What behind the idea of representing real numbers as points ?

In summary, the basis for representing real numbers as points on a line is the completeness of the real number system. This allows for a one-to-one correspondence between real numbers and points on a line, allowing for an easier way to visualize and manipulate both geometry and algebra. This concept can also be extended to complex numbers and points on a plane. However, it should be noted that this correspondence is an axiom and not necessarily true in all cases.
  • #1
I was wondering about the idea of representing real numbers as points on line , What is the basis of this assumptions , and as well the same question for Cartesian coordinates system ?
All books I have read , express the idea of Cartesian Coordinates in an elementary way like spivak's , Apostol , ... , many others that I have read this part in .

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  • #2
What "assumption" are you talking about? That there exist a one to one correspondence between real numbers and points on a line? That comes from the "completeness" of the real number system. one expression of which is that every Cauchy sequence converges.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
What "assumption" are you talking about? That there exist a one to one correspondence between real numbers and points on a line? That comes from the "completeness" of the real number system. one expression of which is that every Cauchy sequence converges.

yes , that is what I knew , but why we choose line exactly
  • #4
Why? So that we can "algebra-ize" geometry! And, "geometrize" algebra. It is often easier to visualize geometry than algebra, easier to get precise values for algebra than geometry. To be able to convert from one to the other helps both ways.
  • #5
And the same concept can be extended easily to complex numbers and points on a plane.
  • #6
so my concept is ok , I thought I have something missing .

  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
What "assumption" are you talking about? That there exist a one to one correspondence between real numbers and points on a line? That comes from the "completeness" of the real number system. one expression of which is that every Cauchy sequence converges.

I don't believe that's correct. The correspondence between the real numbers as defined in analysis, on the one hand, and the geometrical line on the other, is not necessarily true. It's an axiom; that is, it's assumed without proof.


We use this visualization so often that we accept it as necessarily true; but it's not.

There's been some discussion of this on PF.


FAQ: What behind the idea of representing real numbers as points ?

1. What is the purpose of representing real numbers as points?

Representing real numbers as points allows for visualizing and understanding the magnitude and relationships between numbers. It also allows for easier mathematical calculations and analysis.

2. How are real numbers represented as points?

Real numbers are typically represented as points on a number line, with each point corresponding to a specific number. The position of the point on the number line represents its value.

3. Can all real numbers be represented as points?

Yes, all real numbers can be represented as points on a number line. However, some numbers may have an infinite number of decimal places, making it difficult to accurately represent them as points.

4. What is the significance of using points to represent real numbers?

Using points to represent real numbers allows for a visual representation of mathematical concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also allows for a more intuitive understanding of concepts such as absolute value and inequalities.

5. Are there any limitations to representing real numbers as points?

One limitation is that points can only represent real numbers, not imaginary or complex numbers. Additionally, the accuracy of the representation may be limited by the precision of the number line and the scale of the points.

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