What basic cosmo stuff can you calculate from two numbers and two equations?

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the use of numerical models in standard cosmology and how to calculate basic cosmological quantities using these models. It is suggested to use two numbers (71 and 0.73) and two equations (the Friedmann equations) to calculate things like the rate of increase of distances, the present-day total energy density, and the Hubble parameter. It is noted that the Hubble parameter is expected to decrease due to the acceleration of expansion, and the asymptotic value of the Hubble parameter in the late universe is estimated to be sqrt(0.73)71 km/s per Mpc. The conversation also asks for feedback and suggestions for other interesting and easy calculations in basic cosmo.
  • #1
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Standard cosmology is a numerical science (math models instead of verbal concepts and analogies). So a way to get understanding and test your grasp is to try and see what you can calculate on your own.

We can get a lot of basic cosmo stuff from just two numbers (71 and 0.73) and two short equations. The simple beginnings of this were introduced in post#39 of the basic cosmo Sticky thread:

In that post we saw how easily to calculate that distances are increasing at a rate which is 7.3 percent per billion years.
Also that that presentday total energy density is about 0.85 nJ per cubic meter and the pressure (due to dark energy) is - 0.62 in the same units. I am going to try sometimes using purple-colored words to name physical quantities, instead of conventional symbols such as Greek letters, which may put some folks off.

To proceed then a bit further along the same lines, let's bring in the two Friedmann equations.
In barebones form (space being nearly flat, we restrict to the case of zero spatial curvature) the two Friedmanns are:

First Friedmann
(a'(t)/a(t))^2 = (8 pi G/(3c^2)) density
Second Friedmann
a"(t)/a(t) = - (4 pi G/(3c^2)) ( density + 3 pressure)

Note that a(t) is usually normalized to equal one at t=now, the present era. So when calculating presentday numbers we can ignore the a(t) in the denominators. Recalling that in the Sticky an easy way was shown to calculate that presentday density= 0.85 nJ per m3 and presentday pressure= - 0.62 nJ per m3 (or equivalently, if you like, 0.62 nanopascal), the reason why the pressure's quoted here in nJ per m3 is that to add density-and-pressure we need them both expressed in the same units.

Obviously density + 3 pressure = 0.85 - 1.86 = -1.01 nJ per m^3
So Second Friedmann says that for t=now:
a"(t)/a(t) = (4 pi G/(3c^2)) ( 1.01 nJ per m^3)

That is something we can type into the Google calculator pretty much verbatim,
and it will give us the current acceleration of expansion. The only downside is it gives it in terms of per second per second. And then the rate is a tiny tiny number. To get it on a per billion years per billion years basis, so it is more reasonable sized, multiply the above thing by (10^9 year)^2, put this verbatim into Google, and press return.
(10^9 year)^2 (4 pi G/(3c^2)) ( 1.01 nJ per m^3)

When I put the blue thing into Google searchbox, what it calculates is 0.00313

That means 0.00313 (or if you like, 0.313 percentage points) per billion years per billion years.
To illustrate. the present rate that distances are increasing is 7.3 percent per billion years (see calculation in Sticky thread) and we now know that percentage rate of increase is itself growing by 0.313 per billion years. Heading toward 7.613 in other words. The rough linear approximation is meant to give a feel for what the second time derivative a"(t) of the scale factor signifies and how it affects things.
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  • #2
Simply doing some calculation with the standard cosmo model can help get one comfortable and familiar with it. The main concern here is that we share an understanding of the mainstream consensus picture as a common ground, however one choses to deviate in various ways.

For example we know the Hubble parameter H(t) is changing with time. Would you say that at the present moment it is increasing or decreasing? According to the standard cosmo model, it is decreasing and will continue to decrease forever, but more and more slowly.

Part of having a mathematical (rather than verbal) understanding of basic cosmo is understanding why, since H(t) tells us the rate distances are expanding, and since we believe the expansion is accelerating, that H(t) should be decreasing.

The explanation is that H(t) = a'(t)/a(t), the time derivative of the scalefactor divided by the scalefactor itself. All acceleration means is that a'(t) is increasing, it doesn't mean that H is increasing.

In fact H(t) is decreasing and is expected to decrease forever, though it levels out asymptotically and approaches a limit. Can you calculate this limit? What is the final asymptotic value of H(t), that it will be nearing a few billion years from now? In other words, what is the value of Hubble parameter in the late universe?

That is a simple application of First Friedmann. As distances and volume increase, the density of matter goes to zero and the total density, now 0.85 nJ per m^3, will approach the constant density of dark energy, namely 0.62 nJ per m^3. That is less by a factor of 0.73---this was how we calculated it in the Sticky thread.

But First Friedmann says the square of H is proportional to the total density. So as the density goes down by a 0.73 factor, H will go down by a factor of sqrt(0.73).

So the asymptotic Hubble parameter in the late universe is sqrt(0.73)71 km/s per Mpc.
This gives a way to estimate the cosmological event horizon, basically one just takes the reciprocal.

I'm interested in feedback about basic cosmo calculations. Did anybody do some of these on their own, either in past years, or before I posted this thread, or afterwards. What other quantities do you think would be interesting (and hopefully easy) to calculate?
Have you some favorites? Does anybody else like using the Google calculator (with its knowledge of basic constants and units like G, c, year, Mpc etc.)
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Related to What basic cosmo stuff can you calculate from two numbers and two equations?

1. What is the basic equation for calculating the distance between two objects in space?

The basic equation for calculating the distance between two objects in space is the distance formula, also known as the Pythagorean theorem: d = √(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2 + (z2 - z1)2. This equation takes into account the coordinates of the two objects in three-dimensional space.

2. How can I calculate the orbital period of a planet using two numbers and two equations?

To calculate the orbital period of a planet, you can use Kepler's third law of planetary motion: T2 = 4π2r3/GM, where T is the orbital period, r is the distance between the planet and the sun, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the sun. You will need to know the distance and mass of the central star and the distance of the planet from the star to use this equation.

3. Can two numbers and two equations be used to calculate the escape velocity of an object?

Yes, the escape velocity of an object can be calculated using two numbers and two equations. The first equation is the gravitational force equation, F = Gm1m2/r2, where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them. The second equation is the kinetic energy equation, KE = ½mv2, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity. By setting these two equations equal to each other and solving for v, you can calculate the escape velocity.

4. What is the formula for determining the density of an object in space?

The formula for calculating the density of an object in space is ρ = m/V, where ρ is the density, m is the mass of the object, and V is the volume of the object. This equation can be used for any type of object, whether it is a planet, star, or galaxy.

5. Can two numbers and two equations be used to calculate the surface temperature of a star?

Yes, the surface temperature of a star can be calculated using two numbers and two equations. The first equation is Wien's displacement law, which states that the peak wavelength of a blackbody spectrum is inversely proportional to its temperature: λmax = b/T, where λmax is the peak wavelength, b is a constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin. The second equation is Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the total amount of energy radiated by a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature: L = σT4, where L is the luminosity and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. By solving for T in both equations and setting them equal to each other, the surface temperature of a star can be calculated.

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