What Causes the Counterbalancing Force in a Frictionless, Rotating System?

In summary, the counterbalancing force in a frictionless, rotating system is caused by the principle of action and reaction, also known as Newton's Third Law of Motion. This law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a rotating system, when a force is applied to one object, the other object will experience an equal and opposite force, resulting in a balance of forces. This counterbalancing force is crucial in maintaining the stability and equilibrium of the rotating system.
  • #1
Hello, the problem I am working on is:

"A puck of mass [itex]m = 51.0 g [/itex]is attached to a taut cord passing through a small hole in a frictionless, horizontal surface (see figure below). The puck is initially orbiting with speed [itex]v_i = 1.30 m/s[/itex] in a circle of radius [itex]r_i = 0.310 m[/itex]. The cord is then slowly pulled from below, decreasing the radius of the circle to [itex]r = 0.120 m[/itex]."

In the problem, it states that the surface is friction-less, so what would counterbalance the tension force in the string, so that the puck wouldn't be pulled completely towards the hole in the center of the table? Is it the centrifugal force (or, inertial force)? If so, could someone give me a descriptive answer as to why it is the centrifugal acting.


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  • #2
Centrifugal force, in a rotating coordinate system.
Centripetal force, in an inertial system.

The puck is changing its direction of motion all the time - and this acceleration is always "towards the center".

It is the same concept as in planetary orbits: They are accelerated towards the sun all the time, which leads to a circular motion around the sun.
Here, you change the force a bit, this changes the radius.
  • #3
Yes, I know the acceleration is directed towards the center. But what keeps the puck from moving towards the center of the table under the tension force?
  • #4
The force is not sufficient to pull it in (it would have to be more than the centripetal force, but that is not limited). It moves closer to the center, this increases centripetal force until the system is in equilibrium again.
  • #5
Is it not sufficient because of the puck's inertia?
  • #6
The puck's inertia is one of the concepts used to describe the system. It does not exist in a meaningful way with a theory what inertia does, and that is classical mechanics.
  • #7
Bashyboy said:
what would counterbalance the tension force in the string?
At the end of the string that is attached to the puck, you have a pair of Newton third law forces, the inwards force that the string exerts onto the puck and the outwards reaction force (due to acceleration) that the puck exerts onto the string. If the string is not being pulled inwards or released outwards, so that the radius of the pucks path is constant (circular motion), then the inwards force is centripetal, and the outwards force is sometimes called "reactive centrifugal force." Wiki article:


During the time the string is being pulled inwards, the path of the puck is a spiral, and a component of the tension in the string is in the direction of the inwards spiraling puck, increasing it's speed. Angular momentum will be conserved, while kinetic energy will be increased due to the work done by pulling the string inwards.
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  • #8
rcgldr, so are you, and the wikipedia article, essentially saying that though the centrifugal force isn't real, its effects are?
  • #9
Bashyboy said:
rcgldr, so are you, and the wikipedia article, essentially saying that though the centrifugal force isn't real, its effects are?
The effect of a (unopposed) force is acceleration. If centrifugal force were real it would result in an acceleration, and it would be away from the axis. It all comes down to reference frame. In an inertial frame, there is acceleration towards the axis provided by centripetal force. In the frame of reference of the orbiting body (which is not an inertial frame, and so can lead to confusion), there is no acceleration. To explain that, given the experienced centripetal force, you have to invent an equal and opposite centrifugal force.
  • #10
Bashyboy said:
rcgldr, so are you, and the wikipedia article, essentially saying that though the centrifugal force isn't real, its effects are?
The normal usage (at least by physicists) of the term centrifugal force is the fictitious force used in a rotating frame of reference, along with the fictitious coriolis force (and the Euler force if there is angular acceleration):



Note that all of these rotating frame fictitious forces appear to be forces exerted onto an object within the rotating frame. For your example, all of these rotating frarme fictitious forces would appear to act on the puck.

This is different than the term "reactive centrifugal force". For your example, the "reactive centrifugal force" is exerted onto the string (not the puck). There is a net centripetal force exerted by the string onto the puck that accelerates the puck so that it follows a circular path. The puck reacts to this acceleration by exerting an outwards "reactive centrifugal force" onto the string. This "reactive centrifugal force" would correspond to the tension in the string.


The wiki article on centrifugal force includes a section that explains the difference between fictitious and reactive forces:

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FAQ: What Causes the Counterbalancing Force in a Frictionless, Rotating System?

1. What is centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force is a perceived force that seems to push an object away from the center of rotation. It is not a real force, but rather a result of inertia, the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion.

2. How does centrifugal force work?

Centrifugal force works by creating a "fictitious" force that appears to act on an object moving in a circular path. This force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the centripetal force, which is the real force that keeps an object moving in a circular path.

3. What are some examples of centrifugal force at work?

Some examples of centrifugal force at work include the water spinning out of a washing machine during the spin cycle, the feeling of being pushed to the side when turning in a car or on a rollercoaster, and the movement of a spinning top as it begins to slow down.

4. How is centrifugal force related to Newton's laws of motion?

Centrifugal force is not actually a force in the traditional sense, so it does not directly relate to Newton's laws of motion. However, it can be understood through the concept of inertia, which is one of Newton's laws. Inertia explains why objects tend to continue moving in a straight line, and centrifugal force is a result of this tendency.

5. Can centrifugal force be used in practical applications?

Yes, centrifugal force is used in many practical applications, such as centrifuges for separating mixtures, centrifugal pumps for moving fluids, and centrifugal governors for regulating the speed of engines. It is also used in amusement park rides and sports equipment, such as the centrifugal force generated by a spinning basketball when shooting a free throw.

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