What causes the stability and formation of smoke rings and air rings in water?

In summary, the videos show how smoke rings can be created in the air and water, and how they can be split and rejoined. The water rings are more stable than the air rings, and the second video shows how it is possible to "extract" a ring from another.
  • #1
Take a look at these videos:

Smoke rings in air:

Air rings in water:

Second one is really amazing, as it shows two things:
- great stability of the ring, which prevents air from escaping the ring itself for a long time
- possibility to "extract" a ring from another :eek:

I wonder how it is possible. I think some strange physics law apply here, where "strange" means something like the law which makes a spinning top have the axial precession, and which prevents a giroscope from being rotated perpendicularly to its rotation axis.

If you look at "dolphin rings", you can see that, when a ring is cut, two things happen:
-The dolphin bends a part of the rings, just like if it was a solid thing, and brings the edge of the cut to touch a part of the ring; this makes the edge "join" to the ring, thus creating a secondary ring.
-The remaining part of the old big ring remains alive for a bit, moving toward dolphin body, and it eventually disappears.

I think air particles have two combined movements: a rotation around the "ring axis" (a "circular axis" actually), and a rotation around the axis perpendicular to ring's plane.

I'll try to draw a picture...
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  • #2
I hope you can see the image:

Maybe you're also able to edit it using this link:
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  • #3
so, why do steam/smoke particles remain confined in the "donut"?
And how is it possible an air ring in water can be split and rejoined to a smaller ring?
  • #4
With the water rings, surface tension helps a lot. It prevents air from leaving the vortex. Of course, it also tries to break up the ring into individual bubbles, but that would require breaking up the vortex, which is gyroscopically stabilized. Basically, the vortex is created first, and the air is injected by the dolphin. The centrifugal effect within the vortex basically means that air "rises" towards the core-circle of the vortex, where rotational speed is the lowest.

I do not completely understand the vortex states themselves, but I do know that they tend to have relatively long life-times. That's just something about the dynamics of the gas/fluid, and adding air bubbles or smoke to the gas stream just makes them visible.
  • #5
That second vid is really neat. Thanks for sharing.

FAQ: What causes the stability and formation of smoke rings and air rings in water?

1. What causes smoke rings to form?

Smoke rings, also known as vortex rings, are formed when a column of smoke is disturbed, creating a circular motion. This motion creates a vortex, which then pulls the smoke into a ring shape.

2. Why do smoke rings appear to float and maintain their shape for a long time?

Smoke rings are able to maintain their shape and float for a long time due to their low density compared to the surrounding air. The circular motion of the vortex also helps to stabilize the smoke ring, keeping it intact for longer periods of time.

3. Can smoke rings be created without smoke?

Yes, smoke rings can be created without smoke. Any substance that can create a visible vortex, such as water, can form a ring shape when disturbed. However, smoke rings are most commonly associated with smoke due to the visible nature of the particles in the air.

4. Are smoke rings just a visual phenomenon or do they have a purpose?

Smoke rings have been studied by scientists as they can provide insights into fluid dynamics and the behavior of vortices. They also have practical applications, such as in the design of smokestacks to reduce air pollution and in the study of how air flows around objects.

5. Can smoke rings be controlled or manipulated?

Yes, smoke rings can be controlled and manipulated through various methods, such as using a piston to create a burst of air, or by using a circular object to create a disturbance in the smoke. This manipulation can result in different shapes and sizes of smoke rings.
