What Causes Discontinuity in the Function 3/(x^2+x-6)?

In summary, a point of discontinuity on the graph of f(x) occurs at x=a such that f(a) is undefined. This means that the limit of f(x) as x approaches a from the positive and negative sides does not exist, or that it is not equal to f(a). A rational function, which can be written as the ratio of two polynomials, may or may not be discontinuous. If the "denominator polynomial" is a constant, the function will be continuous over its domain. However, if the "denominator polynomial" has a root at the point of discontinuity, the function will be discontinuous.
  • #1
i am looking for a simple definition of discontinuity using the example 3/(x^2+x-6)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

A simple definition would be that a point of discontinuity on the graph of f(x) occurs at x=a such that f(a) is undefined.

So where would your function be undefined for?
  • #3
at x=2,-3. i understand that but when you say x=a what do u mean by that. can you show me a variable formula (using a, b and c) that would better explain this
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  • #4
FlO-rida said:
at x=2,-3. i understand that but when you say x=a what do u mean by that. can you show me a variable formula (using a, b and c) that would better explain this

Say your function was


Wouldn't you agree that [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow a} = \infty[/itex] and so f(a) is undefined?
  • #5
so you are saying that a would be the constant. like in my example if we factor x^2+x-6 we get (x-2)(x+3), so how would that be undefined
  • #6
FlO-rida said:
so you are saying that a would be the constant. like in my example if we factor x^2+x-6 we get (x-2)(x+3), so how would that be undefined

your f(x) is 3/(x-2)(x+3), as x→2, f(x)→∞, thus f(2) is undefined, similarly for f(-3)
  • #7
sorry but i still don't get it, its not like we have a denominator of zero
  • #8
FlO-rida said:
sorry but i still don't get it, its not like we have a denominator of zero

:confused: but if x=2, don't you have one?

  • #9
wat i ment was it dosent cancel out or anything
  • #10
ok then how would you compare that with a function that is not discontinuous like 1/(x+3)
  • #11
FlO-rida said:
wat i ment was it dosent cancel out or anything

cancel out with what?

FlO-rida said:
ok then how would you compare that with a function that is not discontinuous like 1/(x+3)

f(x)=1/(x+3) is discontinuous at x=-3.
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  • #12
FlO-rida said:
sorry but i still don't get it, its not like we have a denominator of zero

A function is discontinuous at a point c if the limit as x->c of f(x) does not equal f(c).

In this case, consider your c=2. f(c) is not defined. The limit of f(x) as x->2 from the positive side is +infinity. The limit of f(x) as x->2 from the negative side is -infinity.

The first way you can know this function is discontinuous at 2 is that it is not defined at 2. Then no matter what the limit of f(x) is as x->2, it is not equal to f(2) (even if the limit does not exist).

The second way you can know this function is discontinuous at 2 is that the limit of f(x) as x->2 from the positive side does not equal the limit of f(x) as x->2 from the negative side. Therefore the limit does not exist. If the limit does not exist, then it does not equal f(2) (even if f(2) is not defined).

Remember to keep in mind that a function is discontinuous at a point c if the limit as x->c of f(x) does not equal f(c). f(c) could exist, it just happens to not exist in this example.
  • #13
rock.freak667 said:
Say your function was


Wouldn't you agree that [itex]\lim_{x \rightarrow a} = \infty[/itex] and so f(a) is undefined?

Actually the limit of f(x) as x->a from the left is negative infinity, while the limit of f(x) as x->a from the right is positive infinity.

Therefore the limit of f(x) as x->a doesn't exist.

rock.freak667 said:
cancel out with what?
f(x)=1/(x+3) is discontinuous at x=3.

I think you mean x = -3.
  • #14
so does that mean all rational functions are discontiuous.
  • #15
Not necessarily, a rational function just means that it can be written as the ratio of two polynomials. But if, for example, the "denominator polynomial" is a constant, then the function is continuous over its domain.
  • #16
do you mean it would be contiuous if the rational function was a polynomial divied by a constant like for ex. (x+1)/3. but wouldn't that give you a linear function
  • #17
If you choose your numerator to be a first order polynomial, then yes. But what about f(x) = [(x+1)^2]/3
  • #18
would (x)/(x^2-4) be a discontinuity
  • #19
That function would be discontinuous at x=2 and x=-2

FAQ: What Causes Discontinuity in the Function 3/(x^2+x-6)?

What is a discontinuity?

A discontinuity is a point on a graph where the function is undefined or where the function has a jump or break in its graph. It is a point of discontinuity because the function is not continuous at that point.

What causes discontinuities?

Discontinuities can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a function being undefined at a certain point, a jump or break in the function's graph, or a vertical asymptote where the function approaches infinity or negative infinity.

What are the different types of discontinuities?

There are three main types of discontinuities: removable, jump, and infinite. A removable discontinuity occurs when the function is undefined at a certain point but can be made continuous by filling in the hole. A jump discontinuity occurs when the graph has a sudden jump or break. An infinite discontinuity occurs when the function approaches infinity or negative infinity at a certain point.

How do you determine if a function has a discontinuity?

To determine if a function has a discontinuity, you must first graph the function and look for any points where the function is undefined or where there is a sudden jump or break in the graph. You can also check the function's equation to see if there are any values that would make the function undefined.

Why are discontinuities important in mathematics?

Discontinuities are important in mathematics because they help us identify points where a function is not continuous. This can be useful in understanding the behavior of functions and in solving problems involving limits and derivatives.

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