What Causes Heat Transfer? Understanding the Forces Behind Thermal Equilibrium

In summary: which is just a fancy way of saying that heat flux is inversely proportional to the distance between the two systems.
  • #1
What force is responsible for the phenomenon of heat transfer?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Broodle said:
What force is responsible for the phenomenon of heat transfer?
What makes you think that heat transfer requires a force?
  • #3
Because it just seems to happen automatically - so don't you need a force when something happens automatically?
  • #4
Broodle said:
Because it just seems to move automatically - so don't you need a force when something happens automatically?
What seems to move? And what do you mean by 'automatically'?

Before we go any further, perhaps it would be useful to clarify what heat actually is. See https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1595186&postcount=7" for more information.
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  • #5
I mean that the average translational kinetic energy of a hot space seems to get less when next to a colder space. And this seems to happen spontaneously or without any external interference.

For example, I am in my apartment and it's all warm in here. Then I open the door to the hallway where it's cold. The hot air just rushes out the door. I am assuming this is heat transfer - am I wrong? If I am right, what I am asking is, what force if any is responsible for this behavior? And if there is no force responsible for this behavior, then why not?
  • #6
Broodle said:
I mean that the average translational kinetic energy of a hot space seems to get less when next to a colder space. And this seems to happen spontaneously or without any external interference.

For example, I am in my apartment and it's all warm in here. Then I open the door to the hallway where it's cold. The hot air just rushes out the door. I am assuming this is heat transfer - am I wrong? If I am right, what I am asking is, what force if any is responsible for this behavior? And if there is no force responsible for this behavior, then why not?

It is a statistical effect. A system in a closed volume with some fixed total energy E, has equal chance to be in any of the possible physical states with energy E. Suppose you have two systems, one has energy E1 and the other has energy E2. Then system 1 can be in Omega(E1) possible states, system 2 can be in Omega1(E2) possible states. So, the comboined system can be in Omega1(E1)*Omega(E2) possible states.

Suppose that we allow heat to be transferred from one system to the other system, but the system1 and system 2 combined are still isolated, so thew total energy E1 + E2 remains constant. Then since all states are equally likely, you will end up with that energy distribution over the two systems for which you have the most states, i.e. for which:


is as large as possible. Take the logarithm, put E2 = E - E1, with E the total energy and differentiate w.r.t. E1 and set it equal to zero:

d Log(Omega1(E1))/dE1 +d Log(Omega2(E-E1)) /dE1 = 0

If you put back E - E1 = E2 and that by the chain rule

d/dE1 = -d/dE2

you get:

d Log(Omega1(E1))dE1 = d Log(Omega2(E2))/dE2

So, in the situation we eventually end up in a quantity that depends on only the system is the same for both systems. Now, we have already phenomenolgically defined the temperature to be such a quantity, so this must be related to the temperature. The temperature is then rigorously defined as:

1/(k T) = d Log(Omega)/dE

The fact that when you have thermal contact you have energy transfer intul the temperatures are equal is thus a purely statistical effect.
  • #7
Consider an imaginary boundary between a hot volume and a cold volume. For example, the plane of your doorway. Since molecules are always randomly jostling around and transferring energy from one to another, in a unit of time a packet of energy slightly inside your room has a certain probability to be transferred across the doorway and out of the room. Similarly, a packet of energy slightly outside has exactly the same probability to be transferred inside.

However, since there are more packets of energy inside the room than outside, there is a net flow of energy packets across the doorway and out of the room. If P is the probability of a packet being transferred across the border (in any direction), and N_in and N_out are the number of energy packets inside and outside, then the flux (q) of packets across the doorway out of the room is the number of packets that leave minus the number of packets that enter:

q = P*N_in - P*N_out

If you take a few more steps, this basic reasoning gives Fourier's law of heat conduction.
  • #8
Slightly linked to this follows the questions, why does heat not dissipate to an equlibric state across all space time, and how does heat transfer through vacuum in the lack of kinetic energy??
  • #9
azzkika said:
Slightly linked to this follows the questions, why does heat not dissipate to an equlibric state across all space time, and how does heat transfer through vacuum in the lack of kinetic energy??
There is no conductive (or convective - thanks timmay) heat transfer in vacuum for precisely the reason you state.
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  • #10
...for convective and conductive heat transfer. Thermal equilibrium is achieved through radiative heat transfer in that case.
  • #11
timmay said:
...for convective and conductive heat transfer. Thermal equilibrium is achieved through radiative heat transfer in that case.
Whoops, missed convective. Thanks for the correction.

FAQ: What Causes Heat Transfer? Understanding the Forces Behind Thermal Equilibrium

What is heat transfer?

Heat transfer is the movement of thermal energy from one object or system to another due to a difference in temperature. This can occur through conduction, convection, or radiation.

How does heat transfer affect our daily lives?

Heat transfer plays a crucial role in many aspects of our daily lives, such as cooking, heating and cooling our homes, and transportation. It is also essential in industries such as manufacturing and energy production.

What is the difference between conduction, convection, and radiation?

Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects or substances. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids or gases. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.

How can we control heat transfer?

We can control heat transfer through the use of insulation, which reduces the rate of heat transfer, or by using materials with high or low thermal conductivity. We can also manipulate the surface area, temperature, and type of material involved in heat transfer.

What are some real-life examples of heat transfer?

Some examples of heat transfer in our daily lives include using a stove to cook food (conduction), feeling a breeze on a hot day (convection), and feeling the warmth of the sun (radiation). In industrial settings, heat transfer is used in processes such as distillation, refrigeration, and power generation.
