What Can Computational Physics do besides Numerical Integration?

In summary: There are a few comets whose orbits are not completely circular, but are more elliptical in shape. These comets are called "non-standard comets." One example is Comet Ison, which is pictured on the right.
  • #1
Are there many interesting computational physics problems out there? Are there any comet trajectories that will deviate from a standard ellipse? For some reason plotting the path of a baseball just doesn't spark my interest.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Some ideas:

-- Modelling active feedback systems for snubbing skyscraper resonant vibrational modes in high winds and during earthquakes (or both at once!)

-- Modelling bridge structures during the two same things.

-- Modelling professional bicyclist wind drag reductions through bike design and apparrel design.

-- Modelling turn stability in a MotoGP race bike.

What topics in physics or sports or other competitions interest you?
  • #3
dimensionless said:
For some reason plotting the path of a baseball just doesn't spark my interest.
Does looking for solutions to the 3D Ising model? Or how about a percolation problem, or a vortex simulation, or a band-structure calculation, or a molecular dynamics simulation, or a heat flow calculation, or a diffusion problem, or ... ?

Did you think of maybe trying Google? Here's a few links to Computational Physics courses and books:

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  • #4
The infamous game of life...here is a link to a Java version.


This 'game' actually orginated from studies on complex behaviour - a close relative to the field of chaos. Complexity is the study of the emergence of complex behaviour from simple rules and from what little I have studied of it, it is pretty fascinating stuff.

  • #5
dimensionless said:
Are there many interesting computational physics problems out there? Are there any comet trajectories that will deviate from a standard ellipse? For some reason plotting the path of a baseball just doesn't spark my interest.
Well, one needs such techniques to solve any non linear differential equation or any such equation for multi particle systems. So, to study ANY physical system in a realistic manner (this means : incorporating enough variables) one requires such methods

So take your pick...

  • #6
dimensionless said:
Are there many interesting computational physics problems out there?
Yes. Numerical simulation is becoming more elaborate. There is a joint program between Argonne National Lab, Purdue University and several other organizations to develop the next generation of simulators for nuclear reactors with much greater resolution. It will use a 45 group neutron transport code coupled with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) code. It could be taken a step further with the integration of a FEM thermo-mechanical code.

Multiphysics codes are now quite common, e.g. COMSOL and FEMLAB.

dimensionless said:
Are there any comet trajectories that will deviate from a standard ellipse?
Like Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which got caught by Jupiter?



FAQ: What Can Computational Physics do besides Numerical Integration?

1. What is computational physics?

Computational physics is a branch of physics that uses computer simulations and mathematical algorithms to solve complex problems in physics that cannot be solved analytically. It involves using computers to model, simulate, and analyze physical systems and phenomena.

2. What are the applications of computational physics?

Computational physics has a wide range of applications in various fields such as astrophysics, materials science, fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, and many more. It is used to study and predict the behavior of complex systems, simulate physical processes, and design new materials and technologies.

3. How is computational physics different from traditional physics?

Traditional physics involves using mathematical equations and theories to describe and understand physical phenomena. Computational physics, on the other hand, uses computers and numerical methods to solve complex problems that cannot be solved analytically. It allows for more accurate and detailed simulations of physical systems.

4. What are the benefits of using computational physics?

Computational physics offers many benefits such as faster and more accurate calculations, the ability to model and simulate complex systems, and the ability to study physical phenomena that cannot be observed in real life. It also allows for the testing of theories and the development of new technologies.

5. Can computational physics do more than just numerical integration?

Yes, computational physics can do much more than just numerical integration. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as solving differential equations, performing statistical analysis, simulating physical processes, and visualizing data. It is a powerful tool that can assist in solving a wide range of problems in physics and other scientific fields.

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