What can we learn from near death experiences?

In summary, religion is a set of beliefs that offers explanations for the origins and purposes of the universe, as well as guidance in ethics and morals. It encompasses multiple institutions and is often seen as the one true religion by its followers, causing conflicts with other beliefs. However, many argue that there are more similarities than differences between the major religions and that they can offer valuable lessons for spiritual growth. Near death experiences have been documented and show similarities in the afterlife, with the idea of a life review to reflect on one's actions. Ultimately, the teachings of wise men such as Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, and Buddha aim to guide humanity towards a unified spirituality with God, potentially leading to world peace.
  • #1
With the passing of Pope John Paul ll, perhaps some reflection on religious beliefs is appropriate. Religion is defined as a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe, usually involving belief in a supernatural creator and offering guidance in ethics and morals. It also consists of any of several institutions with their own beliefs, rituals, and teachings. Throughout history and even still today, most religions claim to be the one true religion and all others are considered either phony imitations or some sort of heretical sacrilege. It is a sad reality that most people do not recognize the benefit of what can be learned from other religions along the way of their spiritual journey. If one studies the major religions of today such as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism etcetera they will find more similarities than differences. They are guides for how to live and grow spiritually. Some would argue that religion has been one of the biggest causes of humanity's problems but others counter that it is the misinterpretation of religious tenets that causes strife. Still further, many people see religion as a form of control over the masses whereas others see it as a necessary shield against evil influences.

I had the opportunity to read a book recently concerning near death experiences {NDE}. The book was a compilation of individual testimonies by those who left their bodies temporarily and returned to tell about their experience. The author characterized their stories and then pointed out the large similarities and small differences in each of the NDE's. Two personal friends of mine have had an NDE and shared their experience with me. I've also communicated with a deceased friend by way of a psychic medium. All three sources agreed that upon death of the body, we travel through a tunnel toward a bright, warm and loving light. Upon entering the light, we are given a life review. During the life review, we re-experience all the thoughts, words and actions that came from us. Anything negative is re-experienced as though we are the person on the receiving end of our negativity. For example, one of the contributors to the book re-experienced the event where he had severely beaten another man although this time, he felt the blows he had administered. The whole premise for experiencing the light appears to be an opportunity to examine what we have learned along our spiritual journey. In conclusion, it appears that Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius, and Buddha were all very wise men who made a significant impact on humanity teaching spirituality as it applied to a specific civilization. Perhaps if humanity could somehow integrate all these religious belief systems toward the goal of one spirituality with God, we could finally begin to see the emergence of world peace.

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  • #2
Jason said:
With the passing of Pope John Paul ll, perhaps some reflection on religious beliefs is appropriate.
Not here. It's against the rules. Sorry.
  • #3

That forum may be willing to harbour your religious topic. In warning, it's possible you will be jeered.
  • #4
Perhaps moving this to a more philosophical forum or religious one, not general discussion. Warning: religion is a grey area of discussion, many will be angered at what you say, no matter what it is that you say.

  • #5
Although you're not touting one religion, we don't allow discussions of religion anymore due to them quickly degrading into arguments over whose God or religion is superior or someone condemning all non believers to hell.

There have been discusions of NDE's in the Skepticism & Debunking forum, you might want to check them out.
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FAQ: What can we learn from near death experiences?

1. What is a Near Death Experience (NDE)?

A Near Death Experience (NDE) is a profound and transcendent experience that can occur when a person is on the brink of death or has been declared clinically dead. It is often described as a feeling of being outside of one's body, encountering a bright light, and having a sense of peace and love. NDEs can vary in intensity and content, but they typically result in profound changes in a person's beliefs and perspectives.

2. Are NDEs real or just hallucinations?

This is a highly debated question in the scientific community. Some researchers suggest that NDEs are simply hallucinations or a result of oxygen deprivation in the brain. However, there is growing evidence that suggests NDEs may be a real phenomenon. Studies have shown that some NDEs can occur when the brain is functioning normally, and the experiences reported by NDE survivors often have a profound and lasting impact on their lives.

3. Can anyone have a NDE?

While NDEs can happen to anyone, not everyone who experiences a life-threatening situation will have one. Research has shown that certain factors, such as cultural and religious beliefs, can influence the likelihood of having a NDE. Additionally, some studies have found that people who are more open-minded and less fearful of death may be more likely to have an NDE.

4. Do all NDEs have similar experiences?

No, NDEs can vary greatly from person to person. Some may include experiences such as seeing deceased loved ones, while others may involve encountering a divine being or feeling a sense of peace and love. Some NDEs may be positive and comforting, while others may be frightening or confusing. The content and intensity of NDEs can vary and are influenced by a person's beliefs and cultural background.

5. Can NDEs be explained by science?

While there is still much to be learned about NDEs, there are some scientific theories that attempt to explain these experiences. Some researchers suggest that NDEs may be a result of the brain releasing certain chemicals and hormones in response to a life-threatening situation. Others propose that NDEs may be a way for the brain to cope with the fear and stress of death. However, there is no one definitive explanation for NDEs, and more research is needed to fully understand this mysterious phenomenon.

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