What causes the back emf in motors

In summary, the back EMF in motors, specifically brushless DC motors, is caused by two factors: the rotating magnetic field of the rotor and self-inductance in the stator coils. These two factors work together to generate an opposing current, limiting the voltage and preventing perpetual motion. Self-inductance also occurs in the rotor itself when there are changes in speed or current, causing delays in current rise and maintaining the current when the motor is switched off.
  • #1
What causes the back emf in motors (brushless DC motors to be exact).

First thing is the rotating magnetic field of the rotor, which cuts the stator coils inducing an emf in the opposite direction. This would increase as speed increases. This is just a generator.
Second, what about self inductance. You are switching the stator coils at a higher rate to gain more speed. Self inductance would limit the voltage.

Do both together contribute to back emf?
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  • #2
  • #3
as for the generator aspect, yes. the motor becomes a generator, and the opposing currents fight against one another, causing the dc motor to max out it RPMs. as for self inductance, i think so, but am not sure.
  • #4
A conductor moving in a magnetic field will generate, by virtue of inductance, an opposing magnetic field.
This is back EMF.
If this were not the case, the conductor would rapidly accelerate and perpetual motion machines would be possible and the universe would simply not work as it does.
  • #5
I am rusty on this but I think there are self inductance effects in the rotor only when it is changing speed i.e. when the current changes.The current has its highest value when the motor is switched on but reduces as the speed and the back emf increases.When it reaches a top speed the input power is equal to the sum of the useful output power(work done per second against the back emf) and the joule heating
(I^2R)power losses.
  • #6
Dadface said:
I am rusty on this but I think there are self inductance effects in the rotor only when it is changing speed i.e. when the current changes.The current has its highest value when the motor is switched on but reduces as the speed and the back emf increases.When it reaches a top speed the input power is equal to the sum of the useful output power(work done per second against the back emf) and the joule heating
(I^2R)power losses.

The VALUE, or amount, of inductance does change with the changing speeds of the rotor.
But inductance will occur regardless of speed changes.
As long as there is ANY movement of a conductor relative to a magnetic field(or vice-versa), inductance will occur.
Speed changes, as such, are not required. Movement is, even if it is a smooth constant speed.

Hopes this makes any sense.
  • #7
pallidin said:
The VALUE, or amount, of inductance does change with the changing speeds of the rotor.
But inductance will occur regardless of speed changes.
As long as there is ANY movement of a conductor relative to a magnetic field(or vice-versa), inductance will occur.
Speed changes, as such, are not required. Movement is, even if it is a smooth constant speed.

Hopes this makes any sense.

I agree pallidin but I think we are at cross terms because of the terminology used.In addition to the inductance you refer to there is self inductance due to the changing current in the rotor itself and this sort of inductance does not need something else providing an external magnetic field.If we have say a d.c.circuit and switch it on, the current does not rise instantaneously to its final steady value but there is a delay due to the growing field around the circuit elements generating a back emf,this opposing the rising current.When you switch off the collapsing field tries to maintain the current.What you said is right but there will be self inductance effects when the rotor speed and current changes i.e. at switch on or off or when the motor loading changes.I think.
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Related to What causes the back emf in motors

1. What is back emf in motors?

Back emf, or back electromotive force, is an electrical phenomenon that occurs in motors when the flow of current is suddenly interrupted. It is caused by the rapid collapse of the magnetic field around the motor's armature, which induces a voltage that opposes the original flow of current.

2. Why is back emf important in motors?

Back emf plays a crucial role in the operation of motors. It helps to regulate the speed and torque of the motor by counteracting the applied voltage and preventing the motor from overheating. It also helps to reduce energy consumption and increase the efficiency of the motor.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of back emf?

The magnitude of back emf in motors is affected by several factors, including the strength of the magnetic field, the speed of the motor, and the number of turns in the armature coil. Additionally, the resistance of the motor's windings and the inductance of the motor also play a role in determining the magnitude of back emf.

4. How does back emf affect the performance of a motor?

The presence of back emf in motors can have both positive and negative effects on performance. On one hand, it helps to regulate the speed and torque of the motor, as mentioned earlier. On the other hand, it can also cause electrical interference, reduce the motor's torque output, and create voltage spikes that can damage other electrical components.

5. How can back emf be controlled in motors?

There are several ways to control back emf in motors. One method is to use a flywheel or a braking mechanism to absorb the excess energy. Another approach is to use a motor controller that can regulate the voltage and current to maintain a steady speed and reduce the effects of back emf. Additionally, using capacitors or diodes in the motor circuit can also help to control back emf.
