What Causes Frame-Dragging? Explained in Vernacular

  • Thread starter Warp
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In summary, frame-dragging is a concept that is very important in relativity. It baffles the mind that distances within the ergosphere may increase faster than c from the point of view of an external observer.
  • #1
My question is simple, although I suspect the answer may not be: What exactly causes frame-dragging?

I'm not very adept at understanding GR equations, so you'll have to explain it in vernacular.

I find the concept of frame-dragging very interesting. One could posit the question: "If a black hole is rotating, how would you know which way it's doing so?" A very naive understanding of black holes would answer that you don't. However, the correct answer is that you measure frame-dragging in the vicinity of the event horizon (which can theoretically be done simply by dropping an object towards the black hole and seeing which direction it starts to move as it falls.)

(Another naive question would be "how can a point rotate? It has no dimensions, and thus can't possibly rotate." But the correct answer is that the singularity of a rotating black hole is not a point, but a ring, which is what "allows" it to rotate, so to speak.)

The concept of the ergosphere, which is caused by frame-dragging, is even more interesting. It baffles the mind that distances within the ergosphere may increase faster than c from the point of view of an external observer... which just raises so many questions.
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  • #2
I sure can't attempt a mathematical explanation, but I'm sure there are people here who can.
I'll place a dollar on gravity in the GR sense, and angular momentum in the Newtonian sense, being involved somewhere.
  • #3
Warp said:
My question is simple, although I suspect the answer may not be: What exactly causes frame-dragging?

I'm not very adept at understanding GR equations, so you'll have to explain it in vernacular.

I find the concept of frame-dragging very interesting. One could posit the question: "If a black hole is rotating, how would you know which way it's doing so?" A very naive understanding of black holes would answer that you don't. However, the correct answer is that you measure frame-dragging in the vicinity of the event horizon (which can theoretically be done simply by dropping an object towards the black hole and seeing which direction it starts to move as it falls.)

(Another naive question would be "how can a point rotate? It has no dimensions, and thus can't possibly rotate." But the correct answer is that the singularity of a rotating black hole is not a point, but a ring, which is what "allows" it to rotate, so to speak.)

The concept of the ergosphere, which is caused by frame-dragging, is even more interesting. It baffles the mind that distances within the ergosphere may increase faster than c from the point of view of an external observer... which just raises so many questions.

Your naive questions come from a very basic misunderstanding of relativity, which I see turns up in this forum a lot. In fact, Einstein regretted calling his theory a theory of "relativity" because of exactly these kinds of confusions; he wished he had named it the "theory of invariances" instead, because it is really a theory about what is invariant when you change frames from one observer to another.

The fundamental misunderstanding I am talking about is the notion that "everything is relative". However, this is not true. Only velocity is relative. No observer can measure his own velocity in empty space, because velocity is only defined relative to other objects.

Acceleration, however, is not relative. An observer can measure his own acceleration with an accelerometer (a very simple device; you can attach a weight to a spring, for example). What an observer measures with an accelerometer is called that observer's "proper acceleration", and this includes the observer's rotation, which is a kind of acceleration. So rotation in empty space is real; it can be measured.

Your question of "Can a point rotate?" is more subtle than you may think, because an (idealized) observer is not just a point. An observer is a point with a local frame attached (a frame is a set of 4 orthogonal vectors, aligned along some choice of X, Y, Z, and T axes, which effectively function as the observer's set of measuring rods and clock). This frame can be made to rotate, and this is measurable.

P.S. The notion that "everything is relative" including acceleration is what is known as "Mach's principle". Einstein initially toyed with this idea, but in the end it turns out that GR is not Machian.
  • #4
Warp said:
It baffles the mind that distances within the ergosphere may increase faster than c from the point of view of an external observer

Why do you think this?

FAQ: What Causes Frame-Dragging? Explained in Vernacular

1. What is frame-dragging?

Frame-dragging is a phenomenon in which rotating massive objects, such as planets or stars, cause the surrounding spacetime to become distorted and dragged along with them.

2. What causes frame-dragging?

Frame-dragging is caused by the curvature of spacetime due to the presence of massive rotating objects. This curvature is described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

3. How does frame-dragging affect objects around it?

Frame-dragging causes the space and time around the rotating object to become distorted, which in turn affects the motion of other objects in that region. This can lead to changes in the orbits of nearby objects, such as satellites or planets.

4. Can frame-dragging be observed?

Yes, frame-dragging has been observed through various experiments and observations, such as the Gravity Probe B mission conducted by NASA in 2004. This mission measured the frame-dragging effect caused by Earth's rotation on the orbits of gyroscopes in space.

5. Are there any practical applications of frame-dragging?

While frame-dragging is not yet fully understood, it has potential applications in fields such as astrophysics and space navigation. It could also help us better understand the behavior of massive rotating objects in the universe.

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