What can cause rhabdomyalysis?Rhabdomyolysis: Causes and Risks

  • Thread starter Gale
  • Start date
In summary, Gail climbed 16 floors in an effort to drop off her lab paper, but when she got to the correct floor, realized she had made a mistake and had to walk all the way back down. She reached the 11th floor, but was interrupted by someone leaving their office and ended up drinking a full water bottle that was left there.
  • #1
SO yesterday i decided to be cool. I had to drop off my lab paper in lederle grad tower. Its 16 floors high. i wasn't exactly sure which floor i was supposed to drop it off at, but i had done it once before, so i had an idea. I though it was around 14 15 or 16. so i take the elevator to the 15th. nope, not there. I walk down the stairs to the 14th. Nope not there. I decide to walk up to the 16th, just in case. Not there. So now I'm like, damn, this sucks. So i have to go all the way to the first to see where my teacher's mailbox is. So I'm like, 16 floors isn't that many, especially when you're going down. So i decide to walk down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I get down there and find out its on the 11th floor... my bad.
Now come the really stupid part.

i decide, hey, i just walked down 16 stories, i can walk up 11 can't i? SURE! and so it began. First 3 flights easy peasy, no harder than walking up to my room. 4th and 5th i can start to feel my muscles working a bit harder and my breath becomes a bit heavy.

6th story... 7th story, ugh, this is sucking now... 8th story, panting hard, maybe sweating a little, but determined not to give up since i'd gone so far. 8 1/2 stories... OK, now I'm on fear factor. (for anyone who hasn't seen the show, its just this male reality game show where you do stunts to try and win money, Joe something is the host) I hear my competeitors yelling for me to quit. Joe is all like "its cool abby, 8 flights of stairs is a lot, go ahead and just drop." and in my head I'm like "nope, its cool guys, I'm just taking my time!" and Joe's all like "2 minutes left, you'd better hurry... jeeze guys she's looking tired think she'll make it?" "no way, she's going to fall right now." "NO I"M NOT!" and i keep going.

9th story. Only two left to go. i hear my competitors screaming in my ear. my legs are getting weak and sore. I'm having to stop every 10 steps or so. 10th floor, OH NO, someone walks out the door and heads for the 11th floor! now i realize how stupid i must look, panting, sweating, my face all red, my legs quivvering, Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. i watch him go up the stairs and i just smile like " heh, hi there, ya, just keep going... nothing to look at."

Finally 11th floor. I burst through the staircase door and head for the mail box room. i dig through my bag get my lab, staple it shove it in the mail box panting. Suddenly, what's that? can it be? yes, a fridge! a mini fridge! and is there... yes! there's water! full bottles! but they must be someone's... ah hell... i just climbed 11 flights of stairs, i need it!. i grab it and race towards the elevator. I go to open the bottle and OH NO. Its opened! AHHH. DAMMIT. its probably some old nasty professors... but god, its so cold... so wet... so.. in my hand... So i drink it... awell. I was thirsty...
I hop the elevator, and the people just kinda look at me like oook... I'm probably still redfaced and panting, but whatever, thank god for elevators.

Moral of the story... something I'm sure... but whatever, my legs hurt too much to think.
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  • #2
I feel so used. :redface: :wink:

I kept reading, and reading, thinking, oh no, what terrible thing has happened to Gail? Could she be a fellow klutz?


  • #3
Evo said:
I feel so used. :redface: :wink:

I kept reading, and reading, thinking, oh no, what terrible thing has happened to Gail? Could she be a fellow klutz?



hahaha, fortunately i kept my footing, even though I'm probably president of the klutz club :-p that would not have been fun if i'd fallen... though really... 11 flights of stairs, it isn't that much to fall down right...? :rolleyes:
  • #4
You're far too unfit. I ran from A to O floor once (14 storEys). Do some exercise and stop whinging.
  • #5
Gale17 said:
hahaha, fortunately i kept my footing, even though I'm probably president of the klutz club :-p that would not have been fun if i'd fallen... though really... 11 flights of stairs, it isn't that much to fall down right...? :rolleyes:
I think after a few flights your arms and legs become twisted enough that it slows and eventually stops your fall. Although I've never fallen more than one flight at a time. :approve:
  • #6
Reminds me of the old joke:

A kid trips up on the stairs. An old man, passing by, says "did you miss a step?". The kid replies "no sir, I hit every bloody one".
  • #7
If you're in good shape, you're supposed to be able to walk 5 flights without getting winded. Though, I think clearly what happened is by 8 or 8 1/2, all of the oxygen in your blood was trying to keep your legs moving and apparently not feeding your brain any longer to tell you to take the elevator.

I used to work on the 11th floor of a building with an elevator that was very unreliable. Of course, I was in a lot better shape then because I was out on the farm every day. I worked with an exercise nut who purposely took the stairs to the 11th floor every day! :bugeye: I only took those stairs when it was a fire alarm or the elevators were out of order.
  • #8
I have to walk 3 and a half everyday to get to my dorm, and i can do that fine, of course i am a college student (my life is pizza and alchohol) so I'm not in tip top shape. I'm pretty proud i did 11 flights. I'm going to doubt there's too many people on campus who take the stairs, especially since there's four elevators. heh...
  • #9
Gale17 said:
I have to walk 3 and a half everyday to get to my dorm, and i can do that fine, of course i am a college student (my life is pizza and alchohol) so I'm not in tip top shape. I'm pretty proud i did 11 flights. I'm going to doubt there's too many people on campus who take the stairs, especially since there's four elevators. heh...

My life is just alcohol, pizza takes up too much room, and i can still handle 8 floors just fine.

Of course, i like our nice big shiny gym too.
  • #10
You stole that poor professor's water!

You need to ride a bicycle more to develop your leg muscles. Today I went on a bike ride of 5 or 6 miles top speed (about 20 mph on level ground--depending on the grade, between 5 and 40, yes 40 mph, and that seems very, very fast when your nose is 4 feet of open air away from the pavement) all the way. I've done 12 miles at an average speed of 18 mph a couple times too. My legs are infallible machines. After a while you just look down at your thighs and wonder how the hell they can keep on doing that.
  • #11
franznietzsche said:
My life is just alcohol, pizza takes up too much room, and i can still handle 8 floors just fine.

Of course that's just because you don't feel the pain when you tumble down them, or someone else is stuck lugging your drunk body up them. :smile:
  • #12
11 stories?! i commend you. i most definitely would be sprawled on the staircase, wheezing after the 4th.
  • #13
Moonbear said:
Though, I think clearly what happened is by 8 or 8 1/2, all of the oxygen in your blood was trying to keep your legs moving and apparently not feeding your brain any longer to tell you to take the elevator.

It must be a symptom of being young. :smile:

I remember when I was in high school we visited Washington D.C. and they had the longest escalator I've ever seen in my life in the subway there (had to have been ~10 stories high.) I ran Cross Country at the time, so I bet my friends I could run up the down escalator. It was the most painful mile (felt like one anyway) of my life. Looking back though, it was a bit funny. I seem to remember everyone riding the escalators chanting (or jeering) about it.

Nowadays taking more than 1 flight at a time is a bit of an odyssey.
  • #14
Wow...11 flights, that's nuts. I bet you felt wonderful after that!
  • #15
misskitty said:
Wow...11 flights, that's nuts. I bet you felt wonderful after that!

LOL! I bet she won't even be able to move her legs to climb out of bed tomorrow. I hope the bathroom isn't too far of a walk. :biggrin:

The most stairs I usually do at a time are the 6 floors of our parking garage. It's three flights of stairs to get to the Starbucks in the hospital, so I take those at least once a day.
  • #16
I would be lucky to get up 2 1/2 flights. Likewise, I really hope her legs don't kill too much. If she can't walk to the bathroom, there's always an attempted crawl. Or if necessary, dragging one's body across the carpet...just hope there's no carpet burn...oww.
  • #17
Moonbear said:
Of course that's just because you don't feel the pain when you tumble down them, or someone else is stuck lugging your drunk body up them. :smile:

Fair enough.

What i said stills tands though.
  • #18
I'm still walking fine. Just kinda... sorely. i have this hip problem though (actually technically its a pelvis joint problem actually) but it makes it hard to stand up fast because it like hurts, but with my quads aching, it tends not to be such an issue, so really things aren't so bad.
  • #19
I did 50 flights of stairs in under 8 minutes once. :p
  • #20
We have busy elevators at school and most of the time I take the stairs. It ranges from 6-7 floors.

Sometimes I have too much stuff in my bag (textbooks) and I have lots of time, I choose to take the elevator. The thing that pisses me off is that people are holding up the elevator to go up ONE floor.

Humans must be the most inefficient thing alive.
  • #21
JasonRox said:
Humans must be the most inefficient thing alive.


More like the biggest wastes of resources, though, IMHO.
  • #22
if you adopt a greyhound from the racetrack you have to carry it up stairs because it's never seen them before and doesn't know what to do.
  • #23
You can complain when you've had to march 10 miles playing a musical instrument. :-p
  • #24
Marching is definitely a pain! Hurkle, I empathize with you. BTW: is that thing about a greyhound true? Do they really not know how to go up or down stairs? Never heard that.
  • #25
misskitty said:
Marching is definitely a pain! Hurkle, I empathize with you. BTW: is that thing about a greyhound true? Do they really not know how to go up or down stairs? Never heard that.

I don't really know, and somewhat doubt it. tribdog has a very special ribbon; the pink one is actually a warning label. Maybe Greg should have made it red instead. Take what he says with a grain of salt.
  • #26
You're going to complain about hiking up 11 stories of stairs?

About once a year, we hike 13 miles from an elevation of 6500 feet to 14,000+ to the top of Pikes Peak. They have a monument along the way for a woman who died on the side of the mountain making that hike. She was 89 years old and died on her 14th trip up the mountain.

If an 89-year-old woman can hike 11 miles from 6500 feet to 12500 feet before dying, then surely 11 stories shouldn't be that much of an ordeal.
  • #27
yes the greyhound thing is true. they do learn how to use stairs but at first they have no idea
  • #28
tribdog said:
yes the greyhound thing is true. they do learn how to use stairs but at first they have no idea

i can reaffirm this is true also...they can run fast but can't climb stairs.

stairs would be a problem for me right about now...expecting a baby and all, i need to use the lady's room every 2 minutes.
  • #29
wow, it is true? I thought I made it up. lol just kidding.
  • #30
tribdog said:
wow, it is true? I thought I made it up. lol just kidding.

it's true actually.
  • #31
when are you planning on popping? is it a super mentor or a super mentoress?
  • #32
Horses won't go down stairs backwards. I had a friend whose horse escaped the corrale and came to the house and into to den up some stairs, but then it couldn't get out because it couldn't turn around (too little space) and it started to tweak out. Kinda destroyed the house a bit... but eventually she got him turned around and back oustide. He's scared of coming near the house though.

And so you all know, I'm quite fine now. My legs were sore yesterday, but they're fine today. I guess those stairs weren't SOOOO bad, actually, it probably wouldn't've been so bad if i hadn't skipped down 16 flights first. Going down was a lot more fun though.
  • #33
lol, you did skip to didn't you
  • #34
How do you skip down stairs? That's one of the strangest things I think I've heard. Lol.
You didn't jump to skip them did you?
  • #35
misskitty said:
How do you skip down stairs? That's one of the strangest things I think I've heard. Lol.
You didn't jump to skip them did you?

hahaha no, i didn't like, skip over the stairs, i skipped... you know... like humming skipping... woo... hmm... i don't think i know how to describe skipping downstairs very well... its fun though, i can tell you that.

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