What can I expect to learn about Physics and Calculus on this forum?

  • Thread starter renedox
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In summary, a new member named renedox has joined the forum and is interested in discussing physics and calculus. The other members welcome him and joke about their spelling and grammar pet peeves. In the end, renedox and another member, Gale17, agree to post and help each other out on the forum.
  • #1
Hello everyone, just wanted to stop by and say Hi.

Seems like a very nice place here, did sign up a last year but account got deleted somehow so yeah...

Anyway, chances are that I'll be starting thread asking for explinations on the many aspects of Physics that I do not understand.

Been interested in Physics for a number of years not and just this year took an interest in Calculus :)

"Hi" :D
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
too bad you didn't get an interest in either typing or spelling.
  • #3
That wasn't a very friendly welcome, trib...
  • #4
Shut up tribdog

welcome . Come in and look around, stay for a while
  • #5
Yes, welcome! Care for a drink? I'll get you your first one - after that, you're on your own! Bathroom is first door on the right.:wink: Many of us can't type, spell, or put a complete sentence together in ANY readable form. A few are just downright ornery and/or cranky. But all in all, we're a pretty fun bunch of nerds.
  • #6
Originally posted by Tsunami
Yes, welcome! Care for a drink? I'll get you your first one - after that, you're on your own! Bathroom is first door on the right.:wink: Many of us can't type, spell, or put a complete sentence together in ANY readable form. A few are just downright ornery and/or cranky. But all in all, we're a pretty fun bunch of nerds.

yes and we charge for explanations... even if it's not readable...
  • #7
Thanks for the welcome guys, I usually make those mistakes because half way through typing the sentence I would think of a better way to write it and not delete it all.

Can I take the drink now? :P
  • #8
Originally posted by renedox
Thanks for the welcome guys, I usually make those mistakes because half way through typing the sentence I would think of a better way to write it and not delete it all.

Can I take the drink now? :P
SURE! What'll you have?
  • #9
Welcome to the PFs, renedox. :smile:

I hope to see more posts from you in the future.
  • #10
Originally posted by Zantra
Shut up tribdog

welcome . Come in and look around, stay for a while

LOL, okay.
Alright I admit it wasn't very friendly of me. I've just got this pet peeve about spelling errors, even though I make them myself. It really is getting ridiculous. I find spelling errors all over the place. There is a sign in my post office that has three errors on it and this is from our government. I also just spent $11 on Popular Science's Space 2100 and I found an error in it. I admit that this forum isn't the place to really care about these kinds of errors, but I will say that, narrow-minded as it is, I automatically discredit the opinions and comments of someone who won't at least make the attempt to use proper grammar and spelling. Renedox, I apologize I was trying to make a joke and it came out as being cruel.
  • #11
LOL, okay.
Alright I admit it wasn't very friendly of me. I've just got this pet peeve about spelling errors, even though I make them myself. It really is getting ridiculous. I find spelling errors all over the place. There is a sign in my post office that has three errors on it and this is from our government. I also just spent $11 on Popular Science's Space 2100 and I found an error in it. I admit that this forum isn't the place to really care about these kinds of errors, but I will say that, narrow-minded as it is, I automatically discredit the opinions and comments of someone who won't at least make the attempt to use proper grammar and spelling. Renedox, I apologize I was trying to make a joke and it came out as being cruel.

i thought your reply was pretty funny... i have a similar peeve. bad spelling i can deal with to an extent, but i can't stand poor grammer. When people say then instead of than or when people use good instead of well. (rrg, my driver's ed teacher did it so much...drive good, park good. all i could think was you idiot, use well, you need an adverb for pete's sake!)
  • #12
Originally posted by Gale17
i thought your reply was pretty funny... i have a similar peeve. bad spelling i can deal with to an extent, but i can't stand poor grammer. When people say then instead of than or when people use good instead of well. (rrg, my driver's ed teacher did it so much...drive good, park good. all i could think was you idiot, use well, you need an adverb for pete's sake!)

My big one is "ANYWAYS" Lose the S moron!
  • #13
Originally posted by Tsunami
SURE! What'll you have?

I'll have a beer thanks :)

Yeah, I have a bit of a peeve for poor grammar and spelling mistakes but I don't take it too much of an extent.

Why? We are only human :)

asians, (yes, I'm asian) some of them when speaking to you will put an "s" at the end of a sentence or word for no apparent reason. ARGH! lol :P

Mentat: I'll post/help where I can :)
  • #14
Ginger beer? :wink:

Oh, I'm new here too... though I've lurked for a while.

/me hijacks thread

(And I have the unfortunate privilege of knowing renedox personally.) :wink:
  • #15
Originally posted by abhishek
Ginger beer? :wink:

no, just beer :P

Originally posted by abhishek
(And I have the unfortunate privilege of knowing renedox personally.) :wink:

feeling is mutual :P
  • #16
Originally posted by Gale17
i thought your reply was pretty funny... i have a similar peeve. bad spelling i can deal with to an extent, but i can't stand poor grammer. When people say then instead of than or when people use good instead of well. (rrg, my driver's ed teacher did it so much...drive good, park good. all i could think was you idiot, use well, you need an adverb for pete's sake!)

Hmm...her pet peeve is bad grammar...several grammatical errors in her sentence...ah, I'll ignore 'em.

Seriously though, I have a serious problem, though slightly different from Gale's and tribdog's: I don't mind if people use bad grammar, but I almost never fail to notice it. Now, it might seem like it's not a big problem to notice all grammatical errors, if you don't say anything, but the problem is that it builds up in my mind for quite a while until I finally snap and show somebody that even most versions of the Bible have errors in them!
  • #17
Originally posted by abhishek
Ginger beer? :wink:

Oh, I'm new here too... though I've lurked for a while.

/me hijacks thread

(And I have the unfortunate privilege of knowing renedox personally.) :wink:

Welcome to the PFs, abhishek! :smile:

Did you learn of the PFs from renedox, or the other way around?
  • #18
Your beers are waiting for you at the bar - right next to the bathroom.
  • #19

Hey renedox, want to buy a PF Hall Pass? These are usually quite expensive, but I can sell you one for cheap.

Courtesy of the PF mafia.
  • #20
Originally posted by Mentat
Did you learn of the PFs from renedox, or the other way around?

Not quite sure about that, I think we found PF by ourselves.

I was here a few years ago but account got deleted, god knows when Abhishek was here :P

*takes a sip of the nice cool beer*

Sure photon, I'll take a hall pass, does it include one of those cool stickers of a golden star on it? :P How much for one? *pulls out wallet*

*takes another sip of beer*
  • #21
I visited occasionally a few years ago, too. After forgetting about this place for a while, another friend referred me again here (well, to Physics Post), and I registered but never posted. After a long absence, I rediscovered PFs a couple weeks ago and found my old account was gone too, so I registered, and here I am...
  • #22
Originally posted by abhishek
I visited occasionally a few years ago, too. After forgetting about this place for a while, another friend referred me again here (well, to Physics Post), and I registered but never posted. After a long absence, I rediscovered PFs a couple weeks ago and found my old account was gone too, so I registered, and here I am...
Upstanding! Welcome back! What was that you drink? Ginger beer? Or will you join renedox in a real brew? :wink:
  • #23
Fine, root beer.

Alcohol => bad math.
  • #24
Originally posted by abhishek
Fine, root beer.

Alcohol => bad math.
Good man. (Barq's is my favorite). You'll find it next to mine at the bar.
  • #25
Originally posted by abhishek
Alcohol => bad math.

lol Alcohol != Bad math

Alcohol && too much of it == S**n R*****y (Drunkard) :P

C'mon Abhishek, you got to try "everything" atleast once in your life :D

FAQ: What can I expect to learn about Physics and Calculus on this forum?

1. What is the purpose of learning Physics and Calculus on this forum?

The purpose of learning Physics and Calculus on this forum is to gain a better understanding of these subjects through discussions and resources provided by other members. It is also a platform to ask questions and receive answers from knowledgeable individuals.

2. Will I be able to learn advanced concepts in Physics and Calculus on this forum?

Yes, this forum covers a wide range of topics in Physics and Calculus, from basic concepts to more advanced theories and applications. You can expect to learn both fundamental principles and advanced concepts through discussions and resources shared by other members.

3. Are there any prerequisites for learning Physics and Calculus on this forum?

While it is not required to have a background in Physics and Calculus before joining this forum, having a basic understanding of math and science concepts will be helpful. This forum is open to all levels of learners, so anyone can join and benefit from the discussions and resources provided.

4. How can I engage in discussions and ask questions on this forum?

To engage in discussions and ask questions, you can create an account and become a member of the forum. Once you are a member, you can participate in existing discussions and start new ones. You can also ask questions in designated threads or create your own thread for specific topics.

5. Will I receive any guidance or assistance in my learning journey on this forum?

Yes, this forum is a community of learners, and members are encouraged to help and support each other. You can ask for guidance and assistance from other members, and they will be happy to share their knowledge and resources with you. There are also moderators who oversee the forum and can provide additional support if needed.

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