What causes the capture effect in FM modulation?

In summary, the capture effect occurs when the FM receiver detects two signals on the same frequency and suppresses the weaker of the two signals. This differs from the case of AM where the two signals are summed together at the receiver.
  • #1
My understanding of the FM capture effect is that if an FM receiver receives two, on frequency signals, it suppresses the weaker one and demodulates the stronger one, given that the difference in signal strength is significant enough. This differs from the case of AM where the two signals are summed together at the receiver. I don't understand how the capture effect work. I've tried working it out mathematically, and in block diagram form, but I still don't understand the phenomenon.

Can anyone explain what causes the capture effect?

Also I've read that the capture effect occurs with all angular modulated signals; i.e. FM, PM, PSK, QPSK, QAM, etc. From what I remember from my communications course, when demodulating PSK, QPSK, and QAM, the receiver decomposes the signals into an I and Q signal, and they are individually demodulated using AM like techniques. So, is it accurate that the capture effect is present with these types of modulation schemes?

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  • #2
Capture is caused by limiting the signal before FM demodulation. A side effect of limiting is that the weaker signal has little effect of the instantaneous frequency, so is not heard.

http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a208479.pdf is an analysis that I am posting blind.
  • #3
One way of explaining the effect is to think in terms of the effect of summing the two signals on the instantaneous phase of the received signal. If the 'wanted' signal has a significantly greater amplitude than the unwanted signal then the receiver will ' see' a carrier vector, which is rotating back and forth (as the frequency is modulated), to which is added a smaller carrier vector. If this interfering vector is smaller than the wanted vector then it will appear as a 'fuzzy end' on the wanted vector, never taking the resultant around the origin, so the wanted vector will be seen to rotate about the origin in step with its modulating signal. The interfering vector will only ever appear as a small perturbation on the phase of the wanted vector (perhaps a matter of 90 degrees or less). For high deviation FM, the demodulated signal will be totally dominated by the modulation of the wanted signal ( several multiples of 360 degrees of phase swing).
This effect also results in an improvement in demodulated signal to noise ratio (the FM noise advantage) of 20dB or so, in the case of regular domestic broadcasts.

NB Wide deviation also calls for a wider bandwidth, of course. This admits more channel noise and there is a level of Carrier to Noise ratio, below which the peaks of the added noise will exceed the carrier power. Below this 'Threshold', the phase of the RF + noise can flip around the origin, producing an impulsive noise spike on the demodulated signal. The audible noise suddenly gets much worse. The signal becomes unusable all of a sudden and the channel 'crashes'.

Radio communication channels often use low deviation FM, which performs much the same as AM, because the Improvement and Threshold effects are small. But, as with AM, the lower quality signal 'holds up' much better than the broadcast quality signal when reception is poor.
  • #4
Thanks guys. I think both our explanations help, I didn't notice anything about the limiter causing FM capture in the paper though. It seems like the author attributes it to the low pass filtering process in the FM receiver.

The other part of my question was; does or how does thecapture effect happen with phase modulation, such as QPSK or BPSK, which from what I understand are demodulated with techniques much like AM once the I and Q components are separated.
  • #5
The equivalent 'mod index' for psk is low so the rf bandwidth is comparable with the signal bandwidth, I wouldn't have expected any advantage / capture. The amplitude and phase of wanted and unwanted signal would contribute to a resultant vector on equal terms, in principle. But the coding and synchronisation of the wanted signal can make a big difference to the error rate (constituting an advantage of another kind).
  • #6
FrankJ777 said:
Thanks guys. I think both our explanations help, I didn't notice anything about the limiter causing FM capture in the paper though. It seems like the author attributes it to the low pass filtering process in the FM receiver.

The other part of my question was; does or how does thecapture effect happen with phase modulation, such as QPSK or BPSK, which from what I understand are demodulated with techniques much like AM once the I and Q components are separated.

That's because there are demodulators that do not use limiting. The limiting type of discriminator is very convenient design but it is not 'essential' for FM discrimination. The "ratio detector' circuit is one of those, iirc. The level is maintained by a straightforward AGC loop.

FAQ: What causes the capture effect in FM modulation?

1. What is FM modulation capture effect?

The FM modulation capture effect, also known as FM capture effect, is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more FM signals with different carrier frequencies are received by a radio receiver. In this effect, the receiver locks onto the stronger signal and ignores the weaker signal, resulting in the weaker signal being suppressed or "captured" by the stronger signal.

2. How does FM modulation capture effect occur?

The FM modulation capture effect occurs due to the design of the FM receiver. FM receivers use a limiter circuit that limits the amplitude of the received signal, allowing only the signal with the strongest amplitude to pass through. This causes the weaker signal to be suppressed or captured by the stronger signal, resulting in the FM modulation capture effect.

3. What are the factors that affect FM modulation capture effect?

The factors that affect FM modulation capture effect include the strength of the signals, the distance between the transmitter and receiver, and the bandwidth of the receiver. The stronger the signals, the closer the transmitter is to the receiver, and the narrower the bandwidth of the receiver, the more likely the FM modulation capture effect will occur.

4. How can FM modulation capture effect be prevented?

To prevent FM modulation capture effect, the receiver can be tuned to a frequency in between the two signals, known as the "capture frequency". This will allow both signals to be received without one being suppressed. Additionally, using a receiver with a wider bandwidth can also prevent the FM modulation capture effect.

5. What are the practical applications of FM modulation capture effect?

The FM modulation capture effect is commonly used in FM radio broadcasting to prevent interference from other FM signals. It is also used in certain types of radio communications, such as emergency services, to ensure that the strongest signal is always received. Additionally, the FM modulation capture effect is used in some electronic circuits to demodulate frequency-shift keying signals.

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