your respective countries?
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  • #14
how bout that idiot that pulls onto a 4 lane hyway from a side road, chooses your lane, and decides to only do 25 mph. the real bummer is that you're in the outside speed lane.

i am going to retro fit my sun roof with an old US Army tank 50 cal. machine gun!

beware - KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS - bang!

  • #15
heh, I actually know a guy named mike hunt.

His poor kid, got picked on so much, Mike Hunt Jr.

uhm, nothing bothers me at all.
  • #16
Text written in alternating upper and lower case.

'no one' being written as if it were one word. (noone)

Drivers who, instead of merging over immediately when they are told of a upcoming lane closure, drive up ahead and then try and cut in at the last possble moment. Therefore causing the back up that everyone else is stuck in.

The drivers who let the above drivers cut in at the last moment. (if they would quit letting them in, the above drivers would quit trying to cut ahead of everyone, and the traffic would flow more smoothly.)
  • #17
misspelled words

poor grammar

Southern accents, I don't mean to offend anyone, but for me, listening to someone with a southern drawl is like listening to someone scratching their fingernails across a black board. It is not "awl", it's "oil", it is not "fav", it's "five".
  • #18
Goodness, Evo. You can't correct a regional accent. It is, in fact, "awl" and "fav" if you're from there. I grew up where we pahked ah cahs. People who "parked" their "cars" were funny and somewhat affected-sounding.
  • #19

Are you from the Boston area?

A neighbor of mine hasn't lived in New Jersey since he was a kid, but he still says he's having trouble adjusting his cawbawaitah.
  • #20

Originally posted by Janitor
Are you from the Boston area?
Close. New Hampshuh. R's don't exist from Boston all the way up to Canada.
A neighbor of mine hasn't lived in New Jersey since he was a kid, but he still says he's having trouble adjusting his cawbawaitah.
Does he hunt wabbits, too?
  • #21
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Goodness, Evo. You can't correct a regional accent.
I guess southern accents bother me because I was born and raised in Houston, TX, but I do not have a southern drawl. My mother was French, but I do not have a French accent (she left France because she hated the French mentality). And accents "can" be corrected with speech lessons.

I "love" all other accents, southern ones just make me cringe.

Ok, I admit I am a shallow person.
  • #22
Originally posted by Evo
And accents "can" be corrected with speech lessons.
Nay, you can't "correct" them, because they're not wrong. It's perfectly acceptable to find them irritating, though.

(Many accents, incidently, which should be corrected [i.e. foreign accents] don't improve with speech lessons. The current governor of California has apparently been through several courses of speech lessons.)
  • #23
Something that really gets on my nerves is when people say I have an English/British accent.
I'll forever deny having one. I was born in the US and the only other country I've been to is Canada.
  • #24
One little pet peeve:

People whose user names can't be pronounced as a word like:




I have been assuming that Fz+ is pronounced Fizz plus, but who knows? Likewise I thought Chroot was pronounced as written (rhymes with Coot). Someone told me it stands for Change Root, and is, therefore pronounced Cheroot, like the cinnamon cigarette.
  • #25
I hate those timestream wiggles where time alternates between forward and backward for a few loops. You linear time streamers have no idea how lucky you are that your memory gets unwritten during them. I had to sit through Ishtar eleven times ... forwards and backwards! Ugh!

  • #26
I get a tiny bit annoyed with those posters on this forum who, after reading a book, have single-handedly decided that they are smarter than Einstein,
and Bohr,
and Heisenburg, and Maxwell, and Oppenheimer & Curie & Born & Feynman & Meitner & Plank & Pauli & De Broglie & Gell-Mann & ... (continue the list as you like)

spelling edits
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  • #27
Originally posted by Chi Meson
I get a tiny bit annoyed with those posters on this forum who, after reading a book, have single-handedly decided that they are smarter than Einstein,
and Bohr,
and Heisenburg, and Maxwell, and Oppenheimer & Curie & Born & Feynman & Meitner & Plank & Pauli & De Broglie & Gell-Mann & ... (continue the list as you like)

spelling edits

Actually, nobody ever posts "Gell-Mann got it all wrong!" It's usually Einstein, with a few appearances by Heisenberg and Plank and the occasional cameo appearance by the others. I guess Gell-Mann just hasn't hit the bigtime yet.

Schwinger is safe. Nobody will ever understand what the hell he's trying to say, so they can't say he's wrong.

  • #28
My goodness! Doesn't anyone just hate it when your friend (your own friend!) let's his dog loose when he knows you're terrified of dogs! he pretends to let him loose but today he actually did! yikes!
  • #29
I get a tiny bit annoyed with those posters on this forum who, after reading a book, have single-handedly decided that they are smarter than Einstein, and Bohr, and Heisenburg, and Maxwell, and Oppenheimer & Curie & Born & Feynman & Meitner & Plank & Pauli & De Broglie & Gell-Mann & Janitor & ...
- Chi Meson
  • #30
Janitor said:
- Chi Meson

HEY! I've been Framed!
  • #31
Noise when I am trying to get to sleep.
Not being able to remember the name of something in a foreign language which I have been told.
  • #32
SOB's that tailgate me, when I want to drive slow.
SOB's driving slow ahead of me, when I want to speed.
  • #33
I really dislike:
a) when my bro's dog leaves slobber rings around the knees of my newly-washed pants
b) when my roomie blasts eminem
c) when i get prank calls at three in the morning
d) waking up too late to have my coffee before class
e) when i make a witty or funny comment and people take it all wrong
f) when someone asks me, repeatedly, the same questions. especially, "where do you life? are you sure? so you live ___?"
g) screen names i can't pronounce
h) the fact that i have so many pet peeves

FAQ: What Are Your Biggest Pet Peeves?

What are pet peeves?

Pet peeves are things that annoy or irritate a person. They can be small things that bother someone on a daily basis, or larger issues that cause frustration.

Why do people have pet peeves?

Pet peeves are often a result of personal preferences or past experiences. Certain things may trigger negative emotions or reactions in individuals, leading to the development of a pet peeve.

Do pet peeves vary from person to person?

Yes, pet peeves are unique to each individual. What may bother one person may not bother another. This is because our experiences, personalities, and preferences are all different.

Can pet peeves change over time?

Yes, pet peeves can change over time. As we grow and experience new things, our perspectives and preferences may shift, causing our pet peeves to change as well.

How can pet peeves affect our daily lives?

Pet peeves can impact our mood, productivity, and relationships. Constant exposure to something that bothers us can cause stress and frustration, leading to a negative impact on our overall well-being.

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