What causes the change in direction of the magnetic field in motional emf?

In summary, when a conductor slides along two rails, a magnetic field is generated that points to the left.
  • #1
Motional emf -easy question(re-edited)

Hi guys ,:

i'm learning about the motional emf , because i will have to take an exam soon, but I've found something really confusin for me well :
they say that when a conductor is moving in a direction perpendicular to the field with constant velocity under the influence of some external agent. The electrons in the conductor experience a force FB = qv x B that is directed along the length ℓ, perpendicular to both v and B . Under the influence of this force, the electrons move to the lower end of the conductor and accumulate there, leaving a net positive charge at the upper end. As a result of this charge separation, an electric field is produced inside the conductor.ok I understand all this (I'm talkin about the upper figure on the attachment)

Question(lower figure on the attachment):
BUT when the conductor slides along two conducting rails they say that there is a magnetic field that goes to the left , Why? I mean they just said that it goes downwards and they now say that it goes to the left? it's really confusing :confused:, it would be great if anyone can help me please ..By the way I'm sorry for my bad english
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  • #2
I have fixed the attachment problem
  • #3

carlos125 said:
Hi guys ,:

Question(lower figure on the attachment):
BUT when the conductor slides along two conducting rails they say that there is a magnetic field that goes to the left , Why? I mean they just said that it goes downwards and they now say that it goes to the left? it's really confusing :confused:, it would be great if anyone can help me please ..By the way I'm sorry for my bad english

I don't think there is a magnetic field pointing to the left.

By Lenz' law, the generated field must oppose the external field. So the generated field must point out of the page (since the external field points into the page).

The induced current travels around the closed circuit with R in the path. Everywhere along the circuit you can imagine circular magnetic loops per Ampere's law.
  • #4
In the diagram, FB is the restoring force
In example 1'the induced emf causes Charges to Move up (FE =qvxB)
To counter this, FB restores equilibrium by moving opposite charges to the bottom of the wire CreatIng a Potential difference

For diagram two, the current travels CCW in the system when Fapp is applied. However'this offsets the System
equilibrium as the FLUX through a closed loop has changed'
Therefore, there is an induced force on the rod FB to return the state to equallibrinm.The key differences in these examples is that the second is a closed loop that you are now having to deal with flux,
  • #5
Thank you !

Related to What causes the change in direction of the magnetic field in motional emf?

What is motional emf?

Motional emf is a type of electromotive force that is generated when a conductor moves through a magnetic field. This force is caused by the interaction between the magnetic field and the electric charges in the conductor.

What is the equation for calculating motional emf?

The equation for calculating motional emf is given by E = Bvl, where E is the emf, B is the magnetic field strength, v is the velocity of the conductor, and l is the length of the conductor that is moving through the magnetic field.

What are some real-world applications of motional emf?

Motional emf is used in various technologies such as electric generators, electric motors, and induction cooktops. It also plays a crucial role in the functioning of particle accelerators and magnetic levitation trains.

How does motional emf differ from induced emf?

Motional emf is a type of induced emf that is caused by the motion of a conductor through a magnetic field. However, induced emf can also be produced by changing the magnetic field strength or by varying the area of the conductor in a stationary magnetic field.

Can motional emf be negative?

Yes, motional emf can be negative. This occurs when the direction of the motion of the conductor is opposite to the direction of the magnetic field. In this case, the induced emf is negative, and the current flows in the opposite direction compared to the conventional current direction.
